Is Fox guilty of beauty-ism?
Asked by
zensky (
October 31st, 2011
I click back and forth between CNN and Fox for my global news. All, without exception, of the Fox anchors are beautiful, usually blonde American women.
Not so over at CNN.
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52 Answers
I suppose that’s the least they’re guilty of.
Because looks is their only asset.
Consider the audience for FOX.
Some of their programs, like O’Reilly Factor, have the highest ratings – so you are insulting a lot of people @marinelife – myself included. Not everything is US politics – Republican versus Democrat you know – Fox is seen around the world – are you saying something about all of the people around the world watching it?
I can’t believe I’m quoting the Huff post but here are the numbers
Well, we joke here in the states that conservative women typically are skinny and blond. Think Elisabeth Hasselback and Ann Coulter. But, of course not all the women fit the stereotype.
@zensky I’m sorry but I don’t know what good that says about our world. O’Reilly is literally an idiot.
Is that why I watch Fox all the time!
Fox is guilty of so many things. From yellow journalism to muckraking to flat out lying, they pull every dirty trick in the book and then some. I’m sure beauty-ism is right in there with all the rest.
Sex sells, and it sells news too, duh!
Oh God, Bill O’ Reilly, that guy, the biggest egotist to ever come down the pike.
Someone once told me I reminded then of Ann Coulter…gah, say it isn’t so! lol
My looks not my political leanings, of which I have none. haha
Despite the name, Fox isn’t news. It’s propaganda outfit packaged to look like a real news organization. As such, it’s not any more guilty of anything other similar forms of “entertainment” are such as female wrestling, or Jersey Shore.
Yes. It seems Fox is deliberately hiring pretty women but to be fair, other news/business channels have attractive women too to headline their news and some are more beautiful and foxy than the Fox ladies.
What is weird about Fox is the blond factor. Can’t help to think of that movie The Stepford Wives whenever I look at those dry and stiff looking golden hairdos.
If it brings in the viewers, than they will go with it. I would say it is the viewers who are the guilty ones.
It surely isn’t helping the stereotype that the prettiest women aren’t the smartest….Fox, CNN, MSNBC, and others all have attractive women, though.
@zensky Not everything is US politics – Republican versus Democrat you know – Fox is seen around the world. Isn’t that just US politics, Republican vs Democrat, being seen around the world? When I think “thinks the world revolves around the US”, I think Fox.
Did you think they were hired for their skills as journalists? Of course they are all skinny blondes.
Megyn Kelly is no dummy. She’s beautiful and intelligent.
Is Fox guilty? Sure. Give me one news organization that isn’t.
I really get offended when Fluther goes on its rant about how terrible and stupid Fox (and it’s viewers) are. and I’ve admitted not much offends me here and in irl, but you all are attacking my intelligence
I’m not stupid. I know the difference between news and commentary. I like the people who deliver news (actual breaking news, not political commentary) on Fox. Kelly, Smith and Cavuto, to name a few. The commentators (O’Reilly and Hannity) entertain me like Howard Stern would. (who believes the shit they spew? it’s entertainment! Look at Chris Matthews and Olbermann, the equivalent to Hannity and O’Reilly, just on the “other side”).
get off your high horse
/end rant
btw- I’ve voted for Clinton, Gore and Kerry, but not Obama. Hillary is my gal
Thanks @jonsblond – also former Miss America Gretchen Carlson; Julie Banderas, Megan Kelly who you mentioned) and Kim Guilphoil are attorneys and many more who happen to be conservative.
But the question was about beauty-ism.
In any event, even if you ignore the global ratings of Fox – in the US its ratings are the highest for cable networks – which means someone is watching. The silent majority?
Even if you equate Fox with the GOP, conservatism and “voting Republican” – the US did vote twice for George Bush just one election ago – so more than half of the US voted conservative then – and they can’t all be stupid, as marinelife, simone and the other liberals up there would have you believe.
Besides, how are Obama and the Democrats doing for the US lately? If you want to talk politics, bring it on; the US is doing worse than ever in its history – any way you look at it. Whose fault is that? Bush left with a 1.6 trillion deficit and low unemployment numbers – Obama has doubled the deficit and 30 million americans are out of work, so maybe his Socialism isn’t exactly what America needs?
Personally, I think Fox news (global – you know where I am) is much fairer and more balanced in its Mid East coverage – and I watch CNN and Fox almost equally (I’m a news junkie).
The fact that they have attractive, intelligent and tele-genic women only adds to its appeal. So bring it on, Liberals.
Nota bene Greta van Sustern is the exception – brilliant interviewer who can’t be accused of being attractive. Which just goes further to Fox’ credit.
@zensky Beauty and intelligence does add to the appeal. Since when does beauty = dumb? Who made that rule?
another insult to me~
@zensky Just one small correction, the majority of the voters voted for Gore. No matter what it is a close vote, and true a significamt amount of the population voted for Bush, but Gore did win the popular vote in that particular election. I think of the country as being a 50/50 split pretty much if we can only have two parts to equal the whole.
Interesting that you feel Fox coverage is more balanced for the middle east. I think of Fox being a mess for domestic issues generally. Well, not a total mess of course. Not every journalist on Fox shows their bias, but many do.
Pardon my stupidity (at least I’m good looking) but how could Gore win the vote – and Bush got elected?
That’s nitpicking – because as those results show, and todays polls (and probably next year’s election) at least half the population is Republican. Even if it’s 40% – that’s a lot of dumb people.
@JLeslie Chris Matthews was gushing when Obama won the presidency. Actually, every journalist on MSNBC was. How is that not biased? You know as well as I do that MSNBC is just as guilty as Fox when we are talking about bias.
@zensky It is nitpicking, I agreed with you that the US has a lot of conservatives. Bush still got elected because he was declared the winner of the electoral vote, and the electoral college votes in our president, even when the popular vote does not agree.
@jonsblond I never said those journalists were not biased.
@JLeslie but you were quick to bash Fox ”Not every journalist on Fox shows their bias, but many do.” (your words)
@jonsblond I think journalism in general is a mess right now regarding politics. There are a few exceptions.
@JLeslie It’s only a mess if you believe everything the commentators tell you. Those of us who know better check our facts.
@jonsblond A whole bunch of Americans don’t check. And, sometimes the facts are right and the slant is dishonest. They twist stats and facts into pretzles and withold the whole picture. I see it on both sides.
@JLeslie So you are saying most of America is dumb? They did elect Obama, you know. ;)
I love it when the beautiful intelligent women of Fluther catfight. Getting popcorn.
@jonsblond Yes, I am saying that. And, we both wanted Hillary you know :).
I also would’ve voted Hillary – but then I think she out-GOP’s the GOP.
@zensky No catfight. @JLeslie and I would nekkid pillow fight with Hillary. just sayin’ :D
Yeah, I think @jonsblond and I are close to making out at this point.
I refuse to fall asleep with the image of Hillary – as much as I respect her. Think I’ll watch some Fox news for the babes.
@zensky I think this time calls for who really is the hottest babe on news TV?
Hottest – gotta go with Julie Banderas – (I’m making the Spanish sound in my head); sexy and smart – probably Megan Kelly – but I miss her long hair.
@zensky Ha ha ha me too! Nothing like sex and money as the ultimate turn on!
Betty’s a real sight for morning bad business news sore eyes.
Basically, all men need is sex and food – so if you don’t see an erection – just make him a sandwich.
Okay – this thread is officially over – bring on the boobs.
Erin Burnett is the prettiest of all those financial babes.
I’ll give you that, @JLeslie – she’s damn fine.
@JLeslie Agree on Erin as the prettiest ( studio lights always perfectly angled to make those eyes sparkle ) but wondering who maybe the sexiest?
@zensky I do admit though Julie Banderas is beautiful. She started her career with her given surname, and then switched to the Spanish one, I guess it is her mom’s surname, not sure. My girlfriend who works in news told me years ago journalists were changing their names for the minority thing. That’s a little annoying to me. But, she really is Colombian, so I let it slide.
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