Are you this Jelly? The Jelly below me_Part 31?
Asked by
creative1 (
November 7th, 2011
The game rules are:
Respond to the question/statement from the poster above.
Ex: I might make the statement:
The Jelly below me drinks 10 cups of coffee daily
The response might be:
False! I hate coffee or,
Then they might state:
The Jelly below me has blond hair.
There are no right or wrong answers, so be as creative as your heart desires.
Happily, this is becoming the Never Ending TJBM Game. Hopefully most all Jellies will join in.
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730 Answers
TJBM has already started Christmas Shopping
I have. I buy things throughout the year. Sometimes it backfires because I forget I have put things away.
TJBM buys plants and then gets too busy to plant them.
Well I did buy plants and haven’t been able to put them in the ground yet due to the early snow. Now that this week is suppose to be warm so the plan is to put them in.
TJBM has some sort of fruit tree or bush in their yard
I have quite a few. I have an olive tree, a mango tree, a custard apple plant, lemon, lime, nut trees. The one that does really well is the mulberry tree. (I think it is just you and me @creative1).
TJBM makes pies or jams with the fruit from their garden.
Don’t have a garden other than flowers right now.
TJBM thinks TBMJ game is the best ever!
I sure do
TJBM is ready for breakfast
It’s cookin’!
TJBM is a morning person.
Would an insomniac person count as a morning person? If so then I guess I am!
TJBM loves country music.
Depends on the song. If the words are raunchy or depressing, no. That eliminates quite a lot of them.
TJBM is cleaning house today.
No, road trip today seven hours round trip.
TJBM rides a bicycle.
Not since it was stolen
TJBM is travelling this Thanksgiving
Not at this point.
TJBM plans on having a vegetarian Turkey Day.
I’d be fine with it, but no, making a turkey breast but not a whole turkey.
TJBM has lost something recently
TJBM Just had a good laugh!
Milo here; Very true; Gail amuses me most of the time.
TJBM is going to remember to vote tomorrow.
I live in the UK.
TJBM was too slow.
Yes they were, and I beat them to it!!!
TJBM needs a coffee to perk up!!
False, I prefer tea.
TJBM is slow as a snail.
False. But if you’re seeing what I’m seeing TJAM @KoleraHeliko is
TJBM notices they seem frozen in post
Nobuddy here now ‘cept lil’ ole’ me.
TJBM is not allergic to poison ivy.
On the contrary, I rather like Poison Ivy.
TJBM is a Batman fan.
No. But my daughter is. Does she count?
TJBM is irritated at someone right now.
An ex boyfriend from almost 10 years ago who is on the rebound and trying his best to see if I’ll cave to a little re-cycling of sexuality with him. Dude…I SO SEE what you’re up to! lol
TJBM is very, very WISE when it comes to spotting players
Oh absolutely see straight past them! But you have to dance with a few in order to find the one that isn’t right! Plus I am so past the dating game (thank god)
TJBM is wondering when….......?
Will I act my age? oh gods of teendom, ween me off my NiIckolodean addiction…
TJBM still watches cartoons. Family Guy doesn’t count
False. I’m pretty much done with cartoons these days.
TJBM has been in trouble with the law at some point in their life.
Not yet, but I’m still young!
TJBM has been caught speeding multiple times tsk tsk
False. I have had one parking ticket in my whole life, I am a bit of a speed demon at times but I seem to fly under the radar, so far, so good!
TJBM needs to get a move on
LOL. Yes. What a coincidence! In PART 30, I ended the long thread with “Gotta get a move on”. Besides, I gotta get packin. Heading to California tommorow.
TJBM was watching the verdict decision in the Michael Jackson case this afternoon, on t.v.
I wasn’t wachting it, but I heard about it a little afterwards. I approve of this jury, rather than Casey Anthony’s.
TJBM was mad Casey Anthony got away with that.
True. I was mad as hell.
TJBM thinks Casey Anthony should be covered in honey and fed to the bears.
I watched the entire trial and sorry to disappoint all but I agree with the verdict of not guilty since the state could no prove without a reasonable doubt she murdered her daughter. You don’t know what happened and neither do I so no she shouldn’t be covered in honey and fed to the bears.
TJBM is having dinner
True in just a few minutes!
TJBM thinks that Michael Jackson was innocent of any true molestation and really just made bad decisions based on his attempts to recreate the childhood he never had
I do. My opinion is entirely not based on the fact that I’m an MJ fan… Even though I lurve him. :D
TJBM loves Batman as much as I do.
Hint: The correct answer is “No, @AshLeigh, that’s impossible.”
No @AshLeigh that’s impossible…TJBM prefers Superman…;)
No. No. No.
YJBM is wearing a green shirt. O.o
Yes….My shirt has flowers and foilage!
TJBM still likes 2 and a half men, even without Charlie Sheen, and thinks Ashton is funny, but also gets away with too much!
I haven’t seen the new Two and a Half Men, but I lurve the one with Charlie Sheen. Even with all his stupidity, he was still funny as hell.
TJBM thinks Ashton Kutcher looks stupid with a beard.
Never fond of Ashton so I would have to say yes
TJBM would love a slice of homemade apple pie
Yes please. :)
TJBM is glad that I’m skipping school tomorrow. :)
Sure, enjoy! I’ll join you as I don’t have school (election day).
TJBM thinks it’s insane they give us election day off.
Thanks. :) You enjoy too!
No, I think it’s LUCKY. I don’t have it off. I’m just skipping because we’re not having any classes, since the sophomores are testing. :D
TJBM is drinking sprite, like me. :)
False, Coke.
TJBM follows Glee. Klaine for life
Huh? I have no idea what you’re talking about. lol
TJBM sleeps with a teddy bear
Used to…a really big one…;)
TJBM sleeps in the nude…
Fasle too cold! Dx
TJBM Is excited for Thanksgiving! :D
Always exciting to be thankful…:)
TJBM has already started Christmas shopping…;)
Not yet.
TJBM has played in a cardboard box. :)
Many times.
TJBM did laundry today.
Nope, that was yesterday. Well truth be told I helped with the laundry while I was vacuuming.
TJBM decorates their kleenex boxes.
Heck no.
TJBM watches Who Wants To Be A Millionaire
TJBM drives too fast.
I used to but it’s more trouble than it’s worth.
TJBM wants new shoes.
TJBM needs to take a prescription med which has possible side effects that they feel make the med too dangerous.
Hahaha…no way…;)
TJBM is going to their weekly session with their therapist.
TJBM has download free music from emusic.
TJBM tries to avoid buying from Sears.
True although I try to avoid buying from anywhere…I am not a shopper.
TJBM is trying to eat less meat, chicken and fish and fewer dairy products.
TJBM has a ski trip planned.
Nope. I have a speedskating excursion planned next month, though.
TJBM boils water from the tap before drinking it.
Nope, tap water here is pretty good, we filter the flouride and chlorine out though.
TJBM has a comic book collection.
Lord no!! I’ve never, and I mean never, read comics.
TJBM has written a complaint letter in the past month.
False. But I have complained to someone about their behavior. lol
TJBM ate too much for dinner and now feels extremely bloated Oh why, oh WHY did I do that! haha
False! Also, dinner was several hours ago.
TJBM read a sad book recently. :-(
Oops. False. No, the last book I read was Go Boy! by Roger Caron, a crime thriller.
TJBM wears designer eyewear.
False. I don’t usually wear anything on my eyes, although I need to get a pair of sunglasses.
TJBM got a package recently.
No…though I’m waiting for one…;)
TJBM met a really awesome person the last few days.
True and false. Awesome years ago, but not so awesome anymore. My ex-g.f.
TJBM hates going through airports, you know, the check-ins, security customs and taking off your shoes, belts, watches, and going through the electronic beeper, etc..
Not really, I’m easy going and usually so excited about wherever I am going that I don’t care. Of course a cocktail and a Xanax makes me just smile a lot. lol
TJBM has had a 13 hour flight or more
True. When I went to Japan and Hong Kong a couple of years ago. The flight took 16 hours.
TJBM sometimes has flying dreams, as if he/she were a bird.
True! Flying dreams are great!
TJBM has wet their pants before from laughing so hard
False. I pooped my pants instead. That’s what happens when you’re binge drinking with friends and you had a sudden case of diarrhea in college.
TJBM needed condoms in one occasion but found out he just run out.
Er….um, um…true. (sigh…)
TJBM uses lubricated condoms with a spermicide.
How the heck did we get on this subject? No.
TJBM is going to buy a car soon.
@dubsrayboo Hehe. Ask mazinger! ;)
False, not soon, but in maybe a couple of years.
TJBM has a favorite kind of tree.
The kind that I can climb…
TJBM likes to climb trees!
True, as long as I don’t fall!
TJBM has gotten hurt climbing trees. oh consequences
We had several climbable trees in the backyard growing up, and accidents happen! None so serious it required a trip to a hospital fortunately.
TJBM will tell us their favorite magazine.
TJBM looks lke Alfred E. Newman.
False. Jeez MAD Mag. I remember that when I was a kid in the 60’s…I didn’t know it was still in production. A. Newman is like 70 years old now I’d guess. lol
TJBM has frost this morning brrrr
TJBM wants to move to Detroit.
Good gawd no!
TJBM wants to move to the mountains
Nope I love where I am now
TJBM is cooking something
TJBM knows what the Rock is cooking.
TJBM is a good Samaritan. :)
I am! I never pass up a person or animal in need of help. :-)
TJBM loves animals
I sure do. :)
TJBM loves humans.
Not as much as animals. lol ;-)
TJBM is dieting before the holiday gluttony arrives.
not really
TJBM wants to move to New Jersey (or Newfoundland).
Newfoundland, yes. New Jersey, not if you paid me.
TJBM hates the Jersey Shore.
Never been there, so, I don;t know if I would or not.
TJBM is a prankster
Yep all the time.
@Coloma It’s actually a trash T.V show. And, I’m actually subscribed to MAD. It’s amazing.
TJBM has hit a deer with their car.
False. But my Boyfriend almost did the other day when he was taking me home! (O.O)
TJBM wants a real human skull.
Not especially, but my daughter is a bone collector. She wants animal skulls and skeletons for art projects.
@TheIntern55 Oh yeah! I know what you’re talking about now, have seen a bit of that..nutso peeps. lol
TJBM has mountain lions in their area
TJBM has skunks, possums, deer, turkeys, and foxes in the area.
True. I live in a wildlife documentary over here.
Shared my hot tub last night, unbeknownst to me for a few minutes with a dead 6 inch Millipede that fell apart when I went for the skimmer. Ewwwww! lol
TJBM has been to a real jungle
False, I’d love to though.
TJBM is an explorer.
True! I love to explore new places. :-)
TJBM has blonde hair
False light brown
TJBM eats goldfish (the crackers)
Not since my daughter was little, but, I do like them. Putting Goldfish on the grocery list. ;-)
TJBM needs to go grocery shopping
TJBM wonders where @EnchantedElla is? D’:
False, I’ve been distracted with other things!
TJBM Is feeling sad. :(
No. A little disappointed though.
TJBM was charitable today.
Not today! x(
TJBM wants to play Skyrim so, so bad! Dx
I have no idea what that is, nor do I recognize Dx.
TJBM watched the local news tonight.
Nope. And it’s not night. :)
TJBM is sitting next to a cow. O.o
No cows now just a puppy
TJBM enjoys a great steak
I do, about once a year. Medium well please and load up the sauteed mushrooms and onions. :-)
TJBM is having a cocktail before dinner
had dinner…no cocktail
TJBM has been AWOL
Yeah, sure.
TJBM has great expectations.
I do. Not that I know what I am expecting, but, it’ll be great. lol
TJBM wants me to tell a secret about @blueiiznh
Psst… @blueiiznh… is… really… super duper… extremely… awesome. :) Don’t tell anyone though.
TJBM knows everything. O.o
Nah, still so much to learn…;)
TJBM is sleeping.
Pinches self…. nope, definitely still awake.
TJBM still owns a toy from their childhood and will tell us what it is.
Nah. We lost all of that stuff when my parents got a divorce, and my mother and I moved a lot.
TJBM is a cradle robber! :O
My husband is four years older than me so no cradle robbing here. :D
TJBM is so glad it is nearly Thursday (well for me anyway!)
…It’s 10:35 Tuesday night. O.o
TJBM thinks it’s weird that @Bellatrix is almost into Thursday. D:
And I think it is fabulous. It is 5.39 on Wednesday. YAYYYYY.
TJBM is having a lovely, peaceful evening.
Fasle. It is night here for me and I am about to go to bed.
TJBM Can’t wait to curl up in a nice warm comfy bed and call it a day.
Just woke up, but I may take a nap later.
TJBM eats cake for breakfast.
Sure, if it’s around, which is rare. Let them eat cake! ;-D
TJBM has a family Birthday coming up next week
Sometimes. Because I’m a rebel. ;)
TJBM is a rebel.
Wait… Where did that come from? My computer spazzed, and didn’t show new responses. :(
@AshLeigh sooo you make up birthdays to be a rebel. lol
@Coloma, yes. And I’m unique. How many rebels do you know who do that? ;)
I can be a rebel yes. So far I have done my own thing forever and it’s still working. haha
TJBM has bed head
All day long.
TJBM also has bed head.
True. Crazy hair in a crazy ponytail lol
TJBM has found their lost kitty ;-(
How prescient. I got home from election work yesterday at 3:30 and couldn’t find Milo, whom I had left outside. After 8 hours of frantic searching by foot and then flashlight and many trips up the road in the car, I decided to go to bed, having left all the lights on and all the outside doors open.
While I was brushing my teeth at 11:45 I heard that “Meow” and there he was, standing in the bathroom.
He had some matted fur on one side of head and one flank, some sticky pitch-like substances and a tick on him. His little heart was racing and he was hungry, but none the worse for wear. I, on the other hand, need a month’s vacation.
TJBM is starting to do the Thanksgiving stocking-up shopping.
Ordered the bird from the turkey farm last week and got the apples for pies
TJBM is looking forward to the holiday season
I am, although I am pretty low key about things these days. I don’t attach to any unrealistic expectations. I feel for my daughter who is now in that sandwich of multiple families that all have an agenda. lol
TJBM is glad that @gailcalled found Milo
Thank you. You, of all people, can imagine.
TJBM feels very ambivalent about the holiday frou-fras.
False. It is what it is. ;-)
TJBM’s cat just broguht in a squawking Jay Oh my…cats on a rampage
False. But it a good method. I prefer BBQ myself.
TJBM is making a list and checking it twice
I wish. After making the list, I usually find that I have lost it.
TJBM is treasuring the balmy weather, knowing that it will not last.
I prefer cold weather better than super hot, if I had to choose.
TJBM takes prescription pain medication.
TJBM has an “out of order” sign around their neck.
I might as well. Maybe it would work, you never know.
TJBM has recently moved.
False, I’ve lived in the same house for about 14 years now.
TJBM is eating salad!
False, I’m not eating anything right now.
TJBM is drinking tea.
False, I’m drinking milk! I don’t like tea. :-(
TJBM had a busy day today.
TJBM wants to take a nap.
False. Gotta get out and run some errands and buy a B-day gift soon ;-)
TJBM likes to wrap presents in unusual ways
False, I prefer to just put them in bags. Much less skill required!
TJBM has a sore throat.
False. Had a cold a few weeks ago, and, got my flu shot. I’m good to go.
TJBM is craving mexican food for dinner
Yes, that sounds great!
TJBM likes very spicy (hot) Mexican food.
False false false!
TJBM is comfy right now.
I am. I am sitting in bed with a cup of tea and my laptop on my knee. News is on in the background. Dogs on the end of the bed. Cat… out doing cat stuff. Husband gone to work.
TJBM is getting frustrated with governments around the world and the ongoing financial woes.
I’m so over it.
TJBM is over it too.
I may be over it but my bank accounts aren’t. :-/
TJBM is glad the summer watering season is over
TJBM loves pudding. :)
Chocolate pudding is pretty good!
TJBM loves pizza!
I’m not a fan, but I’ll eat it when there’s nothing else.
TJBM is a fan of NCIS.
YES YES YES! I’m going through all the seasons right now.(:
TJBM has a black cat.
No, but we have a black dog about the same size, and she even has a number of “catlike” behavior.
Oops, almost forgot.
TJBM will not eat fried food.
TJBM noticed that @snowberry is forgetting something. :)
And @AshLeigh didn’t stay around long enough to see that I did NOT forget.
What can I say? I don’t stick around, to see if you fix things. :)
Also, ehh. I’m not big on fried, but sometimes.
TJBM is on Fluther too much, like me. >.<
TJBM thinks it’s time for a chocolate break.
TJBM can never find a pen when they need one. >:(
Why is that? Do they go where the socks go to? I either have 23497329478 pens in my bag (a bit of an exaggeration) and I don’t need one. Come the time I need one, nothing. Nada. No pen. One of life’s mysteries.
TJBM tends to work with noise going on in the background.
I do better with very low volume in the background.
TJBM eats our more than they eat in.
Nah…though I enjoy eating out…;)
TJBM is doing the laundry.
I should be…
TJBM wants pudding, like me. :D
I love it, but it does not love me
TJBM thinks it’s time for bed. I do.
Nah. It’s only 6:30, and I’m about to go to church. :-)
TJBM also isn’t going to bed. >:)
True. In the middle of canning about 15 jars of cranberry sauce with my daughter :_D
TJBM is cooking right now too
Cooking would be emotionally more satisfying than the work I am completing at the moment. Cranberry sauce to have with your turkey soon?
TJBM make their own relishes and jams.
False but I wouldn’t mind trying it sometime. Could get interesting ; )
tjbm has the munchies
Yes…and it bites the big one when in a hotel room and no mini bar
TJBM loves winter
shares munchies : )
True as long as it doesn’t go on till March or April. Then I get sick of it : (
thjbm has on two pairs of sockies cuz their feets are cold!
Nah one pair and slippers. ;)
TJBM is wondering…:)
I’m always wondering….....
TJBM is giving blood tomorrow.
False. I am staying in yet again. >.<
TJBM loves staying up late playing video games.
I stay up late without video games.
Passes a Lindt chocolate to @blueiiznh ;)
TJBM also loves Lindt chocolate melty balls!
Sure…Lindt is awesome…;)
TJBM is going surfing!
No, I am going to bed in a couple of hours. The sharks will be out there now.
TJBM records TV programs to watch later more than they watch live TV.
Well I don’t record them, I just watch them on
TJBM is having their first cup of coffee of the day
Yes ! yum yum yum an excellent cup of leftover at room temp from yesterday’s pot.
TJBM has a fun plan for Saturday.
False. But I am throwing a Birthday party next week. :-)
TJBM never goes out on Black Friday
False, I start heading out at 10pm Thanksgiving night and shop all night long
TJBM looks forward to Black Friday like me
not really (orange plague)
TJBM is wondering how many pallbearers does it take to carry Heavy D’s coffin.
False. I don’t even know who Heavy D is.
TJBM is tired this morning form a very busy yesterday
True, stayed up til 10:30 working on a project that I waited until the last minute to do.
TJBM puts the ‘pro’ in ‘procrastination’. I know I do
TJBM loves feeling nostalgic.
True ^.^
TJBM has something special planned for Friday.
Alas no. Work. Something special planned for next Friday though.
TJBM knows what Rick Perry did that was embarrassing?
I thought I did, but I no longer remember.
TJBM is horrified at the recent revelations at Penn State.
Yes and sickened
TJBM is enjoying the rain today
False. It is not raining where I live.
TJBM Is eating yummy candy! :3
Nope, I wish…
TJBM is sooooo ready for dinner
False. Only 2:02 pm on the west coast, just had lunch about an hour ago. :-)
TJBM is excited about something
A bit yes. Going to Melbourne for a long weekend with my husband next week. I always love to do things like that.
TJBM likes to go away for mini trips every now and then.
I do. :-)
TJBM likes to read wildlife books like “Bear attacks of the Century.” LOL..OMG! I hope I never get taken down by a Grizzley..brutal!
I think bears are beautiful but what a horrible way to go! I don’t read wildlife books so much. I do like to watch wildlife documentaries though. I really wanted to watch the David Attenborough Frozen Planet series. I missed the first ones though so I might put it on my Christmas wish list.
TJBM has seen bears in the wild.
Only one and it was in the “hood…rural but not really wild.
TJBM has to adjust to the earlier hours of darkness, here in EST.
yes and it bites
TJBM hates we still have daylight savings time when its so useless now a days
Nope, can’t say that I really care either way lol : )
TJBM had a cimmim roll for supper yummmmmm!!!
False. I haven’t even had dinner yet!
TJBM Can’t stop thinking of a special someone! :3
Always : )
TJBM is craving bbq….
False…I’ve had it too much. >.<
TJBM lives in California.
True!!! <blows bubbles>
TJBM wants to know how @AshLeigh did on her exam!! Like moi! <crosses fingers!>
I got a 96% [=
TJBM is a smarty pants, like me! :D
I am. Well done you on 96%. What was the exam about?
TJBM knows it isn’t about the mark though, it is about the learning experience. That is far more valuable than the specific grade.
It was Biology, Semester two. >.<
I know no such thing. It’s about whatever the heck looks good on my transcript, so I can get into a good college. :P
TJBM went to college.
Tryin to ; ) Yay! Awesome grade possum!!!
TJBM drools over the droid commercials….
False. I drool over other things! ;D Lol.
TJBM is a nerd! :P
Yes. Kind of.
TJBM is a geek. O.o
Scratch that.
TJBM will explain the difference between a nerd and a geek?
Will the semantics wonk please step up and…. I think the two words have been used for the same things indicating one or both of unusual technical prowess and social awkwardness.
TJBM has an ususual catalog and has read it nearly cover to cover.
TJBM understands now… I don’t.
True….not saying what the magazine is though! xD
TJBM is starving. (O.O)
No starving going on here, had three slices of pizza !
[some would say a geek is your go-to guy for computer or gadget problems and the nerd has tape on their glasses, or vice versa. @beccagolling, special toy catalog ? ]
TJBM never looks at “mail-order” catalogs anymore, does it all online.
nooo, but just as naughty! ;) I said nothing!
Anyway…depends on my mood.
TJBM had a pretty good day. :)
Yes, I did
TJBM is looking forward to a long weekend
I am!
A rainy one too! I have 2 new books and a dvd from amazon! Yay!
TJBM is an amazon addict
False. Hardly ever on there.
TJBM has a pet doggie to cudde up with on cold nights! :D
False, but I have an adorable seal tortie point siamese named Mia. Hers my baby. :-)
TJBM is hungry but not hungry all at once
I’ll grab something later.
TJBM will be boycotting because of poor workplace conditions.
False. You boycott amazon and I’ll stick with boycotting goose down products and pate. ;-)
TJBM thinks swans are beautful
TJBM is having a bad hair day. Like me
Well, not really bad, but, I didn’t do the usual routine of straightening so it is super fluffy. lol
TJBM has wavy hair
Naturally. But I straighten it.
TJBM… WillWorkForChocolate. ;)
False. Do not work for anyone but my Master! ;DD Lol! :P
TJBM hates sports. .>.<;
Mostly, yes. lol
TJBM thinks I should not read my bear attack book before bed so I don’t have bear attack dreams lol
False, it might be a good book! Lol xD
TJBM Is in pain. O.O
Yes. My tummy hurts. :(
TJBM has a spiderman folder, like me.
False. I don’t have a folder at all.
TJBM noticed the amazing full moon this morning before sunrise
nope too busy in the morning
TJBM has leaves falling off the tress in droves
Yes, my yard is buried and lots of branches from the last storm.
TJBM has big Oak trees in their yard
I do but since I have twenty acres, I can not define what my yard might be.
TJBM is looking for his winter clothes, boots, gloves that match, earmuffs and nose warmers.
Bought new boots, already have several other pairs and have lots of fun scarves and my old standby vest that is 6 years old and looks brand new. I have a feeling it’s never going to fall apart. Although my favorite mitten gloves have been claimed by my cat who has a fetish for them. lol
TJBM likes to wear fleecy vests
no vest
TJBM has a hard time keeping a fire going.
Not at all. As soon as the fire is started I have a hard time putting it out.
TJBM is happy today.
I am. My daughter is getting a new car today. She is very excited. My other daughter finished one job yesterday, and starts a new one in a couple of weeks, so she is excited. I am going shopping later and out for dinner. I am very content.
TJBM is sometimes in awe of how amazing their children are.
I don’t have children… But I’m sure when I do, they’ll be amazing. There is one good child in the world. And every mother has it.
TJBM is a mother! :O
Yes I am! And my children are amazing also!
TJBM has had strange dreams lately.
I did last night. Spiders… ugh…
TJBM has a secret ambition they are willing to share with us. (I know it won’t be secret then but we won’t tell).
True. My secret ambition is to write and perform my own stand up comedy routine. :-D
TJBM is enjoying a magnificent sunset
Nooo, it is midday nearly and the birdies are out and singing. I can hear a lawn mower going too. I was just thinking “I want to go to a book store and mooch”. All the really big ones have closed though.. sighs.
TJBM would love to sit on @Coloma‘s veranda (if she has one) and share a glass of something (wine for me) with her while watching that sun descend.
True. Sounds absolutely magnificent.
TJBM is enjoying a beverage right now. What?
I am! A Corona lite!
OMG! Tonight was stunning, and, coming down my little road I saw the most magnificent Whitetail buck herding his little flock of does, tis rutting season and the big guys are coming out of hiding to romance the girls. Evil hunters stay away!
TJBM is moved to tears by the beauty of nature
… No.
TJBM wants to have a snowball fight with me? :D
You bet! I love snowball fights! No rocks in your snowballs kiddo! :-)
TJBM is having chinese chicken salad for dinner and beer lol
nope, leftovers.
TJBM is an OAP.
I never put rocks in my snowballs.
TJBM will tell me what OAP stands for?
Beats me, maybe we will find out the secret code.
TJBM just loves @AshLeigh ‘s gorgeous red hair :-)
True!! Totaly gorgeous with her green eyes…. <whistles>
tjbm has green eyes too!
You guys are too sweet. :D Thanks.(:
Almost. Mine are hazel! :D
TJBM is eating a midnight snack. C:
It’s only 9:16. But I did just have ice cream.
TJBM wants to love like Johnny and June. :)
I don’t know who that is.
TJBM has never tried a Butterfinger ice cream bar. (I just had one and it was sheer delight).
I wish.
TJBM wants to love like Johnny and June, and actually knows who that is. :D Like, Johnny Cash… And his wife, June!
False. I’m outta the love loop it’s all good, been there, done that. lol But..good movie, I love old J.C. songs. :-)
TJBM woke up with a tweaked arm from sleeping weird.
I did that yesterday, a nasty sharp pain in the shoulder, actually. It hurt all day but it’s a lot better today.
TJBM still writes sweet notes on paper to their significant other.
False. Happily single for awhile now. But I do lots of sweet things for my kiddo and her bf. :-)
TJBM is diggin’ the full moon this week
yes, there is a full moon at your door right now.
TJBM will moon the moon tonight.
Haha..quite possibly, in my hot tub nekkid around 10 o’ clock. ;-D
TJBM is a nature nut
True. I have sadly missed the recent sightings of a bald eagle, seen snacking on a dead squirrel and then being harried by crows.
TJBM will see the moon tonight, two days past full, no matter where he lives, unless it is overcast.
If it’s not cloudy, I might see it.
TJBM likes Luna. :D
From Harry Potter? True, I do like Luna!
TJBM has read all the Harry potter books more then once ; )
True. And I was an adult at the time.
TJBM will proudly admit to having read YA titles (“young adult” seems to be the new term for teen/pre-teen literature) as an adult.
I haven’t really but I do want to read the John Marsden series starting with Tomorrow, when the war began. I am certainly not opposed to reading YA titles. A good story is a good story.
TJBM puts up their Christmas tree quite early (if they do put up a Christmas tree).
False, because we get a real Christmas tree and it would start dying by Christmas!
TJBM loves Christmas time.
@EnchantingEla… I was actually talking about the mood. But sure. :D
No, not really. It just makes me miss my family, and my Chaos. :-/
TJBM likes Thanksgiving! :-)
True! Especially green beans and bacon, mmmm.
TJBM will tell us their favorite holiday.
The 4th of July, or New Years. I like fireworks.
TJBM also likes Fireworks. :D:D:D<3
TJBM is listening to music right now.
True. Downloading songs and listening..
TJBM is shocked to see it’s getting dark so early these days. <sigh> The shortest days of the year approach.
True : (
TJBM knows what day is the shortest of the year
Nope. I hear about it every day, but I don’t care. It’s winter time in Alaska. It’s always dark. :)
TJBM can’t sleep if the light’s on, like me! D:
Can’t sleep when it’s off either…lately…;)
TJBM can’t stand alarm clocks!
only when I can’t set them the way i want.
TJBM is full.
Nah. I had hot chocolate and pie for breakfast though. :D
TJBM is my favorite @EnchantingEla! :D
TJAM is my favo @AshLeigh!!
TJBM had a nerf shoot out last night with their kids and is now finding darts everywhere!
I wish!
TJBM thinks @LezboPirate should come into our living room, and watch a movie with me. :)
True! and me too!! <plops down on sofa, cozy-cozy by @AshLeigh>
pass the poppycorn plz ; )
TJBM loves watching movies!
TJBM recently visited their childhood hometown.
I still live in my childhood home town since I’m still a child.
TJBM is as young as me.
False. I’m not a little kid!
TJBM has something delicious planned for dinner.
Just ordered Pizza to go along with our movie. Erikah (LezboPirate) and I are watching Perfume. :)
TJBM has seen Perfume, and will tell me if it’s worth watching or not! :)
I have not, let us all know if it is worth it.
TJBM made carmel corn tonight?
I don’t even know what carmel corn is?
TJBM makes their own Christmas cake.
yes. @Bellatrix here is an example recipe
TJBM will tell us the book they are reading
Wuthering Heights…
TJBM has read it.
Yes. Once as a young woman and once several years ago. I still prefer “Jane Eyre.”
TJBM is considering eating lower on the food chain.
No, I’m too tired for a march.
TJBM enjoys making new friends.
TJBM is sad the weekend’s almost over. :-/
By the way, Perfume: Totally worth watching.
It’s Saturday evening—I don’t call that almost over.
TJBM spends too much time here.
Not lately. I’m on vacation in Califorrnia. Haven’t been on Fluther for almost a week.
TJBM is in California now.
Nope. Alaska, as always.
Saturday evening is almost over. Sunday will go by really fast. D:
TJBM is in Florida. The Penis of America.
Haha, no. I’m in California! ;-D
TJBM thinks it’s exciting that @AshLeigh lives in the land of the Grizzly bear. :-)
Yes! But please stay at telephoto lens distance from them okay?
TJBM wants breakfast but not sure what…
True! But now that I think of it, I might make some pancakes. Mmmm.
TJBM didn’t get enough sleep last night.
False. Got good sleep but I am in pain, pulled a muscle in my shoulder lugging in too many bags of groceries in one arm the other day. :-(
TJBM likes wrapping presents :-D
False. I absolutely love wrapping pressies! I’m the one that puts all kinds of ribbons, bows, wells, whistles, candy canes… <sighs blissfully> I just love wrapping presents.
TJBM loves unwrapping presents!
True! I also like to bury the cat in wrapping paper. lol
TJBM buys presents for their pets
True! And I wrap them! Santa also stuffs their stockings!
when my kids ere younger, we would wrap presents for stuffed friends also and put them under the tree LOL I LOVE X-MAS! and everything about it!
TJBM has a stocking for eah of their pets
Not anymore, but we used to do the same thing. Now I just buy goodies for the critters. :-)
TJBM is still drinking coffee and easing into their day 7:51 on the west coast
Yes I am still drinking coffee but I have been having a very full day its already 11:35am here
TJBM likes to have coffee throughout their day
False. Just in the mornings, but, once in awhile on a really cold day I’ll hit Starbucks for a warm up.
TJBM is an art lover
Oh yes and actually got myself lost in the Louvre while visiting Paris
TJBM loves to do something artistic, whether paiting, sculpting, drawing etc
True. I write, have sculpted, play drums and have a good eye for interior design. My daughter paints beautifully. Some strong creative genes over here. :-)
TJBM plays a musical instrument
TJBM likes the new Miami Marlins logo.
I don’t follow any sports teams, so, don’t know.
TJBM loves Cougars, as in the western cats, not old broads on the prowl. lol
Yes, like the big cats, and pretty much most wild critters (nice avatar pic)! Would probably like both kinds of cougar if I were available, but the other kind are way off my radar.
TJBM will be watching a movie this eve (tell us what, please!)
True! Harry Potter 7 part 2, I’m super excited!
TJBM really wants to see a specific movie (tell use what, please!)
“Caché” and “Das weisse Bande,” directed by Michael Haneke.
I’m waiting for the new Spielberg release of “War Horse” on Dec. 28 :-)
TJBM will wave “goodbye” to me waving…off to run errands :-)
Waving good bye to Coloma, as I head out the door to visit our five wooded acres with a pond and is home to at least one black squirrel and a deer skeleton. also sticking my tongue out at her!
TJBM is getting to eat whatever they want today!
As always.
TJBM loves pops. :D
@AshLeigh pops? IDK!
TJBM got some good work done today.
The cereal! :)
Uh… I dressed like a thug, and went to church, after finding my stray cat dead on the floor in my bedroom. Then Erikah and I put her in a box, and put it outside, since we can’t dig a hole in the winter. :/ So no…
TJBM is having a fun day too.
OMG! I’m sorry @AshLeigh!
My day is not near as fun as @AshLeigh.
TJBM is giving in to an urge to snack on useless sugary stuff!
Almost ! Had a bowl of leftover flavored rice heated up with some cheese, instead. Hit the spot and I’ll be cooking dinner in an hour or so.
TJBM has eccentric taste in art.
I don’t think it’s eccentric. I prefer the term “gracefully unique.”
TJBM is about ready to quit working for the day and go veg!
No. My day is just beginning. It will be pretty full-on.
TJBM can see the Aurora Borealis from where they live. (Hope the spelling was right there).
TJBM can see it (see above)
TJBM can see it (see above above)
Nope. I think this one’s dead.
TJBM has made cheese before.
No. Would like to though. I think that would be a great craft to learn.
TJBM has played in a band.
In my dreams, but…I once wrote a poem that a friend in a band turned into a song! :-)
TJBM went Mountain Lion tracking today I did…no lions, but a few beers. lol
No. I did not.
TJBM loves Sarabeth by Rascal Flatts. :D
I don’t know it.
TJBM has been out of the country (whichever one is home to you).
I’ve been to Canada… but I live in Alaska, which might as well be Canada, but it’s not, because it’s America… So yes. I have. >.<
TJBM rambles like me! :D
Not usually…once in a while…;)
TJBM is heartbroken. :(
Nope. Nothing to be heartbroken about. Life is pretty good.
TJBM doesn’t like humid weather.
can’t say
TJBM wants the temps to drop.
Nah, I want them to go up. :)
TJBM is ticklish. :)
Depends. Feet no, knees and ribs, yes! lol
TJBM is celebrating a family Birthday this week
<~ unless two week old birthdays count.
TJBM has a new addition to their family.
The newest one is my three year old niece, Jade. :)
TJBM has a niece/nephew.
true, one each
TJBM has no desire to have children of their own.
Not anymore, no. My girl turns 24 on Friday and this cougar is waaay beyond raising cubs. lol
TJBM has cold feet where’s my socks!
Yes…wearing socks and slippers…;)
TJBM enjoys scuba diving.
Never actually scuba dived, only snorkled.
TJBM hates sweet potatos with marshmallows. Blech!
TJBM is a purple people eater.
LOL…well…I have yet to try a purple people. ;-)
TJBM is a dwarf
Yes, a dwarf giant.
TJBM jumped in a pile of leaves recently
Lol. Nope but my dog did and peed in them and I got yelled at for it by a strange confrontational guy!!
TJBM has been very happy lately.
TJBM climbs trees for fun
True, when I was younger and more agile.
TJBM is quite limber.
Not bad, but I couldn’t scale a tree in record time to get outta the way of a cougar or a bear. I’d be a nice little cache of meat I’m afraid. lol
TJBM has gone rock climbing
False, but wants to some time.
TJBM could go all the way on the monkey bar at school.
Yes, then and now
TJBM thinks “monkey bars” is not politically correct
False, I think the name is fine….
TJBM loves Cinnamon Toast Crunch!
Sure..but not as much as some other cereals.
TJBM is thrilled to have some upcoming vacation plans. (I am taking time off at Thanksgiving and will quilt and sleep and play non-stop with my kids. Can’t wait!)
Ehh. It’s whatever.
TJBM is having a slow day.
v e r y s l o w
tjbm cant believe it“s Friday already!
In my little world it’s Monday.
TJBM reads TIME.
TJBM is getting ready for bed
TJBM is getting ready for winter
Do I have any other choice?
TJBM is not ready for winter.
False. I got hot cocoa! I’m ready!!
TJBM loves pb&j sammiches!
Sometimes yes.
TJBM knows that the width between a mountain lions canine teeth have evolved to the same distance between a deers cervical vertebrae for that custom kill. ;-)
I do now.
TJBM has gum, and they will share. :)
Sure. <spits gum in hand and offers it to @AshLeigh> heehee
TJBM has false teeth
Wait…—<bites in half and offers half> I wasn’t done yet ; )—
-Hehe. Thanks.—
Nope, they’re real.
TJBM drinks Bottled Water. :) <3
nope, i drink mine from a glass :)
tjbm likes peanut butter and fluff
Maybe ; ) psst… what’s fluff @AshLeigh? lol
TJBM has a heffalump in their closet
Yes, “I have decided to catch a Heffalump.”
@EnchantingEla fluff
tjbm is bouncy trouncy fun fun fun fun fun
I’m glad @blueiiznh answered, because I didn’t know what to tell you, @EnchantingEla! Haha.
For the most part. I have a headache though. :(
TJBM also has a headache.
I do. I just came home from work. Now I can’t sleep it off though.
TJBM gets migraines.
Yuck. I do. I also get them with auras too. it sucks
TJBM has had a pie thrown in their face.
Nah…not yet anyway…;)
TJBM enjoys swimming…
I can barely swim. I almost die. D:
TJBM bowls about six times a week. O.o
I wish! I love to bowl. (Although I’m terrible at it.) I have enough trouble trying to get my friends to play pool down the street, let alone going to an alley to play bowling.
TJBM likes to play pool!
I do. I am pretty crap at it though.
TJBM prefers playing snooker to pool.
Dunno, never played it ; ) Let’s game up and find out @Bellatrix!
TJBM prefers playing baseball to basketball
False. I don’t play with anything that involves balls. I prefer extreme hot tubbing. lol
TJBM has a lot to do today
TJBM can’t wait for more snow
TJBM is going to have a bad week.
False. I no longer ever have a bad week (even when mildly unpleasant things happen).
TJBM finds the holidays difficult rather than fun and jolly.
Not anymore, now I do things my way! :-D
TJBM does things their way
Indeed I do, there’s no fun to be had in doing something you don’t want to.
TJBM understands what I mean.
I do. ;-)
TJBM has so much to do they are frozen in inertia at the moment
Actually I’m currently cracking on with a school science project.
TJBM tries to be productive but finds it difficult.
TJBM once lost their top or shorts in the swimming pool.
True. But the best was when I locked my skirt in my back door and had to drop it and run to my car for the house key in my pantyhose. Woo hoo…flash the neighbors! lol
TJBM has been caught with their pants down
Undoubtedly. I think it should happen at least once to everyone. (It also sometimes teaches you to wear a belt.)
TJBM is going out for a walk soon. my car in the garage and then through the grocery store for party stuff for a get together tonight.
@Prosb Yeah, wear a belt and panties under your panty hose haha
TJBM loves stuffed mushrooms
I don’t personally, but I have a terrible sense of taste. I hear others say they’re good.
TJBM likes/LOVES chocolate chip pancakes.
I like chocolate chip anything. :-)
TJBM is hungry now
TJBM has had a good day so far.
True! Not my most productive ever – but a good one nonetheless.
TJBM cannot quite relate to SAHM.
TJBM wears a monocle Θ ̨Θƪ.
I wear two monocles!
TJBM is listening to music right now.
Soon…in my car, almost ready to launch. lol
TJBM loves to go hiking
TJBM has cold feet.
No, it is quite warm here already and it is only 7.13 am. Going to be a hot one.
TJBM thinks Barack Obama should worry about the crocs in Darwin (he apparently took out croc insurance).
True! I’d take him for a nice little refreshing swim after I sprayed his trunks with Croc pheremones. lol
TJBM thinks that is the funniest thing they have heard all day Psht!
The finniest thing I heard all day was when a friend of mine, who I didn’t even know was a lesbian, told me she only started talking to me because she finds me attractive. It was very awkward. Haha. I’m too lazy to read up, and find out what you’re talking about. :)
TJBM will tell me something funny that happened today.
False….nothing funny happened today. :(
TJBM Is secretly a ninja assassin. (O.O) Blame the soda, lol
If I told you…. I’d have to kill you.
TJBM is going to kill me! D’: Please don’t.
Your answer made me laugh. :)
Never! D:
TJBM Has a pet turtle! :O
False, but I have 2 pet chinese geese and a siamese cat. :-)
TJBM has an obnoxious relative
TJBM is being stalked by a zebra! :O
…haven’t noticed any extra ungulates here… but then a stalker would be discrete.
TJBM won’t kill a spider but might smack another bug.
True. Spiders scare me.
TJBM has a big fear of Spiders >.<
TJBM will come have an NCIS marathon with me.
False, doesn’t sound very intresting. >.<
TJBM watches “How I Meet Your Mother”
Oh YESSSSSSSS! I love that show
TJBM watches The Good Wife
False. Haven’t watched TV in more than 10 years.
TJBM is having a party tonight
False. Sounds fun though!
TJBM believes Alien Abduction are possible
True. Anything is possible, what the bleep do we know? lol
TJBM hates it when they buy something that turns out to not be what they thought it was going to be
TJBM is going to wear a kilt to work tomorrow.
TJBM has seen “The Mist”
TJBM took a nap today, like me. :)
I love naps! but false : (
tjbm wants to cuddle @erichw1504 baby, like me!
omg so adorable!!
I would love to. :)
TJBM has a baby! :D
True, but they are almost all taller than me now : (
when they are little they can’t run away so easily lol
tjbm likes to play tag
I sure do.
TJBM wants some sprite, like me. :)
Now that you mention it, I do want some! ^,^
TJBM wants to be a mother ♥
One day.
TJBM wants to be a father.
I’m already a father. ;)
TJBM goes to McDonald’s at least once a month.
I try to stay away from that hellhole.
TJBM likes to fart in elevators.
TJBM played hide & seek when they were younger.
True. In a big field with hills, wild hiding and seeking.
TJBM wants @erichw1504 to tell his his baby girls name :-D
I sure do. :)
TJBM has to go into the wind today, like me! D:
No wind but chilly, and yes, have to leave for the dentist in one hour and 15 minutes. Ugh!
TJBM insists on holding their own sucky hose at the dentist
Um, never thought of it. I will ask next time if I can hold the “sucky hose”. I suspect my hygenist will either hit me with it or pee her pants.
TJBM has a sucky hose of their own
TJBM is planning on having another child.
Her name is Adrianna.
False! Mine turns 24 Friday
@erichw1504 I love it, beautiful name!
@blueiiznh just ask, I like being in charge of my own drool lol
TJBM loves German Chocolate cake
TJBM likes to go bowling.
not really.
TJBM likes the little ‘scrubber’ with the mint lube.
True… assuming we’re talking about dental tools.
TJBM likes dubstep.
I don’t know what dubstep is! lol
TJBM likes to eat scrambled eggs with catsup.
TJBM needs a haircut.
Very true!
TJBM can’t afford a hair-cut .>.<
TJBM has facial hair.
TJBM wants facial hair.
No, thank you very much. I do have one hair on my chinny chin chin, and that is quite enough.
TJBM is re-evaluation his/her eating habits.
False, but it would be hilarious.
TJBM once hit a deer with their vehicle.
I had one run into me once but it wasn’t hurt and several near misses.
I have been very lucky living in a high deer density zone. Several friends have had some horrific deer collisions with dead deer and severe vehicle damage but no injury to them. I have hit one squirrel and a skunk in 20 years, not bad, not bad at all. lol
TJBM needs to make a phone call they are dreading
TJBM is incredibly stressed
Close, but I’m trying to find solutions to my stressful situations.
TJBM is trying to figure out what’s for dinner.
False, I’ve already had mine. I do feel a bit peckish though.
TJBM is going to have some chocolate.
I wish. :)
TJBM is cold, like me! D:
True, so true.
TJBM is snuggled up in her blanket like me.
Oh, I am! Haha. It’s windy, and it’s like 3 degrees. :(
TJBM has a very comfy bed. :)
TJBM has got like, 5 pillows.
Yeah, I do. :)
TJBM has 109 siblings, like me. By 109, I mean 5.
I’ve got 4 XD
TJBM thinks brothers can be very annoying
I’d imagine they could, but, I was an only child sooo, skipped that. haha
TJBM is an only child
False, I have a good older brother.
TJBM is going to enjoy Mythbusters tonight.
Nah. I’m going to enjoy church. :P
TJBM agrees that @Coloma is looking mighty fine today. ;D
TJBM has a shopping list to get, for the up coming holidays.
True, quite a few in fact.
TJBM is “Santa” and wraps all the presents in a Christmas Eve marathon.
False, though I have Santa’s laugh ;)
TJBM loves Ginger beer :D
TJBM doesn’t know which part to sing, when a song has two things being sung at once. Does that make sense?
Sure do and I usually sing both if no ones around ; )
tjbm deleted their Facebook acct today
TJBM has a creepy creeper creepin’ on them, like me! D:
False. Sorry that you do @AshLeigh, that must be awful!
TJBM wears glasses.
Ehh. It does prove to be amusing. Haha.
I need to. >.<
TJBM also needs glasses.
True. I need to wear glasses, otherwise I’m as blind as a bat.
TJBM wears plastic frame eyeglasses.
Used to. Had Lasik done 1999, yay!
TJBM is excited OWS is surrounding the stock exchange area NOW ! (08:30 EST)
I am stockless in the Sierras. lol sold all of mine in 08, whew!
TJBM is looking forward to a weekend storm
TJBM has relatives visiting this weekend.
No, thank goodness.
TJBM knows how to put their hair in a bun, and will teach me. :D
I tend to put My hair in a ponytail first and then twizzel (is that a word) it around the hair band so that it sits tight against my head. I then use another hairband and some grips to keep it in a place. It’s rare that I put my hair in a bun though!
TJBM has names picked for children that haven’t been born yet (or like me, children they have no intention of actually having!)
False. Any names I like these days are reserved for future pets. lol
TJBM has a pet with an unusual name
Nope, it’s not unusual to me
TJBM is planning a party
I am!!!! And you are invited!
Adults only
TJBM parties every weekend.
TJBM is currently partying.
Not yet, but, it’s Happy Brownie Friday. lol
TJBM is afraid to balance their checkbook and see what carnage they wracked up this week. haha
nah. I have a good handle on what and where this are.
TJBM loves birds.
I just saw the most amazingly bright red Cardinal out my front window
True, they wake me up in the morning, twittering outside my window :)
TJBM likes doves
True. I’m a bird lover too. :-)
TJBM thinks states that keeping wild animals as pets should be illegal nationwide.
True. Wild animals belong in their natural wild habitats.
TJBM thinks shark fishing, for sport and food, should be totally banned worldwide.
True. I don’t agree with sport hunting, only depredation permits for wild animals that pose a threat to humans or livestock on rare occasions.
TJBM knows that the Black Rhino has now been, officially, declared extinct :-(
True, I do now.
TJBM learned something new today.
TJBM doesn’t like goat meat, but enjoys drinking goat milk.
False. But I like Goat milk soap
TJBM has a cozy, comfy house
TJBM lives with a goat.
TJBM has lived with a number of goats in the past, and seen them slaughtered.
True and false, I had goats growing up but we never slaughtered them. Now rabbits and chickens I’ve seen slaughtered.
TJBM has lived or does live on a farm.
TJBM likes goat cheese.
Yummy goat cheese!
TJBM has a BIG jar for all their spare change.
True. But..I only save quarters, have about $30 now.
TJBM is going out to dinner tonight
TJBM thinks rabbits make boring pets.
E: I’d get a rabbit if they weren’t so stupid.
H: They’re brilliant!
E: They chew extension cords!
H: So do you!
E: Yes, but for me, It’s a religious obligation.
True story.
TJBM will tell me a story.:)
TJBM will be eating roadkill for thanksgiving.
… No.
TJBM can hear the rain outside.
False it is not raining where I live.
TJBM loves cuddling. ♥
True—but who doesn’t?
TJBM especially loves cuddling with their kids.
One day…
TJBM thinks @bob_ is silly. :D
Silly, but in a good way. Very clever too.
TJBM can see a lot of snow outside if he/she looks out the window right now.
Well, this is Alaska. :P
TJBM wants a puppy.
I would, but I have an adult Akita right now, who’d probably get very jealous. Lol.
TJBM thinks almost all puppies are cute.
Yes. Until they live with me, and annoy me into insanity.
TJBM needs a haircut.
False, my hair is on the short side already. lol
TJBM likes to eat salmon roe.
I do not.
TJBM has gray hair.
This is true, less of it too. Although it has become more coarse and looks really wild in the morning !
TJBM grinds their own coffee beans.
I used to, now, it;s Tasters Choice instant in my cup. Fast and tasty. lol
TJBM likes Baileys Irish Creme in their coffee
I like Bailey’s but I don’t like coffee!
TJBM bought tickets to see a concert recently.
True! ..but had to give my ticket away. Hubby ended up taking 3 girls to see one of our favorite performing artists: Dessa
TJBM loves having a super talented local music/arts scene and supports local artists as much as possible.
True. I live in a tourist community and we have many local artists, musicians and music events at our river park.
TJBM loves outdoor music fests
TRUE! I love outdoors, period. I love outdoors on 5 acres with a pond!
TJBM prefers the city over the country, and will tell us why.
Once in awhile, yes.
@MRSHINYSHOES Oh yes! Black panthers are amazing!
TJBM likes cats of all shapes and sizes
cats are OK as long as they don’t maul you.
TJBM wants to French-kiss a hippo.
No tongue, but yeah, I’d kiss those big fat hippo lips. :-D
TJBM loves kissing horse lips
TJBM loves making out with barracudas.
I can’t say that I do…
TJBM is glad it’s the weekend! :-)
tjbm has some aching joints.
No. Anything but.
TJBM thinks chickens are cute little critters.
False, I don’t like the way they look at me. Kinda creeps me out…
TJBM likes to eat chicken.
Once in awhile, don’t eat much meat and chicken for the most part.
TJBM loves the red leaves on Liquid Ambers and Chinese Pistache trees
True, very true.
TJBM had to look up the trees @Coloma mentioned.
I have a liquid amber in my garden. I love it. Even though it isn’t an English tree, it reminds me of how Autumn looks in my home country. I will have to look up the Chinese Pistache tree and see what that looks like.
TJBM likes to lie in bed and listen to the wind blowing through the trees.
TJBM wants to sit under a Manchineel tree.
Sure, why not. XD
TJBM agrees that kids are mean. :(
Sometimes yes. The little shitstirs.
@AshLeigh Is someone being mean to you, mama Coloma will give them a spanking! ;-D
TJBM thinks that anyone that is mean to our darling AshLeigh should be severely punished
Tru dat! Let us at’em @AshLeigh!!
tjbm needs a spanking!
I don’t use Google anything. @reijinni What is wanst?
TJBM is a Capricorn.
@Coloma and @EnchantingEla, just some stupid boys called me ugly. But I’m not insecure. They just want my nuts. ;D
No, I’m not. I believe I’m a Taurus?
TJBM loves their Fluther family, like me! :)
TJBM is going to continue the fun on Part 32
TJBM is going to make it through this year…;)
TJBM thinks painting is soothing.
Oh yesss!
TJBM likes Saturday’s better than Sunday’s
TJBM dislikes Fridays.
TJBM enjoys Friday.
TJBM is going to a party.
Yes tomorrow a baby shower
TJBM wants a baby someday
One day… Not any time soon.
TJBM is a kid at heart. <3
TJBM laughs a lot…:)
Yes when you have toddlers you can’t help but laugh alot
TJBM wants to take a vacation soon
The sooner…the better…:)
TJBM is craving a piece of cheesecake.
False. I don’t like sweet treats. I like salty things more.
TJBM finds it hard to stop eating just one potato chip and must eat more!
TJBM Is going to move on to part 32 of this question. Click here
TJBM will stay here too.
Of course…;)
TJBM is going to take a nap.
Want one but no time for one
TJBM needs a haircut
False, had one recently.
TJBM likes long hair.
On women and girls yes.
TJBM has soft lips.
Uh, I’d like to think so, yeah.
TJBM uses chap stick regularly.
True. I do.
TJBM sometimes has problems connecting to Internet access.
So true. It’s driving me crazy :/
TJBM wonders which is the best laptop to have.
I often do! But since I can’t afford one I don’t think about it too long!
TJBM is SICK of raking leaves!
False, I just let them go wherever they want to.
TJBM loves autumn.
Well, yes. I do. Just not the raking leaves part!
TJBM is ready to zone out and watch TV.
True, after my shower.
TJBM will continue.
True. See? lol
TJBM loves pan fried SPAM.
ewwwwwwwwww. That would be a no
TJBM has been to where they make SPAM
TJBM spams internet sites…;)
Not at all.
TJBM likes it when someone plays with their hair.
TJBM likes it when they play with someone elses hair
lol! True.
TJBM dislikes hair gel.
True, a little hairspray and go for me
TJBM spends and hour getting ready in the morning
Um… probably true.
TJBM never times themselves.
True; I have no need to.
TJBM loves the NE USA.
I would like to visit there——heard it’s beautiful on the east coast.
TJBM passes by a Wal-Mart on his/her way to work.
False I am less than 5 minutes from work
TJBM eats acorn squash
TJBM likes to squish a squash
False, I like to squash squishes.
TJBM would like to thank Thanksgiving for letting us thank thankers.
Thank you.
TJBM your welcomes.
TJBM used to date someone who had kids.
TJBM used to kid about dating someone.
False, I really did date someone. lol
TJBM used to date a brunette.
TJBM used to date a redhead.
True. Don’t remind me.
TJBM regrets a past relationship.
TJBM avoids relationships
Dating relationships? True, because I’m now married.
TJBM would not date someone with little kids.
True. My husband would not like me to date anyone, little kids included or not.
TJBM really hates Word.
LOL @Bellatrix. There will be no swinging in this marriage!
Truish. I hate that it costs an arm and a leg to purchase >: (
TJBM loves Word : P
I don’t even know what ‘Word’ is.
TJBM will tell me.
It is software. You know the Microsoft program “Word”. You use it to type your assignments perhaps? It can be very frustrating. Why is all the numbering on my document out of whack?
TJBM is feeling a bit overfed after eating lots of Turkey (has Thanksgiving happened yet?).
Ohh, MicroSoft Word! XD False, I’m gonna have some chicken sandwiches soon…
TJBM hates wasps.
No. I don’t want them in my house and I wouldn’t list them as my favourite bug, but no I don’t hate them.
TJBM is enjoying a rainy day where they are.
A bit.
TJBM has read at least four Grisham novels.
TJBM read their novels in paper form
I read everything in paper form other than the news and short articles online. I’ll never use an electronic reading device. I love love my books—I even love how they smell.
TJBM has no use for a game console like an XBox.
True…don’t play games…;)
TJBM is so very bored! :)
I’m not. I’m wide awake, and looking forward to the day. No room for boredom here.
TJBM loves chocolate. LOVES IT! Lol
False. I hate it. Especially milk chocolate. I don’t mind chocolate cake and ice cream, but chocolate candy….no.
TJBM has a bunch of boring chores to do today but doesn’t know if he/she has enough time to do it all.
False. I have some paperwork to do but that’s it for Monday.
TJBM never bakes cakes.
No. Much too lazy. I do have the urge to make a Christmas Cake though.
TJBM sleeps with more than one pillow.
TJBM sleeps with no pillows.
Ha! I have like 4!
TJBM lurves feather pillows.
False. I don’t like feathers coming out of my pillows——sometimes they prick!
TJBM sleeps flat on his/her back.
No. I tend to sleep on my side and sometimes on my back.
TJBM often gets blisters when wearing new shoes.
Never. I always pick nice, comfortable dress shoes, even if they’re new.
TJBM wears dress shoes more than casual shoes on any given day.
False. I rarely have occasions that I can dress up for.
TJBM is a closet cross dresser.
TJBM always keeps change on them.
False, I’m always broke!
TJBM is rollin in moolah
False, I wish.
TJBM is a skateboardin’ penguin.
False. I have never ridden a skateboard in my life. I don’t even have skateboarding sneakers! lol
TJBM always finds Mondays to be more tiring than other weekdays because he/she has to re-adjust after the weekend.
hmmm… False. I a good adjuster and bounce back easily ; )
TJBM thought that read “always finds Monkeys…” like me heehee
Tell me why
I don’t like Monkeys
Tell me why
I don’t like Monkeys
Tell me why
I don’t like Monkeys
I wanna shoo-oo-woo-woo-woo-oot the whole day down
TJBM has that song stuck in their head now.
Thanks a lot @blueiiznh! Now I can’t get that damn tune outta my head!! Arggghhh!!! ;)
TJBM remembers the group “The Monkees”
TJBM had a crush on Peter instead of Davey on The Monkees
Huh? I’m sure that’s a false regardless of which Monkee you speak of. I’m scratching my head over this one.
TJBM doesn’t get it either.
Oh I get it, Peter’s dad was professor at my University. Davey had the English accent not Liverpudlian ( Beatles ) though.
TJBM likes to visit museums.
True, I have many to visit in D.C.
TJBM loves both Skrillex and Zomboy
Never heard of them.
TJBM has touched a windmill in Holland.
No. Never been to Holland. Been to Belgium but don’t recall touching a windmill.
TJBM likes to play games online.
True, but rarely do.
TJBM uses an RSS reader.
TJBM uses their finger to follow the words when reading.
Nope. But I do love Skrillex and I have been to Holland and touched a real live windmill!
TJBM Watches the X Factor.
No and I didn’t ask you about Holland the the windmill.
TJBM has read this week’s TIME.
TJBM likes strawberry jam…
Yes, strawberry jam is nice. I like marmalade too.
TJBM likes to eat scones with jam and cream.
TJBM has massive plans for the weekend.
yes, massive
TJBM has a gas oven
False, electric.
TJBM know what electric sheep dream of.
Hmmm… plug-ins? ; )
TJBM is free to frolick all weekend!
TJBM will frolic for free this weekend.
TJBM doesn’t like to frolic(k) <thinks there really should be a ‘k’ there but knows there isn’t>
true also thinks a word like that needs to end in
TJBM thought it was frau-lick
False, I thought it was herr-lick
but me thinks a lot of things should end in lick <wink, wink>
TJBM speaks German
Was ist das? Das ist eine table. That’s about it… does that qualify .. no? Okay… that’s all I got from six months of German schooling.
TJBM speaks an unusual language. Something that isn’t generally taught in schools.
Ummm, does sign language qualify as a not so unusual learned language. I consider it a language. It qualified for my language credits, and it is not so commonly taught in schools.
TJBM can swear in at least 4 languages.
Yes! English, German, Japanese, and Chinese.
TJBM knows how to say “Thank you” in Swedish.
False, but I can say, “Where is your briefcase?” in German.
TJBM is trying to discover how to use the Mac OS Keychain app. (with no success).
TJBM likes the shore but doesn’t get into the ocean.
False. Love getting wet
TJBM likes the shore and loves the sand.
True. I love swimming in the ocean and lakes, and love the beach.
TJBM, like me, thinks “the colder the water, the more fun it is to swim in!”
TJBM has read at least two Jane Austen novels.
TJBM spels everithing rong.
Nope, I’m an excellent spiller. Oops, I mean speller.
TJBM knows his/her blood type. Mine’s B negative.
A positive.
TJBM is looking forward to a break from work as much as the Christmas celebrations.
TJBM loves Christmas :D
Yes; it is an important Christian holy day.
TJBM hasn’t watched a movie in over two weeks.
False. I watched Ozu’s “Early Summer” today. Great movie. One of my favs.
TJBM hasn’t exercised in the last 3 days.
False. Like the Red Queen in “Alice…”, I exercised yesterday and will tomorrow.
TJBM will start a new thread for this question.
False : ) Part 32 has been up and running for awhile now. We’re jus goofin off here heehee
tjbm just loves to goof off!
Sometimes. Like now. Hehe.
TJBM drinks alcohol only when he/she has something to eat with it.
False; I never drink alcohol.
TJBM if so often TJBM.
No comment.
TJBM is druthering
I don’t know what druthering is. Lol.
TJBM once stuck out his/her tongue out at a bratty kid for fun.
I don’t think so.
TJBM has replaced all of the bulbs in hi/her home with CFLs.
False, only one or two lights have been switched over. This doesn’t matter much however, since people in my house prefer it to be as dark as is possible.
TJBM is going out for drinks (and maybe pool?) soon.
Couldn’t be more false. I am collecting cat poop in a plastic bag, stuffing a very reluctant Milo into his carrier and driving 40 minutes in our first snow of the season to the vet’s.
TJBM can engage in a debate calmly and without getting strident and needing to interrupt his interlocutor.
TJBM is as cool as a cucumber
False. I’m too hot to that cool ; ) lol
tjbm loves pot pies!
<gooses @Coloma‘s goose>
Oh no!!
TJBM has taught a class.
True, a class of adults, not kids. I wouldn’t be able to stand teaching a classroom full of noisy brats.
TJBM has a speedskating uniform as well as speedskates.
TJBM has a stereo component system.
Uh, not sure what that is…
TJBM has a Hi-Fi system
only the Highest of Fidelity!
TJBM is an audiophile
TJBM likes to listen to Christmas songs during the holiday season on his/her home Hi-Fi system.
I like to listen to Christmas songs for about three days, with two of them being Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
TJBM has at one time or another permed their hair.
TJBM likes pecans & caramel covered in milk chocolate.
Well, I wouldn’t turn it down, but I rather have peanuts or almonds in the place of pecans.
TJBM has had a cancerous or pre-cancerous spot on their skin.
TJBM knows someone close to them who has or has had cancer.
Yes, more than one…:(
TJBM really needs a vacation…
tjbm has a vacation lined up
False, though I do intend to enjoy the holidays at home :)
TJBM gets 3 weeks off for Christmas.
False. I get 52 weeks a year off (if you don’t count the job of running my life and my house and property).
TJBM Is a fan of beautiful prose and scrupulous editing.
TJBM wonders who is thinking about them right now.
TJBM is wondering if they made the right choice…
TJBM is at school right now…
TJBM is at work right now..
False, just got home a little bit ago
TJBM loves bananas
True : ) and grapes, and watermelon, and strawberries, and cherries….
tjbm loves fruits!
Oh yeah for sure in all different shapes and sizes mmmmmmmmm NUTS
TJBM would like some homemade eggnog ice cream
TJBM is looking forward to eating “figgy pudding” this Christmas.
ummmmm, no
tjbm is looking forward to friday
Nope, I kinda like hump day : )
tjbm is baking cookies and will share!
yes I did and will….
tjbm knows that if today is hump day, that yesterday was foreplay day.
OMFG! How did you know?
TJBM Got a partridge in a pear tree today and tomorrow will get 2 turtle doves because it is 12 days till christmas.
<- <wants to know what kinda cookies them was>
Nah…not doing that…;)
TJBM has given up on a certain someone.
Oh so true!!!
TJBM enjoys going to the theatre
Not usually…;)
TJBM has trouble, letting go…
Yes definitly, but for a very good reason
TJBM is hard at work lately.
True. Stressed out often.
TJBM works out to relieve the stress of hard work.
TJBM likes to sing.
MIlo here; So true; I have a beautiful tenor voice. People pay lots of money to hear me perform.
TJBM is content with his or her life.
Somewhat. To an extent.
TJBM is holding back vacations for next year in order to save money.
Holding back yes…though, not only for financial reasons…
TJBM loves to party, all night long…;)
Very true.
TJBM wants a boyfriend
Uh, nope! lol
TJBM wants a girlfriend.
I am the girlfriend!!!
TJBM is drinking coffee.
TJBM prefers coffee over tea.
Actually, I prefer tea over coffee, but I need coffee more than I need tea. lol
TJBM hates the little rubbery sago balls in bubble teas.
balls of any kind do not belong in my tea
TJBM wants snow for christmas
True, but I doubt we’ll have a white Christmas this year :(
TJBM will tell us what they want for Christmas
To see a smile on each of my daughters faces
TJBM celebrates another holiday other than christmas this time of year
TJBM believes in Santa!
I used to.
@blueiiznh Balls are essentials in my teabag.
TJBM has a neighbour who has gone full tilt decorating his house with Christmas lights and other decorations outside.
Yes, that neighbor is me.
TJBM loves rum balls
True, I do. Haven’t had any rum balls lately, though. Maybe this Christmas.
TJBM hates the nuts in fruitcake.
False. I hate the fruitcake in fruitcake.
TJBM is content with his or her life.
Not entirely, there’s lots more I wanna do.
TJBM will tell us when they left home
When I was 24
TJBM loves the holidays for all the yummy food
True! Gotta watch my weight during the holiday season.
TJBM opens presents on Christmas Eve.
True. And the week before Christmas!
tjbm belly hurts from licking cookie dough off their fingers
well, yes, but it wasn’t my fingers
TJBM prefers sticky cookie dough
True. I love soft, sticky cookies, not hard, crumbly ones.
TJBM has eyes with a blend of two different colors.
False. One plain boring color. (dark chocolate brown)
tjbm has gorgeous eyes, though.
<@blueiiznh wonders what it was…>
I do have gorgeous eyes! Why thank you.
TJBM Paints their fingernails.
wants to also know what it was
Lol..nope! My little one does, however, in the lightest pink, with the help of her mother.
TJBM wears rubbers (that is, galoshes) over their dress shoes to keep them clean.
False, but I am probably one of the few Jellies here who knows what galoshes are and remembers her father wearing them.
TJBM is hoping for a carefree week-end with her family with all systems (power, phone, auto, computer, hot water and snow plowing) actually working simultaneously.
True :)
TJBM is sad that there won’t be a white Christmas this year.
True. Not much snow this year.
TJBM plays Christmas songs in his car to get him in the mood now.
I don’t own a car… yet.
TJBM will tell us what their favourite car is.
Porsche 911
TJBM owns a German automobile (eg., Volkswagen, BMW, Porsche, etc.)
TJBM owns a martian spacecraft
False, but after some of the questions and defense of said questions here today, I wish I did.
TJBM is prepared to have a happy and suitable week-end.
TJBM spends ages in the shower
Not too long. About 10 minutes at the most.
TJBM once tried “gefilte” fish and thought it was good.
Uh, no.
TJBM wonders why this thread died…
False. It is about to die of old age, achy joints and general fatigue.
False. It only aches when I move so I try to keep still as long as I can until my butt falls asleep. Then I gotsta relocate.
tjbm has never moved
False, we move a lot.
TJBM wishes they didn’t move house so often
I moved for the first time in about 10 yrs last September and I don’t wish to do it again
tjbm will not forget to ask a question like tjam
True! Now where did I put that question?... <pats pockets>
Finded it!!
tjbm knows who played harp on Noah’s ark and will tell me!
true, Sierra
tjbm knows what mountian Noak’s Ark is on
True. Mount Ararat inTurkey? google is my friend ; )
tjbm is an archeologist and likes to play in the dirt
False but true.
TJBM has found some coins from the late 1800s in their garden.
Answer this question