What is the European view on abortion?
I’ve heard Europeans have a much more tolerant view on abortion, as well as other topics that are controversial here in the United States. Is this true?
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21 Answers
This shows the termination laws in the 27 countries. Here
Europe? That’s a lot of countries. Each one has its own laws regarding abortion. This wikipedia page discusses abortion around the world, and has easy to read tables for the various continents and countries within.
Just looking at @zensky‘s link, I’m going to say that no, they aren’t really much more tolerant of abortion than the US (though it is more country-by-country than anything else).
Thanks, all for the great answers! I once knew a woman from Europe (not sure which Country) who said she’d had plenty of miscarriages and abortions. She was in her fifties at that time which was in the late 70’s. She said it with such a matter-of-fact attitude that it seemed as though she thought nothing of it. I’d also heard Europeans don’t think Homosexuality is a big deal, but not sure if that’s true, either.
@emptynestinco You have to stop using “Europe.” Europe is a lot of countries. It’s true that many western European countries the citizens are likely to be ok with abortion, because the countries are not very religious. However, in America many people are just fine with abortion too. And, some European countries have had equal rights for gay people for many years now. America is disgustingly stuck in the dark ages about homosexuality and civil rights for gay people as far as I am concerned.
I agree with you, @JLeslie, but I have a specific reason for asking about Europe in general. I realize it consists of many Countries. However, I am speaking more about the people’s feeling as a whole and not individual laws.
@emptynestinco Ok, I added Europe to your topics to hopefuly attract more Europeans to your question.
Thank you, @JLeslie! I appreciate that! I’m still getting used to this site. :-)
Just keep in mind it is very very early in the morning in most of Europe right now.
I’m thinking about 9 A.M….
No, it is between 5am and 7am in most of western Europe. GMT time is 5:19 currently. Here is a link to the world clock.
Oh, and welcome to fluther! It is a great site, stick around.
7 a.m. here in Israel – which is European in nature in that it’s the only democracy in the Middle East, regularly wins European basketball championships and the occasional Euro song contest – lol. By the way, in most of the official 27 members, it’s allowed up to 12 weeks – some 24 which I found strange – but many mentioned “needing a reason” and “note from Doctor. Here it is simply the woman’s prerogative. Ireland does not allow it – except in extreme cases (danger to the woman’s health) and about 6000 women have to make the trip every year to the UK to abort, sadly.
@zensky Why is 24 weeks strange? That would be 6 lunar months, or near end of the second trimester if my math is right? So it coincides with viability, although viability probably changes as technologies change for premies maybe? Depends on how you look at it. Plus amnio is typically done in the 5th month I think.
@emptynestinco Perhaps Russia or the former USSR? I know that the men over there refused to wear condoms, so abortion was really the only form of birth control the women had.
And homosexuality… again, it’s a lot by country. And, it’s also by political beliefs, and religion, and region, and socio-economic status. You know how homosexuality isn’t really a big deal for tons of Americans, it’s just that it’s a big deal for lots of other Americans, so then the fighting makes it seem like a big deal? Same thing. If the only shows you watched from America were from HBO and Showtime, you’d probably think homosexuality wasn’t so big a deal in America, but that’s because that’s only one of many sides of America.
> Ok, I added Europe to your topics
How did you do that? Can we change people’s topics?
Good question…I’d like to hear the answer to that as well.
In general the Catholic countries disapprove of it and Protestant ones are more tolerant. It’s accepted in the UK – most people here (except perhaps those of older generations who were raised with different values) tend to be pro-choice.
@emptynestinco I’m not sure about Europe, but your comment about women using abortion and talking about it in a light way…well, that was because contraception wasn’t used and I’m more sure than not it was because of men bitching about condoms..so, of course, a sexist world, more abortions than condoms.
@Simone_De_Beauvoir I’m not sure what you mean by saying that I wrote about it in a “light way”. My intention was not to be uncaring or unkind but to be neutral/passive, since this is a controversial subject and therefor liable to upset someone.
@emptynestinco Not you talking about it in a light way, the women who say they’ve had multiple abortions from a country such as Russian discussing it in a light way.
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