Social Question

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Should toilet paper hang over or under?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37808points) November 2nd, 2011

What’s your preference? Should toilet paper hang over the front of the roll closest to the user, or should it hang under the roll closest to the wall?

Let’s keep this debate civil, jellies. :-)

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52 Answers

Buttonstc's avatar

Does it really matter?


Berserker's avatar

My stupid apartment doesn’t have an asswipe holder in the bathroom. But there is a shelf over top the toilet, so it just sits there. Sucks though, cuz when I need it, I have to twist all the way around to reach it and everything. Life is too hard.

JilltheTooth's avatar

I said on FB, I’ll say it here, I’ll proclaim it to the world! B!!!

Jake knows what I mean ;-)

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@JilltheTooth : Does “B” mean over or under?

bkcunningham's avatar

Are you asking how we roll, @Hawaii_Jake?

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@bkcunningham : LOL. I’m just rolling with the times.

JilltheTooth's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake : You should post the graphic. It’s important.

Fly's avatar

Over, period.
@Buttonstc Gasp! How dare you disrespect the sacred toilet paper roll in such a manner?

Blackberry's avatar

It doesn’t matter!

But….over. :P

bkcunningham's avatar

I roll over.

Ponderer983's avatar

OVER!! And I switch it when it is wrong at other people’s houses – except for those who have cats. Cats scratch on the roll and if it is over then the roll unravels, but if it is under it doesn’t. I have to say, this is a pet peeve of mine!

Buttonstc's avatar

Well, for the record, every cat I’ve ever had has managed to make that roll into their personal toy regardless of which way I put it on the holder. They love unraveling it and spinning it madly in EITHER orientation.

Which is why I’ve learned to keep it on the top of the tank where it doesn’t usually catch their interest the way a spinning roller does.

Hence my original comment. It doesn’t matter one bit to any cat I’ve ever had which way it rolls. They love it regardless. I’m sure they think it was conveniently placed that way for their convenience and amusement. Perfect kitty height.


martianspringtime's avatar

Over! And it definitely matters.

Buttonstc's avatar


Is that opinion yours or that of your feline avatar? Just curious.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I do it over, but I don’t actually care. It’s just a habit.

chyna's avatar

Over. It matters.

WestRiverrat's avatar

My TP holder is the verticle plunger handle, so it is clockwise.


I think when it’s hanging “over”, it feels more natural when you’re pulling it off. All you do is pull it off from the top. However, when the toilet paper is hanging “under”, you got to reach down and pull up——a little more work in my opinion.

I remember reading somewhere that even the Queen at Buckingham Palace has her servants install her toilet paper rolls so that they hang “over”.

lillycoyote's avatar

Over, of course! No question. And yes, it matters. Does it matter whether or not your car has functioning brakes? Of course it does, and it matters which way the toilet paper goes, and it goes so the paper rolls off the top of the roll, not from bottom, not from underneath.

WestRiverrat's avatar

When I was young, we just pulled a page from the Sears Roebuck catalog. Sure was a disappointment when they went to the all glossy paged catalogs.

bkcunningham's avatar

Ah nostalgia, @WestRiverrat, It is a thing of the past.

jonsblond's avatar

I would be happy if I wasn’t the only person in the house who knew how to replace an empty tp roll.

srsly. Is it that hard to toss out the empty and replace it with new, fresh shitter paper?

Over/under is the least of my problems.

bkcunningham's avatar

Too funny and too true, @jonsblond.

jonsblond's avatar

@bkcunningham no shit, right? teehee

DominicX's avatar

I’m one of those people who will throw a shit-fit pun not intended if it’s hung the “wrong way”, but I do prefer over just because that’s what I’m used to.

JLeslie's avatar

Over. It has to be right, all the five star hotels put it over. ~

Adagio's avatar

Over, it just looks right.

King_Pariah's avatar

As long as it’s there, I’m fine.

Sunny2's avatar

It doesn’t matter unless you have a toddler in the house. They are as bad as cats for ecstatic unrolling from the top. Later, if anyone else in the household gives a s**t, do it their way. It isn’t worth fighting about.

ucme's avatar

I like mine under so that the little doggies faces are turned away when I wipe.
I mean, there are some things that just aren’t meant to be seen :¬(

rooeytoo's avatar

Absolutely, positively OVER.

tom_g's avatar

There are very few things we can know for certain. The answer to this question happens to one of those things:


There is nothing to discuss. That is just a fact.

lillycoyote's avatar

@ucme Anyone who has little doggie faces on their toilet paper isn’t really entitled to an opinion on this matter.

ucme's avatar

Oh I don’t buy that shit, it’s just the current product the wife generally gets. Some have butterflies on, others pretty flowers. Seems kind of pointless considering what “fate” lies in store for it, but hey….shit happens.

ucme's avatar

Since that’s been clarified, I shall now give my real entitled opinion, it really doesn’t matter to me which way it goes….no really.

lillycoyote's avatar

@ucme Just like a man. Blame the wife. I’m not buying it.

JLeslie's avatar

Patterns on TP? I never heard of such a thing. Ink on my girly parts?

ucme's avatar

Patterned toilet paper is commonplace over here. One particular brand has used puppy dogs in their advertising for years. I think they’re trying to say their paper is as soft as puppies hair, yeah, whatever.
@lillycoyote No, as I said, it’s me who’s not buying it :¬)

JLeslie's avatar

@ucme Where are you?

ucme's avatar

I’m currently at my computer, silly. Oh you mean….....ahem, i’m an englander.

jca's avatar

Ann Landers had said (a long time ago) that it should be over. In hotels, I have usually found it to be over. When it hangs over, it’s easier to grab than when you have to scrape your hands to the wall when it’s under.

Bellatrix's avatar

Really? There is no patterned loo paper in the US? Well I’ll be…

We have loo paper with butterflies and the like. It isn’t printed on the paper. I think the pattern is woven into it? No idea how they get it on there really but I am sure someone will tell me. No risk of ink on the girly bits though @JL :-)

I just buy the recycled plain stuff myself and then…...... place it in the over position on the loo roll holder.

stardust's avatar

It doesn’t matter to me, but for argument’s sake I’ll go with Over.

Berserker's avatar

That always confused me…toilet paper stuff. Like how they show cute bears advertising it, or again, flowers and butterflies woven into it…why do they do that? We wipe ass with it! Why would you want to put shit and piss all over cute butterflies and all?

Bellatrix's avatar

@Symbeline, interesting question! I don’t know. It looks pretty in the bathroom?

Long as it’s soft. I don’t care much. In the UK they used to have this toilet paper called Izel. Something like that anyway. It was hard and shiny and well, slippy. Not exactly great given the purpose it was required to fulfil. Either scratched or slipped. Neither is good. Wonder if they still use it in public loos? I think that stuff definitely came from the Ministry of Crap Design (Ben Elton from 2.04 mins onwards).

rooeytoo's avatar

When I lived in the USA you could buy TP with patterns on it. Don’t they have it anymore?

JLeslie's avatar

@rooeytoo If they have it, I just never noticed. I am very brand loyal to my TP, so I don’t even look at anything else on the shelf.

While with paper towel for the kitchen I love Bounty patterns. I pay the higher price if I see a pattern I like. If there isn’t a pattern I like that day I just buy the plain white.

@Symbeline I think it is probably like the the paper towels I just mentioned, I like the pattern; to look at it. I guess people who buy TP with patterns just simply like the pattern.

EverRose11's avatar

Either I imagine it would be a matter of personal perseverance.

gasman's avatar

The free-hanging end should face the user. Ergo over, not under.

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