What is the name of the closest book to you?
Asked by
Akane (
November 4th, 2011
For me, it’s the Yellow Pages.
Yeah…we still have those.
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58 Answers
Calligraphy Lettering
Eugene Metcalf
Javascript: The Definitive Guide
Beowulf and an oceanography textbook
What do you mean by “closest”? Physically within arm’s reach or a book with which I have an intimate and loving relation?
On my desk is Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, The Collins Robert French Dictionary, my college yearbook and a book of the lyrics of the French singer, Georges Brassens.
The Wicked Queen: The Origins of the Myth of Marie Antoinette by Chantal Thomas (translated by Julie Rose).
Reference Guide for Essential Oils.
Welcome to Fluther!
The Complete Works Of William Shakespeare. <333
Welcome to Fluther.
2012 Guide Book of United States Coins: Red Book
The Little Engine That Could.
There is a stack of four sitting on the coffee table, the choice of which to read I decided to delay and instead loaded up Fluther. In return I see this question which has me pondering them again!
From top to bottom:
Deadhouse Gates Steven Erikson
The Dispossessed Ursula K LeGuin
Dhalgren Samuel R. Delany
Introduction to Black Hole Physics Valeri P. Frolov and Andrei Zelnikov
With that said, I believe I’ll sign off and continue with Dhalgren.
War of the worlds.
The closest book in proximity to me right now is Guide to Analysing Companies by Bob Vause. If what you mean is the book that I find quite endearing these days and also in my bookshelf, it’s Dracula by Bram “the Fear Stoker” Stoker. : )
I just looked up, and the books closest to me are the Harry Potter books 1–5.
On my bed is a book I am reading for a book club:
Learning to Die In Miami by Carlos Eire.
The closest book to me is the one I am currently reading, “Idiot America” (*how stupidity became a virtue in the land of the free), by Charles P. Pierce. If you haven’t read it, you should. It is a tremendous chronicle of the downward spiral in the way too many Americans now think.
Poetic meter and poetic form on top of Poet’s market digest and Childrens Writers & Illustrator’s market.
Hirst & Harrison’s 2011, Communication and new media: From broadcast to narrowcast.
[I had a typo.. From broadcast to Marrowcast. Somehow I think that book might be funnier!]
@Coloma: Fussell’s book? That is one of my “remove-from-burning-house along with Milo” books.
Well one is a manual. Berliz learning System.
The second Is a Book on Reflexology
The Berlitz was on top of the reflexology book. So the one on the bottoms was in closer vicinity but I had to pick up the one on top first?
Flood Tide – Clive Cussler
My Life as an Experiment: One Man’s Humble Quest to Improve Himself by A.J. Jacobs.
Books on night table for bedtime reading;
The Kind Diet, by Alicia Silverstone
21-Day Weight Loss Kickstart: Boost Metabolism, Lower Cholesterol, and Dramatically Improve Your Health, by Neal D. Barnard, M.D.
Started Early, Took my Dog, by Kate Atkinson
The People of the Book, by Geraldine Brooks
The Atlantic Cryptic Crosswords, by Emily Cox and Henry Rathvon
The Lost World (sequel to Jurassic Park) is on the floor right next to me.
“Go Boy” by Roger Caron. One of my favs!! :D
The Complete Works of Aristotle, Volume IX.
I’m in my wife’s office and the first book that catches my eye is CHAMPs: A Proactive and Positive Approach To Classroom Management.
The closest book to me physically is in my bag. Men at Arms by Terry Pratchett.
Erm…right besides my computer desk there’s a book shelf, and all the books are pretty close…I guess the top right book will be considered the closest to me. Blaze by Stephen King Richard Bachman.
I was gonna say, ’‘either way, it was bound to be a horror book’’...but Blaze isn’t horror…at least not technically. But all the other ones after, or at least, the great majority…
Saving Fish From Drowning by Amy Tan and Redbook, which is actually a magazine. And a whole stack of cookbooks.
I’m sitting next to my bookcase, which is currently holding about 300 books. I guess the “closest” one, if I hold my arm straight out and touch a book, is called Dogs and Goddesses. It’s a hilarious book by Jennifer Crusie, Anne Stuart and Lani Diane Rich.
Fun Question.
Mine’s Michael Swan’s Practical English Usage.
I recommend it.
@zensky Is it possible to post the entire book into some folder on Fluther for everyone’s use? Could it possibly be put into the Fluther Guidelines section???
State of Washington Voters’ Pamphlet
Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin
It’s sitting on my desk and I’m about half-way done with it. I love it and am excited to read the rest of the series :)
A Guide to Quark Express. It’s about 6” from my feet which is where it lives. I haven’t looked at it for years, but I can’t destroy a book. It’s an inherited disability.
@Sunny2 I took a QE course about 20 years ago – basically learning to make business cards. It was a 20 hour course and I loved it. I’m no graphic designer, but I learned a lot about the various programs back then due to the QE course. I didn’t realize it’s still around…
A Dance With Dragons actually it’s bed time and it’s coming with me for a quick read
Southern Living Cookbook .
It’s sitting right behind my laptop
Love is in the Earth by Melody. a rock book
“The Sweet Far Thing,” by Libba Bray. Aaaand grabbing that book to see the title created an avalanche of books XD
Redrawing the Boundares: The Transformation of English and American Literary Studies. Ugh. It’s a textbook. The second closest book is also a textbook. The nearest novel to me is Tales from Moominvalley by Tove Jansson.
A Guide to LateX, 3rd. edition.
Thinking Physics: Practical Lessons in Critical Thinking and The Ups and Downs of Marjorie by Mary T. Waggaman.
Sophie’s Choice by William Styron. I never read it, just prepping to give it away.
“Wide Sargasso Sea” by Jean Rhys. It was a recommendation, I haven’t started it yet.
Mandela’s Way Fitteen Lessons on Life, Love and Courage by Richard Stengl
I am really enjoying it. The author is the managing editor of Time magazine and collaborated with Mandela on his 1993 autobiography.
The same one from yesterday! Make it go away!!
@Bellatrix Will do. Let me summon something outta the nine circles of Hell to take it away…:D
@Pheasant Sophie’s Choice is really a great book; a great novel. An amazing story, very well told. You should really read it before you give it away.
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