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jazmina88's avatar

What kind of water do you prefer?

Asked by jazmina88 (11657points) November 5th, 2011

Tap, purified, spring, reverse osmosis, filtered. Are you a water snob for Perrier?? Start up or with flavor (crystal light). tea??

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31 Answers

KateTheGreat's avatar

Evian. It must be Evian or I won’t drink it.

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SavoirFaire's avatar

Filtered tap water. But my favorite was from back in the day when the water we got from the tap was actually clean.

Lewis Black breaks it down for us.

Meego's avatar

Brita water!

marinelife's avatar

Tap water chilled in the refrigerator.

gasman's avatar

I’ve got to have a capped plastic bottle—that’s the key to portability & accessibility. I can have water when I drive or walk, when I fall asleep or wake up, whatever. No muss, no fuss, no embarrassing wet spots. And I like to drink a lot of water.

I usually pay for a case of pre-bottled water, even if it’s true that most bottlers fill them with municipal water supplies (tap water)—and even if leaves a bit of a carbon footprint, but at least I reccycle the bottles. For that matter, I sometimes refill my plastic bottles with our own tap water, which has a slightly chlorinated scent and taste. A little like drinking from a swimming pool but very inexpensive!

blueiiznh's avatar

Brita Water. Have had a dispenser for about 15 years in my fridge.

downtide's avatar

Our local water is really nice even unfiltered. However I prefer my water filtered through coffee grinds.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Clean. That’s about all I really care about. It all tastes the same, water is water.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Any water that doesn’t taste like leftover poo or chlorine.

We have one of those refrigerators that dispenses water and ice from the front. It’s all filtered, and tastes pretty great.

YARNLADY's avatar


Prosb's avatar

I used to just drink our tap water most of the time, but then our kitchen’s water started to get cloudy. Now I use our Brita pitcher, and have to fill it from the bathroom where the water appears to be fine.
(Especially since I’m the only one who’ll ever fill the damn thing.)

Sunny2's avatar

Where I live, the tap water s excellent. I’m lucky. I’ve been places where the local water tastes bad. Years ago, in St. Petersburg, we we told not to drink even the bottled water, so we brushed our teeth with beer.,

gasman's avatar

With hot & cold running water drink only cold—fewer dissolved metals & other minerals. Cloudiness might only be air bubbles—maybe let stand & see if it clears.

Pheasant's avatar

It comes out of my sink faucet. I wish it were delivered by a private company that way, but not everything is perfect.

dabbler's avatar

The tap water here is pretty good, and I’ll drink it in restaurants, but it does have chlorine and flouride in it and we run it through a filter at home.

creative1's avatar

I used to love the water from our well before my mother hooked up to town water, that was always the best stuff. Oh so crisp and cold on a hot day, I used to have a minimum of 2 big glasses every morning it was such good stuff. Now I do the crystal light, water just doesn’t taste the same since.

Hibernate's avatar

Normal sink water is good enough. We have it filtered from a mountain spring here.

Bellatrix's avatar

I am very happy with tap water. I do like it to be chilled though.

DominicX's avatar

I’m someone who doesn’t seem to notice much difference in tap water from place to place. As long as it’s safe to drink it, I’ll drink it. Now, most of the time I do use a Brita filter only because it’s a convenient way to keep the water chilled in the refrigerator (I love water when it’s ice cold) and it can’t hurt to filter it in the process.

zenvelo's avatar

Tap water is fine for me, but if I am out for dinner I prefer San Pellegrino.

bluejay's avatar

Really? Are people seriously getting picky about water… lol.
I prefer any water that will hydrate me and won’t kill me.

flutherother's avatar

I am partial to a glass of Chateaux d’Eaux 1973, at £250 a bottle.

Paradox25's avatar

Filtered tap water, no taste .

blueiiznh's avatar

I like mine wet.

Meego's avatar

Wet like rain! Me too.

zenvelo's avatar

@blueiiznh You mean you wouldn’t try dehydrated water?

blueiiznh's avatar

nope. wet water has so many more redeeming qualities.

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