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zensky's avatar

Make way for everephebe - he's in the 10k club?

Asked by zensky (13426points) October 29th, 2011

Congrats kiddo!

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55 Answers

KateTheGreat's avatar

Ah! One of my favorite men on Fluther finally made it to the mansion.

Congratulations, my dear. You’re one of a kind. :) Whiskey for everyone!

AshLeigh's avatar

Congratulation! :) That’s exciting!

Berserker's avatar

You look like John Lennon. Seriously. That’s awesome. But even if you didn’t, you’d still rock, cuz you do. :)
Congrats, and keep it up man. Cheers! :)



jonsblond's avatar

Congrats to my fellow Illinoisan! whose accent would place him somewhere other than here =)

augustlan's avatar

Congratulations, everephebe!

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Congrats, homie!

Bellatrix's avatar

What took you so long? Congratulations @everephebe. Love your humour and honesty.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Congratulations! May you stay forever young.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Congrats on the 10k! F.E.B. 4 Eva’!

Ayesha's avatar


harple's avatar

Congrats everphebe! May you remain forever young :-)

Lightlyseared's avatar

Well Done!!!!

Hibernate's avatar

I don’t know him but seems a lot of you appreciate him so I’ll say congrats too :p
Our ways didn’t cross to much yet.

Seaofclouds's avatar


bkcunningham's avatar

Congratulations, everephebe. You are intelligent and kind. A perfect combination.

SavoirFaire's avatar

Felicitations, @everephebe, and welcome to the mansion! Singing in the shower is allowed, but be careful who hears you lest you seduce someone with your voice.

Hmmm… you’re not going to be careful at all now that I’ve said that, are you?

flutherother's avatar

10Kongratulations and well done!

chyna's avatar

Congratulations @everphebe! To one heck of a great looking guy wish I was 30 years younger. Party time!

AmWiser's avatar

Oh so happy for you, @everephebe. 10K Cheers! \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/
Welcome to the Mansion.

marinelife's avatar

Congratulations, @everephebe! I have admired your posts.

ShanEnri's avatar

Way to go @everephebe, congrats! I aspire to make it there some day!

mangeons's avatar

Congratulations! :-)

wilma's avatar


tedibear's avatar


Cruiser's avatar

Congrats on the 10 Grand….it’s about time!!

laineybug's avatar

Yay! Congratulations!

TheIntern55's avatar

Yay @everephebe! Congrats on 10K!

tinyfaery's avatar


rebbel's avatar

Great feat, @everphebe, congratulations!

syz's avatar


Coloma's avatar


Well…that alone changes everything!
Not only have you scaled the mountain you’ve undergone a sex change! lol

Congrats everphebe…I’ve gotta reprogram seeing you as a guy now. haha ;-)

blueiiznh's avatar

This is ever-wonderful!

Buttonstc's avatar

Yeah, how did everphebe morph into a guy?

I guess it was the “phebe” part that threw me. Oh well, mucho congrats to you. A great accomplishment.

everephebe's avatar

My, what a party I see even Dr. J is dressed up, oh wait that’s for Halloween. Darn.
Thank you @zensky for throwing this party, and for the honor of your first time hosting a K party. Mazel tov. Even though you misspelled ever-E-phebe. :p

@KateTheGreat Thank you, dear! I’ll be taking mine neat. Cheers!
@AshLeigh Thanks for coming to the party, cheers!
@Symbeline As always, it’s a massive compliment to be compared in any way even just visually to that great one, thank you. You rock too! Here’s a zombie pumpkin for you!

@MRSHINYSHOES thank you eternally, and nice shoes by the way!

@jonsblond I may sound like I am from elsewhere but I am really from Elsah, IL. Cheers! :D
@augustlan Auggie! Thanks for coming to the party. You make fluther such a joy to be a part of, cheers! Fancy another tasteful photograph of a nekkid woman with a whip?
@ANef_is_Enuf Thanks homegirl. [clicks his boots together] Cheers!
@Bellatrix What took me so long? I dunno, probably my humour and honesty held me back. :p
@Hawaii_Jake Aloha! And thank you, I’ll wear my wrinkles when I get them proudly because I shall always be young at heart.
@worriedguy Thank you, and see you pretty soon for your 20K! Cheers!
@Ayesha Why thanks, cheers!
@harple Why thank you, back at ya ! Cheers!
@Lightlyseared That was a pun right? On your name? Well done? Lightly seared? No? :D Thank you!
@Hibernate Well I hope when we cross ways do I don’t make you cross. :D Cheers, thanks for coming to the party.
@Seaofclouds Thank you. Cheers!
@bkcunningham Ah, that is sweet of you to say. Thank you, and congratulations yourself on 10K!
@SavoirFaire I’ll do my best to conserve both water and broken hearts. :D But the acoustics are just right!
@flutherother Thank you muchly, cheers!
@chyna I’m flattered, and thank you! Welcome to the party, please reserve a dance for me. Cheers!
@AmWiser I’m pretty happy myself. :D Thanks! Cheers back at you!
@marinelife Really? Wow, that means a lot coming from someone getting dangerously close to 50K. Please have some of the cake.
@ShanEnri Before too long you’ll be having your own party! Cheers!
@mangeons Thank you. :D
@wilma Thank you, and may your treehouse be always warm & cozy! Cheers! :D
@tedibear Thank you. Cheers! Some one pass the honey.
@Cruiser What can I say I’m a slow poke. :D Thanks, cheers!
@laineybug Let’s party!
@TheIntern55 Why thanks!
@tinyfaery Wh00t!
@rebbel Thanks and nice hands. :p Cheers!
@syz Thank you, and I propose a toast to all the charismatic mega-fauna out there! Lions, Tigers, Bears, Oh my!
@Coloma I get that a lot. Hahahaha. Ephebe is anglicized from the word ephebos, which is greek for youngish male student (that’s pretty much what it means). Not Phebe like from the tv show Friends. Oh well. :D For future notice: ever-e-phebe has a penis, I’ll make a sign or something. :p
@blueiiznh That’s wonderful of your to say, thanks! Cheers!
@Buttonstc Dunno I guess I have a strong feminine side? Oh yeah and everyone at first thinks I’m named Phebe. Meh. I’m Daniel, a boy, nice to meet ya! Thanks! Cheers.

Alright folks, I’ll be back later after some homework. Thank you all, take a slice of cake.
[hops into his tub.]

mangeons's avatar

I have to admit, I thought you were a girl too!

DrBill's avatar


Jude's avatar

Happy 10K, pretty boy!!!!!

Buttonstc's avatar

So then your name transliterated would be “forever young(ish)” if I read your explanation correctly. Interesting.

(in my younger years I did take some courses in Koine Greek. But I’m certainly far from expert. It basically enabled me to stumble around in an Analytical Concordance and thats about it :)

YARNLADY's avatar

* * * Y * A * Y * * * CONGRATULATIONS ! ! ! GOOD WORK ! ! ! * * * Y * A * Y * * *

Sorry to be so late, I have out of town guests this weekend

filmfann's avatar

Congo Rats and WTFG! You Rock!

Sorry I am so late, but I was staying with @YARNLADY

not really

mazingerz88's avatar

Wow, CONGRATS on the 10K! Keep it comin! : )

Berserker's avatar

@everephebe Holy shit lol. That’s some crazy ass pumpkin carving. :D

Coloma's avatar


Yes, do make a symbol or something would you.
Shit, I’ve had a lot of creatures change sex on me, it’s always a shock! LOL

dappled_leaves's avatar

Congratulations, @everephebe! sorry, I also thought you were female!

smilingheart1's avatar

@everephebe, I salutue you at this lurvely time for you! Keep your unique thoughts coming!

linguaphile's avatar

(skids in… ) Yikes! I’m missing the fun!!!


picante's avatar

I’m very late, but I offer my cheeriest congrats nonetheless. Woot!!

Dog's avatar

Congrats! Champagne and Meringues all around!

Blackberry's avatar

Congrats, I like reading your answers.

everephebe's avatar

@DrBill Thanks Doc. ;)
@Jude Oh Jude you know I lurve you.
@Buttonstc That’s more or less the gist. :D “It’s an older [sn], sir, but it checks out.”
@YARNLADY’ Yarn! Lady! Yay!
@filmfann I had to google wtfg, lol, thank you! filmfann and YARNLADY sitting in a tree F, L, U, T, H, E, R, I N G.
@mazingerz88 Cheers 88 I will certainly do that! :D
@Symbeline And that’s a big ass pumpkin too! :D
@Coloma Like this ~8 ? :p Hey my photo is me, plus I’m naked in a bathtub, what else do you need to see? Jajajajaja
@dappled_leaves Being confused for the fairer sex is entirely my honor. It happeneds. Loads.
@smilingheart1 Thank you muchly, 1 smile and heart for you :D <3 Salut!
@linguaphile You’re just fashionable late! :D Thank you, have some of the cake it’s up^^ there somewhere.
@picante Well a cheery cheers back at you, thanks!
@Dog Clink Cheers to that! :D
@Blackberry And I yours, you have a great sense of humor and wit. Cheers!

Blueroses's avatar

I knew that you were at the gate
and I’m so sorry to be late
I was busy with a broom
preparing your spiffy new room.

But even late, I’ll hoist a glass
everephebe is here at last!

Cheers, friend! The mansion halls now echo with your sexy voice. :-)

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Sotted as I am, I’m stumbling in to keep your party rolling hic.

MilkyWay's avatar

Congrats Mr.SexyVoice ;)

shego's avatar


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