Christmas was dropped on top of existing winter holidays, so while the holiday bears Christ’s name, it does not belong to Christians. In fact, one could argue that us pagans atheists have more right to it than Christians do. I would never argue that because it’s silly, but one could.
Of course, Christmas now is a celebration of all the people and of our aspirations for a more affluent society. We feel dutybound to consume and to do our part to goose the economy. And of course, the economy needs goosing this year more than most. I used to think this was an American thing and that it was our patriotic duty to spend, but I see now it is a human thing, and it is our solidarity with humankind thing to spend as much as possible.
I no longer say this with irony. I know people think of spirituality as being something other than materialism, but I don’t see it that way any more. A good economy is how we can make the most people comfortable and happy. Even though it’s not cool to say, having more things is associated with greater happiness. If the Christmas spirit is truly about good will towards fellow humans, the the best way we can do that is help every one by doing our part to give people jobs so they can help themselves. The best way to do that is to spend, spend, spend.
We are all in this together, and the economy is how we weave the web that holds us all together. Right now, there is a dysfunction in the economy in that the benefits of a well-functioning economy do not go equally to all. The poor do the worst. But if we can float this boat, and we go all in, even the poor will benefit and be able to have jobs, and that is far more than they will have if we merely give them charity.
The disadvantaged may need charity to get through the winter, but in the long run they need jobs. The only way they will get jobs is if people buy stuff. Christmas is all about buying stuff, and helping your fellow man. Materialism is not so separate from spirituality here, and theisms and atheism are on the same page with Christmas, it seems to me.