Thank you all for your responses.
The first place I look up when I move is the library. I hone my career skills, find local events and volunteer opportunities, and librarians are my favorite people.
Yes, libraries need the money.
Yes, from my posting one might infer stinginess.
But when moving every few months the invisible costs quickly add up. I donate books, mostly non-fiction academic and instructive books to my local libraries when I move. Volunteer opportunities can be found at and through libraries, I donate time if I’m lacking in funds. Service-members, myself included, donate to charities.
I understand the payment of taxes as they apply to people who relocated by choice to the area. But military are training to promote the interests of Americans, wherever they put us.
If an active duty or reservist resident of Virginia Beach wanted a library card in my home state i wouldn’t care whether they were paying taxes in some other part of the country. It doesn’t matter whether the card is to be used for anime movies or researching an automotive purchase. Homeless people use libraries, they don’t pay anything other than sales tax.
Service members made a choice to serve our country, and yes we were aware that our energy and resources would be put to the test, but we could not anticipate everything. My other choice was to be an armchair humanitarian in the security of my home town. I’m making positive things happen on a grander scale. I love it, but it involves alienation from the familiar resources of home. That is what a library is to some members of the armed forces: we can’t just drive the thousand plus miles to our home library.
There are benefits to being in the military, like education, but our responsibilities often mean we are unable to attend school when we are active duty. The library educates us until we can use our education benefits.
The budgets of our home libraries’ often permit only the most popular online holdings, if any. This doesnt make study and research possible.
I have traveled many miles, and packed, shipped and moved my belongings half a dozen times within the span of several months. But to post in err is human, and responses lead to new insights.
The concensus is that military should pay taxes in their hometown, and pay non-resident library fees everywhere they are stationed. No big deal, when you consider the outlandish charges for cable and cell phones.
But no other location I have served in has compelled me to pay a fee to acquire this privilege. I do wonder that Virginia Beach, an area with many temporary military residents, has residency restrictions on
Library card acquisition.
In the Navy we are not allowed to wear our work uniform to go anywhere other than get food or gas off base other then commuting from/to home from work. Many times I have wished books would be added to the essential list.