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bostonbeliever's avatar

What is this short story?

Asked by bostonbeliever (386points) November 3rd, 2011

This is a long shot, I’ve already scoured Google to no avail.
Many years ago, probably 7 or so, I was in middle school and one English teacher handed out a short story for Halloween. It was about this young boy who goes trick-or-treating to this old lady’s home and asks for a glass of water and while she’s getting it for him he puts razor-blade candy (or apples, possibly) in her candy bowl. He had been given a razor-blade treat a previous Halloween and it had cut up his tongue/mouth/throat so he has trouble speaking, which makes her pity him. That’s all I remember. Can anyone help me with a story name? Thanks :)

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4 Answers

whitetigress's avatar

“Witches Brew?” good question.

bostonbeliever's avatar

Thanks for responding so quickly, but no I don’t think that’s it.
It has nothing to do with witches-nothing supernatural about it.

pshizzle's avatar

I was perusing Google, and it seems you may have read a news article.

bostonbeliever's avatar

no it was definitely a fictional piece.

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