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mazingerz88's avatar

[ NSFW ] Ever had an experience where you had a big release out of something seemingly mundane?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29393points) November 1st, 2011

Forgive me but I think my painkillers are making me feel fuzzy and high and well, weird.

I just recalled what a female friend told me years ago about a car ride where she sat beside this guy whom she just met and had an orgasm right then and there when all they did was sit, their legs touching. He had no idea what was happening.

She said she shivered with great pleasure. Is this possible with guys? And I wonder if this happens with other women as well?

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15 Answers

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Ha, I thought you were talking about what we were just talking about in PM. Hahahahaha. Never mind, carry on. Yes.

thesparrow's avatar

It can happen to some girls. It’s never happened to me.

wundayatta's avatar

I’ve never had an orgasm without being touched. I’ve felt like I could come close in some rare situations where I felt like I was being played totally, but it’s never happened because my partner could not bear to not touch me after a while.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Nah, have come close to having an orgasm over a car, but it takes one hell of a car to get me close.

Luiveton's avatar

Everyday, when I look at the mirror. Huuuuge orgasm.

Just joking. >___>

Kardamom's avatar

This is probably just me, but sometimes when I watch The Nanny, and Fran and Maxwell kiss, I have mini O’s.

See Fran and Maxwell Kiss

Excuse me, I think I’m having a little moment right now ; – P

tranquilsea's avatar

Weirdly, I was sitting cross legged on a gym floor talking with some moms while my children were involved in some activity and suddenly felt one rise out no where. I stood up to change my position and I’m sure my face went a little red.

It happens periodically and it is definitely pressure related.

digitalimpression's avatar

Not unless the 49ers had also simultaneously won the super bowl.

thesparrow's avatar

I had one eating some lasagna I made today

Kardamom's avatar

@thesparrow Might you be able to share that recipe with us?

Reminds me of that scene in When Harry Met Sally!

mazingerz88's avatar

@Kardamom I’m definitely gonna have me some of that! ( and seconds )

thesparrow's avatar

Meh. it’s just your average lasagna. I’m no chef. It was my first time making it, too.

EmptyNest's avatar

If it has happened to one person, then it’s possible. Never to me in a car…um…without being touched. But it once happened during a dream when both my hands were behind my pillow and no one was actually touching me.

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