Meta Question

Allie's avatar

What did you get your first lurve for?

Asked by Allie (17551points) May 13th, 2008

Besides “joining the colletive” of course.

I got +3 for asking if there are tarantulas on Mount Diablo.

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25 Answers

El_Cadejo's avatar

Well i had to go back 26 pages to find it. But my first lurve was for the question how do you refer to someone who can not smell?

rking1487's avatar

+5 for the response “I don’t think it could work because insecurities would enter the relationship” in response to this question “Do you think a young married couple who want to swing can survive the hidden emotions that will rise?”

wildflower's avatar

30 pages of scrolling on my iPhone….you’re making me work for this answer!
But I found it: suggesting the re-emerging of balloon skirts and other 80’s trends as the trend or thing that makes me feel old.

scamp's avatar

Yeah, I had to work to get the answer to this one too!! I got +5 for answering the question: Will the soprano’s make a movie? So far today the only lurve I got was for coming 2 days in a row.

marinelife's avatar

I got a 3 for asking a question about “what is your most surprising vacation destination.”

El_Cadejo's avatar

@xxporkxsodaxx pst “Besides “joining the colletive” of course.”

spendy's avatar

+5 for what I would do with my fluther points, even though I didn’t have any at the time. :)

psyla's avatar

I’m not sure, but it had something to do with UFOs and aliens with beaks.

iwamoto's avatar

a bit of topic, the best one i got was for this one:

+5 What would you do if Fluther closed down?
start beating my wife again…

robmandu's avatar

heh… for recommending Body Glide. And two GA’s for that!

Randy's avatar

My first was a +3 for asking if Chinese people eat ice cream with chopsticks. Haha!

trogdor_87's avatar

Joining the collective… (looks at your side note) I am pretty sure it was a iPhone answer.

delirium's avatar

After going through 40 pages….

I received it in this thread.

ccatron's avatar

i gave an answer for the best country to start from when playing risk. i’m not sure it was correct, but i was psyched that someone that it was a good answer.

phoenyx's avatar

Showing up two days in a row?

Trustinglife's avatar

This question helped me fall in love with Fluther – feeling connected to others in something I assumed was definitely a private matter:

iPhone users:do you find yourself hitting double spacebar on regular keyboards nowadays?

edmartin101's avatar

for answering What is more important, a manned-trip to Mars or alleviating poverty?
It was fun reading again those good answers after a long while.

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