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zensky's avatar

Herman Cain - like or loathe him, believe him or not - he's in hot water - where are Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton now?

Asked by zensky (13421points) November 4th, 2011

Or should it not matter that he happens to be black?

Come on… it’s because he’s a Republican Black, right?

Am I missing something?

The hypocrisy.

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38 Answers

lillycoyote's avatar

I wonder, if Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton were defending Herman Cain against allegations of sexual harassment, if you wouldn’t be criticizing them for defending him against the allegations just because he was black. What exactly do you think Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton should be doing in this circumstance?

zensky's avatar

Actually, dear – I am colour-blind. Both literally, and figuratively.

But I am aware of politics and especially American politics.

Today, with a (half) Black President, the US has come a long way – a lot thanks to people like JJ and Sharpton (anti-semitic though they are – they have contributed much to equal rights between blacks and whites – which is the focus of this question).

They have rushed to defend any and almost all Black people – including Michael Jackson at the time. Where are they now?

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

Herman Cain gave an interview recently where he said “There is no racism in America”. He was very clear that people have been using using racism as an excuse for not taking personal responsibility for their poor behaviour. Source (Apologies, it is a long youtube link, but the relevant parts happen in the first 2 minutes).

Al Sharpton and a few other black leaders here in the states were a little bit upset with him. Some conservative thinkers have argued that Herman Caine is being attacked now because he is a black who happens to be Republican. Al Sharpton and some others have been loudly wondering if Herman Caine and the Republican party have changed their mind about racism.

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gondwanalon's avatar

This just proves that the liberal media will destroy any republican: while; black; brown; green; male; female; hermaphrodite; gay; straight or indifferent.

Aethelflaed's avatar

Um, perhaps this will answer your question? It doesn’t look like a lot of blacks were big on Cain to begin with, and relying on the Hill/Thomas case is really only going to make things more divisive.

Thammuz's avatar

I see no hypocrisy in defending people you think deserve to be defended and not doing so for people you think should be punished.

It might well be because he’s republican, it’s a reason like any other not to like someone.

LostInParadise's avatar

Ann Coulter came to his defense. She said that Republican blacks are better than Democrat blacks. With friends like that…

JLeslie's avatar

@gondwanalon I am not trying to defend the liberals in the media, but are we sure it is liberals out to get Cain right now? Do we know who started this story about sexual harrassment? It’s the primaries, the Republican opponents have more to gain from getting rid of Cain then the Democrats. The more we talk about Cain in the media, the more Romney and Perry coast through another few weeks.

JLeslie's avatar

I think @zensky is at least partially right that politics plays into it a little as to why Sharpton and Jackson have not said anything.

zensky's avatar

Thank you.

Mariah's avatar

I wouldn’t say that they jump to all black Democrats’ defense…I seem to recall Jesse Jackson getting overheard saying he wanted to cut Obama’s balls off at one point during the 2008 election.

zensky's avatar

Link, or his balls remain safe.

cockswain's avatar

I heard Sharpton say on some talk show he would vote for any Democrat before Cain. So his politics are more important to him than race.

zensky's avatar

Thank you. My point…

Thammuz's avatar

@zensky Let me get this straight, because i’m not getting the point it appears. You’re saying it is odd for Shrapton and Jackson, two prominent and vocal members of the black rights movement and community, not to leap to the rescue of Herman Cain (republican presidential candidate also black) and calling them hypocrites because they’re not defending him on the grounds that he is black.

Now, i do understand that it’s probably the norm that they would defend any black person regardless of whether they’re right or wrong, but it seems to me that that would be the hypocritical thing to do, rather than playing the race card by default, whether you think the accusations are legitimate or not (the perception of which is most likely coloured by your allegiances and the other person’s, like everything in life).

cockswain's avatar

If I understand correctly, good ol’ @zensky and you agree and he/she was being sarcastic.

yes, @zensky, after a few years your gender is still unknown to me.

zensky's avatar

Makes two of us.

Call me Chaz.

cockswain's avatar

I have a penis, but no clue what to do with it

zensky's avatar

Me too. I also have no clue what to do with your penis.


Thammuz's avatar

@cockswain I was actually puzzled, to be honest

atarah09's avatar

Herman Cain is a black Conservative, and that’s the reason why Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson won’t defend him.

Cain’s ratings haven’t gone down at all, people with sense aren’t falling for this baloney!

atarah09's avatar

Obama allegedly had sexual relations with a man by the name of Donald Young, who was killed a year before Obama was elected; the media never heckled him. A friend of mine said it best: “If Obama being a DL Homo is not news worthy, then neither is a 20 year old harassment allegation.”

cockswain's avatar

Do you have a reputable source for that allegation? I’ve never heard that.

cockswain's avatar

You think this is a real story based on those links? How can you be sure?

atarah09's avatar

Dude, that’s my point. Women have accused Herman Cain of “sexual harrassment”; Obama has been accused of drugs and sexual relations with a man, but did the media go to crazy lengths to get answers to these accusations when it came to Obama? No. But they are going to crazy lengths with Herman Cain over accusations which allegedly happened over 20 years ago.

cockswain's avatar

For the record, I could give two shits about the Cain allegations.

cockswain's avatar

Also, do you think that the Clinton/Lewinsky scandal wasn’t well-covered by the media?

zensky's avatar


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