Social Question

Brian1946's avatar

If you've bought any candy or whatever to hand out for Halloween, how much of it have you consumed?

Asked by Brian1946 (32801points) October 30th, 2011

What have you bought for the solicitors of sweets? ;-)

I bought two bags of Almond Joys for them and I’ve eaten one of the bags, including the candy. ;-p

That was about 10 days ago and I think I can hold out until Tuesday morning.

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9 Answers

chyna's avatar

Mmmf <wipes chocolate from corners of mouth> what? I haven’t been eating the candy. <eyes shift>

john65pennington's avatar

NEVER open the bags of candy. The temptation is too great and so is the accessibility.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Payday, Snickers and Almond Joy. I have not eaten any….yet. Tonight I will perform quality control. It would be irresponsible to hand out untested product. ;-)

JilltheTooth's avatar

I try to make sure to only get stuff I hate for the trick or treaters when I’m home, which isn’t every year, Mounds, Almond Joys, Necco Wafers I hate all those. Then of course there’s the bag of Reeses cups I have for me. I ring my doorbell, threaten myself with eggs and soap, then fearfully I give in and give myself some Reeses. Works every time, I have not yet egged my house. Phew.

Coloma's avatar

I bought my own giant 3 lb. bag of mixed candy, and have eaten a fair amount.
I don’t get any trick or treaters on my mountain, it would take 2 hours to hit a handful of houses out here.
Everyone up here takes their kids to the local Main Street trick or treat—last night—sponsored by our community shopkeepers, or…they drive down the hill to the nearest neighborhoods.

Happy Halloween to me! I’m a tootsie roll addict. ;-)

marinelife's avatar

We’ve eaten all of the three bags (over the course of a couple of weeks) that we bought except for four mini bars, which are dessert after dinner tonight.

I’m waiting to get more until tomorrow afternoon.

YARNLADY's avatar

I ate the only Hershey’s snack size bar I could find in my grandson’s bags. I think their Mom and Dad took the rest of them.

Sunny2's avatar

I bought a bag of mini Nestle’s Crunch. We don’t usually get any trick or treaters. I thought it was safe to sample. Wrong. It was all gone in 4 days.

Coloma's avatar

@Sunny2 Oooh, one of my favorites. :-)

I’m going all out before my dentist appointment on the 16th.
Let there be sugar! lol

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