Meta Question

SAAAABFBTM (Should abbreviations and acronyms always be followed by their meaning)
In the newspaper that I read the writer always lets an acronym follow by the meaning of it (at the first time the acronym is used in the article) for instance: CEO (Chief Executive Officer).
And today I read an acronym that I didn’t know yet MIA (Missing In Action) here on Fluther.
I see those multiple times in the days that I visit Fluther.
I like to think that I usually explain the acronyms that I use in my questions and answers, as a kind of service to my responders/readers.
Plus, it might make a question or response more clear too, I think.
Would you like to see that happen on Fluther too?
I know that occasionally Jellies do it already, but to me it seems that it is more a rarity than standard.
Not all Jellies know all the abbreviations and acronyms that are commonplace in other Jellies’ societies, me thinks.
What is your take on it?