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What do you think of your community?
Recently, my small town has gone through both a rare New England hurricane and an even rarer October Nor’Easter. Power went out through out the town both times, the first time in all the years my family has been here that we have lost power for an extended period of time.
However, during these obstacles, I realized how lucky I was to live here. During the hurricane, when 100% of our town was dark, some people got together a pasta dinner, free and welcome. The shelter, which opened, was being watched over by the first selectman herself (small town equivelent to a mayor) both during the first storm and the one last week. Neighbors have helped people eat, stay warm, shower, and clean up. It’s just been amazing.
So what do you think of your community? Do you think you would help or recieve help from a neighbor or your local government in times of need? Do you think it has anything to do with the size of the community?
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