At what age would you choose to die? (details)
Asked by
plethora (
November 4th, 2011
Assume you have one week to make the choice as to the date of your death and the manner of your death, after which the choice will no longer exist. Once you make the choice, you will live a normal life, subject to the normal ravages of life in aging, sickness and bad health as well as good health. The only difference is that in your life, you will know exactly when you will die and how, and you will have set the date. Once set, you cannot change it.
Would you set a date? Very old, or younger? And what is your age now.
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39 Answers
I’m 56. I’d live until 88. I’ve known a number of people that made it to 88 in pretty good shape, and lived longer but seemed to decline quite a bit then.
My grandfather lived until 97; but at 88 he stopped being as active and started to have problems like falling a breaking bones.
Old. With my boots off, going gentle into a good night.
Ain’t no such thing as a ‘good looking corpse.’
Sorry James Dean.
Thank you….How would each of you choose to die?
I would choose to die at 121. That would be awesome. I’d still be voting at the polls. I’d say anything in public and not be scrutinized by it lol.
I’m almost 52 In Dec.
I’d like to live longer, but really, I’m at peace, so, I could go anytime now. haha
Lets see…a weeks notice is not long enough for a bon voyage cruise, sooo, I’d just in-joy the last days of my life, hang with the pets and offspring, east whatever I wanted who cares, I’m dying, go for the goodies I’d chose the old standby of peaceful death in my sleep. Lights out, all snuggly in my awesome memory foam bed after a long soak in the hot tub. ;-D
I had a friend I worked with that always was making inuendos of death, granted he lived a quite accelerated lifestyle in his youth. But when he decided to rejuvenate his life at mid life and was the healthiest he had been since a teen-he went in for a minor problem and was told he had at most a couple months. I see it all the time. I don’t even want to think about it because I believe you attract your fears.
But now that you got me thinking, I guess I would like to be hit at a railroad xing at midnight while eating a Philly steak sandwich with the Pointer Sisters playing.
I want to die as soon as I’m finished, and I’d like to come and go by sexual exhaustion inflicted on me by my teenaged trophy girlfriend.
I don’t have a age in mind but I’m ready to die at any time.
I have the idea in my head that I will live and be in good health until age 93 and then die peacefully in my sleep. Of course the older I get and the closer 93 gets, the more I think about perhaps extending that a few years, heheheh! I am getting excruciatingly close to 67.
50? Let’s explore the underworld soon. Living is probably just a warm-up session to god knows what kind of world you’re in once you die. I don’t know why 50 but it sounds good ! Not too old and not too young.
A specific age does not matter to me as much as interest in life and physical state. I would not set an age.
I’d let the week go by without making a choice. I wouldn’t want to know.
Some people say they’d like to know when they’ll die because then they coul be as daring as they please without fear. My biggest fear isn’t death…it is constant agony. I’d rather not be horribly ill or injured and know that I’m stuck that way because I won’t be dying for another 30 years.
But I know this is kind of a cop out answer. If I had to choose? Maybe 70, 75. I know that as I get close to that age I’d probably be kicking myself wishing for more, but I don’t expect my body to remain comfortable far into old age and I’d rather not deal with that for too long.
Depressing answer.
Now. Peacefully/painlessly.
50?? I make that achievement next week. I’m good, anytime. I’ve had my fun. Got my home. Body worn out already.
I would hate to live my life knowing what age I’d die at. It would be a countdown, a horribly fightening one. However, if I could choose the way I died, I’d want to die peacefully in my sleep. I’m almost 20 and I’m afraid to die.
I’ll choose to die at 110 yrs old and in my sleep, beside my love. Our family live into their 90’s relatively mobile already so I figure I can ask for a few extra years and gamble on technology and medicine to help keep agile that extra time. My life is already near the half point, I’m just now learning what I really want, what’s important to me and I want to have the 2nd leg of life to attain and enjoy it. A few extra old-timer years will be appreciated in order to just let myself be an old mushroom, napping, reading, cloud watching, that sort of stuff you do as a kid when you think time moves so slow.
Gadzooks, if I were able to choose which day and time to die, certainly it would be in my sleep. As far as how many years? Who would ever want to pick a year? If I were forced to pick years, I would say I want to die no less than 160yr. That is what I would say, then see what loophole would be tried to keep me from getting it.
I would like to die as soon as I’m no longer able to be active. If I can no longer use my legs or arms to get around or if I need to be drugged up all the time then I’m going to check out ASAP. If I’m lucky then I’ll make it to 85 and if I’m very lucky even older.
@gondwanalon Pretty much the same here. And I’ll go into Hospice, so I can die without pain.
@plethora: Have you watched anyone die in hospice? My grandfather went that way and it was horrible, we all feel like crap for allowing it now.
@Neizvestnaya No I haven’t. I have had 5 clients who used it and were more than happy. I also dated a woman who was a hospice manager. She delivered the service and knew how to. But I did learn form her that there are many companies that provide hospice services and some are sorry. So I do not doubt your experience.
So I would check them out ahead of time…as in before I go.
I would counsel people to research well the hospice they choose before the time comes they think they’ll need it. I’m all for the no pain part though! Some please be giving me sips of champagne through a crazy straw and feeding me bread with avocado and cheese.
I’d set it at 100 and I’d make sure my partner would set his to 104.
I would like to be shot by a jealous husband when I’m 150.
@plethora Thanks, I’m almost 65 and have to get started seducing women. You’re married aren’t you?
@Ron_C Nope, divorced. And same age as you. Should I get started now?
@plethora at our age, it takes a little while to get moving. I recommend that you get started now. Here’s a hint, I just joined the Senior Citizens for our town. There are a lot of women that held together pretty well and they are looking….
@Ron_C I’ll start on that tomorrow.
@Ron_C – I get a kick out of your comment “there are a lot of women that held together pretty well.” That is very true, the difficult part is to find a male of a similar age who has held together equally well!!!
@rooeytoo exactly! I have a job, my own hair and teeth, I look pretty good at the Senior Center, of course my wife keeps a close reign on me.
I also give computer lessons so and the women really eat that up.
@Ron_C – You sound like the exception to the rule!
@rooeytoo “You sound like the exception to the rule!” that’s what makes me so popular with the Senior Class ladies. Teenagers eat your heart out!
I would like to die at a time when nobody will be sad that I am, in fact, dead. As for when that time is, who knows?
@AnonymousGirl At 105, you will have outlived all your peers. In fact, you will have outlived most the population of your children’s ages. The next generation will have never heard of you and could care less. So try for 105. I actually have an aunt who is close to 100 and she says exactly that. I was shocked when her daughter and her husband showed up to take her to church. They are 75 and not in as good shape as my aunt. YIKES…that was a lesson.
@plethora Alright. :) That reminds me of when I met this 85 year old woman who appeared to be extremely happy with her life. She also seemed really healthy and she was honest about her age. Her health and sense of humour seemed more important to her than worrying about getting older. That was a lesson, too.
I think 88 sounds good, although one side of my family tends to reach 100.
I would like to die running a triathlon. This would ensure I was of sound body when I got to 88.
I would like to be squished by a 7 ton boulder I never saw coming, falling high off of a canyon wall. I’d be running along, thinking about the beer at the finish line, and splat. Instant death.
Of course, in order to not see the boulder coming my memory of choosing my fate would need to be erased. There goes the problem of stressing as my date approached.
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