Yikes! This is a horrible topic.
Show how huge corporations regularly get away with cheating and increase their own profits and become more powerful.
Show how “corporate cheating” is all around us every single day, to the point that it doesn’t seem extreme or shocking or wrong to some people.
Explain that many or most (however you think it really is) people that cheat in school never get caught. Show some examples of how cheating is really easy, especially with the advent of smart phones.
Point out that some people are simply lazy, but not necessarily stupid, so for them, cheating seems to make sense. They might say, “Why waste your time preparing for a stupid test, when I’m already smart enough to get a job, get ahead, make a difference etc.”
Some people might say that they have better things to do with their time than studying for a test that might have little bearing on what they will end up doing for a living.
Point out how seemingly regular nice folks cheat in small ways quite frequently. Like eating grapes at the supermarket, or fudging on their income taxes, or not pointing out to a store clerk that they received too much change, or finding a wallet on the street and keeping the money rather than searching for the owner, or tapping into the neighbor’s cable, or putting cookies or muffins into their pockets at a buffet, to eat later, even though all food is supposed to be consumed on the premises, people sticking around for another movie at the theater, but paying for only one, or people flirt/cheating or text/cheating or internet chat/cheating with people outside of their marriages or take office supplies home with them.
Or some people say, “You’d be stupid not to cheat under certain circumstances.”
Plus, there is always a lot of pressure to be perfect in our society, and if you can’t be perfect the stress might do you in, where if you just cheat a little bit, you still get ahead, or get what you want, without all of the stress or potential disappointment.