Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

What do you think makes a God scratch his or her head?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29383points) November 5th, 2011

Sincerely hoping no debate will ensue about whether God is real or not. Mostly expecting some rather light, humorous yet meaningful and introspective responses. Thanks! : )

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22 Answers

Berserker's avatar

As in a God we can pick other gods besides the Christian god, right?

Odin; I’m getting fucked up by a dog. Not impressive, eh? scratches helmet

Thor; Damnit dad, you let me down.

God; Jesus Christ…shakes head

Jesus; Don’t be using my name in vain, yo.

God; Shut up, boy.

Dionysus; Yall shut up, I got a badass headache here!

Odin; Hey man, god of death and war being eaten by a wolf here! Little help?

Loki; Lawlz.

When something like that happens, Xena shakes her head.

Mantralantis's avatar

I may have just answered that one in my last comment.

raven860's avatar

Where can he/she (GOD) meet more of the opposite sex?

Blondesjon's avatar

How much importance we place on him/her (believer or not) and how much importance we place on thinking we have shit all figured out.

anartist's avatar

If you’d watched Saturday Night Live tonight, you’d know the answer: Greek economics.

Hacksawhawk's avatar

Zeus scratched his head, and ten minutes later Pallas Athena popped out of his skull full grown and in full battle armor. That’s quite a reason for some scratching.

Hibernate's avatar

I wouldn’t know.

jazmina88's avatar

who is going to run on the Republican side for 2012?
They are getting kicked off the bus every other day.

spykenij's avatar

The middle east.

ucme's avatar

edit: I see that quip has already been used, I shall leave it in though, coz it’s probably true.

iamthemob's avatar

When I think of God as some perceivable, personified thing…I think that most of what we do makes zim scratch zis head.

But in particular, I imagine zim thinking wistfully something like…“Why does nobody get me?”

wundayatta's avatar



zenvelo's avatar

Who says the Kardashians were made in my image, and why does anyone pay attention to any of them?

spykenij's avatar

Canadian Badgers aka those mosquito looking bugs that cover everything in the spring in Cleveland. That’s my 1st serious question if I ever meet some God. Why the hell make a bug that lives for 2 weeks, but has no mouth, with the sole purpose of reproducing. WTF, Duder?

thesparrow's avatar

Religious people.

Sunshinegirl's avatar

I don’t think there really is anything…after all, a God is a God…they are beyond our human frailties and misunderstandings…:)

mattbrowne's avatar

It makes me scratch my head when I encounter people thinking of God having a head and fingers to scratch it.

Chomskola's avatar

Celestial itch

Pandora's avatar

Bad fitting Halo
Promise to Noah
Why anyone would believe sex would be necessary in heaven
Greek Gods, why anyone would think they would have to rape human women.
Why humans think there would be human females prettier than any Goddess
If Hercules was so strong why wouldn’t humans consider that his super sperm would rip a girl in half?
Why do humans praise a God with little stupid wings on his feet.

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