General Question

Foolaholic's avatar

Can I move memory between two Wii's by way of an external device?

Asked by Foolaholic (5804points) May 13th, 2008

Whenever we get together to play Wii, it’s always on of my friends who brings their console, because the wires on mine are buried deep behind the TV and therefore quite a pain to remove. But that means that the data for games comes from their Wii. Is there some way to move game information from Wii to Wii without actually having my console there?

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2 Answers

bassist_king1's avatar

probly with an sd card or maybe even a gamecube cube memory card might work. Just go into settings and to memory management and copy your game saves onto the card, then onto the other wii

trogdor_87's avatar

SD card. But you will not be able to copy VC games and play them on another Wii, only the game save data.

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