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blueberry_kid's avatar

Do you enjoy carving pumpkins?

Asked by blueberry_kid (5960points) October 31st, 2011

As you can see, my avatar is a pumpkin in which I carved myself (thank you) and designed and cleaned out and everything. All my friends say they’re surprised I didn’t cut off a finger, but I told them I’m experienced. I do it a lot, and it’s really fun.

Do you carve!?

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17 Answers

marinelife's avatar

Not the actual act. It’s hard work.

Blackberry's avatar

It is pretty time consuming, and kind of a waste. I’m sure there are people that would love to eat those pumpkins! :P

gailcalled's avatar

No. But yours is charming. Well done.

Seaofclouds's avatar

I didn’t carve any this year, but we usually do carve pumpkins. This year, my oldest has been more interested in hunting and I’ve been busier with work and the new baby. The hardest one I’ve ever done was a Capt. Jack Sparrow a few years ago. I’ve done some that were just random scary/mean faces and others that were different images (a haunted mansion, cat, skull, etc.).

wundayatta's avatar

View ‘em and weep!

@blueberry_kid That’s a nice carving. Well done!

It doesn’t take so long once you get used to it. The may trick is to not do a lot of jagged stuff. That’s what takes a lot of time. Do broad, smooth cuts, and you can make a pretty fancy punkin in a short time.

zenvelo's avatar

Yes, it’s fun if you’re with people that will appreciate it. Friends of my kids used to have a huge carving party for the whole family the Sunday before Halloween, it was a blast!

This year the kids weren’t up for it, so no jack-o-lanterns.

tinyfaery's avatar

Yep. I do it every year.

woodcutter's avatar

Not any more. I almost did lose a finger once doing one. Takes all the fun out of it.

john65pennington's avatar

The small pumpkin we had tonight was like carving shoe leather.

AmWiser's avatar

@blueberry_kid, very impressive artwork.:-)
My carving days are over.

Ela's avatar

I really like carving them. I don’t like digging all the goobly snot out of them though : (

mangeons's avatar

Nope, the smell makes me feel sick so I can’t do it. I usually draw a face on there and have someone else carve it, but we didn’t even get pumpkins this year!

Jude's avatar

I love it. I create my own design, carve it and roast and eat the pumpkin seeds.

JLeslie's avatar

Yes, I like it. I rarely do it though.

thesparrow's avatar

I enjoy carving flesh

martianspringtime's avatar

Fantastic to look at, not to do. I always think I’m going to carve a great pumpkin and then I just end up taking out its innards and letting the outside decompose without giving it a makeover.

augustlan's avatar

I like to do it, yes. Unfortunately, my hands don’t like it quite so much. They start to hurt like hell long before I’m done. :/

No pumpkins this year, though. I’m enjoying seeing all the cool ones everyone else did.

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