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john65pennington's avatar

Do you have an abundance of ear wax?

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) November 7th, 2011

Each morning, I wake up with an abundance of ear wax in both ears. Could it be that I wear hearing aids and they help to produce my ear wax or is it because I am part Cherokee Indian? American indians naturally have oily skin. I am constantly cleaning out my ears and my hearing aids of the buildup of ear wax. Question: does anyone else have an abundance of ear wax each morning or am I a loner in this situation?

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12 Answers

Berserker's avatar

Not sure how much it has to do with your heritage. Indians may have had a lot more earwax back when they lived outside. Earwax is a form of protection from bacteria and a buncha crap, so they might have had more. But today, I have no idea if this is relevant. Maybe ask a doctor, or whoever provided the hearing aids for you, if you think those could be a cause.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I’ll wager the hearing aids abrade the skin in your ears just enough to where it chafes and the ear produces to wax to clear out the chafe.

ragingloli's avatar

You want to buy some?

bkcunningham's avatar

@john65pennington, how long have you worn hearing aids? Have you had problems with the hearing aids because of the excess wax?

XOIIO's avatar

Not that I know of, but sometimes I’ll scratch inside my ear and there will be a fairly large ball ofwax, I can only recall it happening twice, it’s just wierd.

fizzbanger's avatar

No… but my brother had tubes as a child, cause of ear infections. He still has very waxy ears; the kid loves to q-tip. We’re of mostly Scottish ancestry.

Ponderer983's avatar

Maybe you should try ear candling. I hear everyone who has tried it has great results to remove excess earwax. How often do you remove the wax on your own (ie q-tip)? I do it everyday after my shower and it helps keep it at bay.

boxer3's avatar

heh, no sir.

Adagio's avatar

All I know is that during the last 2 years I have needed to get my ears syringed/flushed with water because of a buildup of ear wax which gradually affects my hearing, this is done by my GPs practice nurse. A buildup of ear wax was never a problem before and the cause remains a mystery, the only change is that, contrary to what is advised, I used cotton buds in my ear after showering every morning because I loathe the feeling of water in my ears, I have been unable to do that for about 4 years now.

GladysMensch's avatar

It is ineffective and dangerous. See here

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