Social Question

zensky's avatar

Would you Youtube me your thoughts?

Asked by zensky (13426points) November 7th, 2011

It’s become a phenomenon – with billions of hits every month and growing. People search for and watch clips on just about everything. Me, I love watching Yale free lectures on Youtube, and of course listening to Youtube mixes of my fave bands.

You tube is my go-to for ESL ideas – Lily recently sent me some gems I would otherwise never have been exposed to, e.g.

When my ipod isn’t around, and I don’t feel like firing up the LCD for music (I’m not very visual) and just want some music – there it is. I love my LP’s (youngsters – it’s those big black cd’s that can’t be paused nor downloaded) but sometimes you just need to search one song.

Youtube. Love it.

So – speak to me in youtube. One shot, one song, one message.

What are you linking me to?

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17 Answers

zensky's avatar

Thanks for jumping in and the Doctor Who. Now, if I am to analyse it for you; instead of telling me something, revealing of yourself – you simply asked me questions – specifically, name rank and intention. You are a curious person, slightly shy and introverted and hesitant to make the first move. You are often rickrolled. My name is Zen, rank SFC, my intentions are to make people smile and practise my English here. Thanks for playing Nick.

zensky's avatar

@DeanV Your youtube clip is unavailable in my country.

DeanV's avatar


For the record, it was this song, but with a hilariously bad music video.

zensky's avatar

@DeanV Fun, thanks. Did not know that one. What did you mean by it? I’m listening.


zensky's avatar

@Blackberry Seven funky minutes. Loves it. ‘Nuff said.

zensky's avatar

@mazingerz88 Fluther is magical for you, too – correct?

mazingerz88's avatar

@zensky Affirmative, Captain.

Berserker's avatar

I hate Mondays, dancing Goths and music about zombies.

Not really a spur of the moment thing.

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