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zensky's avatar

Deserted Island type question # 364 - one drink, just one beverage - forever - drink think wisely?

Asked by zensky (13426points) November 3rd, 2011

Coke? Dr. Pepper?
Beer or Wine?
H2O or Root Beer
How’d you bide your time?

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40 Answers

beccagolling's avatar

Water. Definitely water.

Brian1946's avatar

NaCl-free H2O.

EmptyNest's avatar

H2O… sigh

Bellatrix's avatar

Water. I love drinking water so it wouldn’t be a hardship.

jerv's avatar

Something with plenty of cyanide.

I don’t do deserted islands :p

EmptyNest's avatar

I’d rather have a V8 but would get tired of it and we need water to survive. I really dislike water. I only drink it when I’m super thirsty. Wish that weren’t true but it is.

Luiveton's avatar

Normally I’d choose water, but since I’m going to stay stranded in an island forever, I’ll go with Rum. Why not be drunk all the time, then probably die? Drat.

FutureMemory's avatar

Coke of course.

EmptyNest's avatar

Hey @Luiveton and @FutureMemory, I’ll trade you some of my water for some of your rum and coke!!!

Luiveton's avatar

@EmptyNest Great idea, good, now I know I’m not going to die. Water and Rum. PARTY!

zensky's avatar

Hey, no trading. You are on different deserted Islands. And no partying.

EmptyNest's avatar

@zensky Party pooper! Can I offer…YOU…some…rum n coke, neighbor?

zensky's avatar

Scotch, neat. Thanks.

Damn – you fooled me.

ucme's avatar

Coconut milk, which is convenient.

Luiveton's avatar

@EmptyNest @FutureMemory @zensky Party AND a threesome.. Sweet! >__>

EmptyNest's avatar

Well where did you go, @Luiveton? Wouldn’t that be a foursome?

Luiveton's avatar

@EmptyNest Oh right, I forgot about myself.. Drat. COUNT ME IN!

EmptyNest's avatar


zensky's avatar

I don’t have sex with minors, or people who can’t count. Sorry.

Luiveton's avatar

@zensky No scotch for you then. suffer alone. Ha!

zensky's avatar

I am usually alone, and I don’t suffer much – except for fools, whom I do not suffer gladly.

I meant miners, not minors.

stardust's avatar

I was going to say a nice cold mojito until I saw the forever part. Water I suppose then :/

Luiveton's avatar

@zensky I don’t have sex with people who make typos. Sorry. >___> Lalalala.. Karma’s a sexy bitch.

zensky's avatar


EmptyNest's avatar

or Tushie…hey I forgot that one in my question!

Hibernate's avatar

If I can pick I’d like water from a mountain spring.

Cruiser's avatar

Home brewed hefe-weiss (wheat) beer!

filmfann's avatar

Milk. Specifically, mothers milk from Natalie Portman.

marinelife's avatar

Iced tea. I could drink it by the gallon.

jonsblond's avatar

I would say coffee, but I think drinking a hot beverage 24/7 would get tiresome. I need my caffeine, so iced tea it is.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I’d rather choose from iced tea, Dr. Pepper, or rum. But if I went with anything besides water, I’d have to have an inexhaustible supply of AZO bladder tablets, lmfao, so I guess I’d be forced to choose water for my well-being.

bongo's avatar

Tea, just normal Yorkshire tea. one sugar and a dash of milk. if i’m not allowed the milk that’s cool but I would say that its a vital part of this one drink. Everything is better after a nice cup of tea.
can you tell that I’m English?

Meego's avatar

Ahhh, look at me I’m on the coffee bean island..yah me! Boil ocean water and pour it over freshly ground beans…OMG I’m my own Starbucks!

bongo's avatar

@Meego salty coffee? If I were you I wouldn’t use sea water but each to their own I suppose!

cazzie's avatar

Toshay? How about Touche´ ? If you are going to borrow words from another language, at least spell them correctly. LOL

Not even a question about what a person wants, when it comes to a seriously deserted island. A body needs fresh water to survive. If we can assume that fresh water is in abundant supply, I might have to concoct my own still or fermentation system and find some sort of fruit or grain to use.

I like a beer or a glass of wine on Friday. (and yes.. that was a Robinson Crusoe reference.)

Meego's avatar

It’s on the starbucks menu why not? And now it’s on my stranded island starbucks coffee menu, I’ll call it the salted not so caramel mocha coffee. :D

Sunny2's avatar

Cold, fresh, uncontaminated water.

zensky's avatar

Or just water, eh? As opposed to warm, stale contaminated water? ~

Scooby's avatar

Forever? :-/
Whiskey, specifically; this!!
( stupid keyboard )

Mariah's avatar

Water, I prefer my kidneys stoneless.

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