Is it possible to take a Youtube video and convert it so that it isn't internet dependent?
My students can’t have internet access. However, occasionally I come across some things on Youtube that are hugely educational, in my opinion, and I’d like to share them with the students. Any ideas?
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20 Answers allows you to convert and download videos from Youtube, you can then burn them to DVD’s or take them in on a pendrive.
YouTube downloader. You can just download videos straight onto your computer.
it is also great to get free music. but you didn’t hear that from me.
You guys…is this stuff not legal?
@Dutchess_III It depends. If it’s on YouTube illegally, then it really doesn’t matter if you show it to your class on YouTube or if you download it and then show it to them, either way, it’s illegal. But, if it was uploaded by the copyright holder (like when PBS uploads its own documentaries), and then you as a teacher get a copy to show your class, it’s fair use. And, @TheIntern55 is right – it’s not something that is ever enforced, so the question is more about your own personal morality than if you’ll get in trouble.
I’m having an argument with my own personal morality at the moment! I’m sorry I didn’t think of this before I asked the question.
@Dutchess_III Is there a way you could obtain a legal copy and then make your own fair use copy to show your students? Is there anything in particular you’d like to show them we could help you out with?
Well…I think most of what I want to show them I would purchase from NOVA. But this was sent to me via email today. I’d kind of like to share it for its “Wow” effect..they’re inmates at a jail, pretty much inner-city “kids” just gives a glimpse of a larger world. But…IDK. This one clip isn’t worth the worry….
@Dutchess_III Ah, well, that clip was uploaded by the copyright holder, so that one’s totally ok to download and show to your class.
How did you determine that the clip was uploaded by the copyright holder (BBC I assume)?
@Dutchess_III You look at where it says “uploaded by” (like here), and in this case, it said BBC. And if you aren’t sure if this is BBC or another user named BBC (which usually doesn’t happen, because BBC would find some way to reclaim that username), you can click on it. Of course, what happens for me is that it tells me how that channel is not available in my country, because BBC isn’t available for countries that aren’t Britain (but often the actual shows are, like in the clip) – but, if it was someone impersonating BBC, they would not make it so that Americans couldn’t see the channel (and I do happen to know that user BBC on YouTube is actually BBC). And if you go here, you can see how PBS has uploaded a documentary of theirs, so again, if it says “uploaded by PBS”, you’re going to be ok.
(I just gave out the last three pieces of my Trick or Treat candy…two to the last two kids who came to the door, and the last, useless one, to me..or I’d give you some candy! Heh!)
Don’t worry; I’m fully stocked up on candy!
@Aethelflaed I’m trying to download a safe youtube video. I clicked on the “youtube download” icon…and a screen came up said it’s processing request, and spinning round and round and that’s it…..?
Hmmm. Try clipnabber, see if that helps.
I thought that’s what I had…let me check.
Yep, that’s what I installed, @Aethelflaed. Clipnabber (via your link) but it turns into something called “Freecorder” I uninstalled the free corder I had that was just spinning and spinning, then went back to your link and that’s the same thing.
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