General Question

rojo's avatar

(NSFW) For the ladies that have a few years below the belt.

Asked by rojo (24187points) November 1st, 2011

My wife and I were discussing male pattern baldness vs female pattern baldness in the bath this evening. We are interested to know, do women, in general, lose hair in the pubic region in a manner similar to the balding scalp men have as they age. That is, does the hair get thinner in the pubis, from the center on out in the female as it does on the head of a male or is there vary, i.e. do you lose it either in this manner or say, from the “forehead” on back?

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14 Answers

augustlan's avatar

So far, neither. More of a general thinning, all over.

EmptyNest's avatar

I agree with @augustlan, it’s a general thinning. Thinning in areas other than head hair, that we had to shave or pluck or trim, such as underarms, legs, eyebrows, don’t need it nearly as often. Now, however, when our eyesight begins to suck, we get chin hairs and mustache hairs that we usually only notice by feeling them. All-in-all, I’d rather go back to the shaving legs and underarms, plucking eyebrows. (Not to mention my once beautiful thick head hair) Thick eyebrows aren’t nearly as disgusting as chin and lip hairs on women. Now after having said all that, I have to say this is the best time of my life.

JLeslie's avatar

I agree general thinning.

By the way men with early baldness usually lose front to back, but men with more typical balding with age generally lose back to front, along with general thinning.

Sunny2's avatar

General thinning becomes more specific. You can count (and pull) leg hairs; comb over bald spots on top of your head; pubic hair thins from the outside, in. The damn chin and mustache hairs are a darn nuisance because you can’t see them without a magnifying glass in order to pull them. But it’s all better than having to shave.

rojo's avatar

This is interesting! We could not discern any thinning of any of my body hair other than on my head, where using the term “thinning” is being kind. How about other men? Any of you guys notice thinning body hair?

JLeslie's avatar

@rojo Of course men get thinning hair on their. Body too. Less hair on their legs, slower to grow beards that are not as thick. Hair growth slows as the body ages amd the endocrine system changes.

rojo's avatar

@JLeslie Makes perfect sense I just can’t see it in myself except for the head. The beard is still full, the pelt is still thick and keeps right on growing. The couple of work aquaintences I have asked about it at work (both in their 50’s) say the same thing.

JLeslie's avatar

@rojo Say the same thing as you or me?

Coloma's avatar

Once the hormones evaporate yes, there is less growth of body hair all over.
I am almost 52 and the hair on my head is still very healthy, thick, nice texture.

I have noticed though that I do not need to shave my legs and underarms as often these days.
Pubic hair seems to be as it always was. However, I am a fair skinned blonde and have never had much body hair to begin with. haha

rojo's avatar

@JLeslie sorry, same as me.
@Coloma just the opposite of what I (as a male) am encountering. Not the shaving of the underarms/legs thing, the thinner hair on the head thick body hair thing. BTW I am also fair skinned and a former redhead.

augustlan's avatar

@rojo Often times, men will lose some or all of the hair on their heads, and then start sprouting it in other areas: back, shoulders, ears, nose hairs, and eyebrows can get all sorts of weird hairiness going on. It’s like it migrates! :)

Sunny2's avatar

After I posted my answer, I took a shower and discovered I was wrong. (at least on me) Pubic hair thins from the middle and towards the periphery. Note: This study has only a 1 person sample and therefore is not valid.

rojo's avatar

@Sunny2 Actually, it is now a two person sample. Still not valid but….......

wundayatta's avatar

It’s valid, just not generalizable.

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