Why do people get so attached to thier animals?
Asked by
laudermale (
May 13th, 2008
from iPhone
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28 Answers
because sometimes a pet is there for you or fills a void when noone else can or will.
Because they are sweet, loveable, furry, fluff muffins! :-)
for the same reason people love people.
Seesul has got it right. A pet loves their owner compleatly and without limits. A person doesn’t have to fake who they are around their pet to recieve this love. So from that a bond is formed between people and their pets.
And pets don’t care how one spells or punctuates. (And they don’t have morning breath or snore, if they are feline.)
if you have to ask, you probably won’t understand
look at the picture of my little guy in his tuxedo. I hope that explains it for you. If it doesn’t it is possible you’ll never understand.
Its just like with any other living individual, you learn more about them and become connected and bond with them. Its the same for animals, pets have character as well.
does my avatar tell you anything about me?
Depends who you are. Some people are not as into their pets as others. I personaly love my cat like one of the family, simply because I have raised him since he was a kitten. An animal is going to love you no matter what, thats what they do. They are there for you when you need them, and lets face it they can’t talk back or judge you. And we all love that. Other on the other hand really are not that into their animals. It just isn’t in their personality, they do not form that bond that a lot of humans form.
@ ninja—I love your avatar. I smile every time I see it. I think you made a point similar to that in a previous thread and was the inspiration for adding mine. If I need a smile I just look to my beasties.
My personal theory is that we are admiring superior beings. They are not greedy. They do not start wars. They are not manipulative. They do not have emotional hang-ups except those they pick up from poor treatment from us humans. Even as adults they know the value of and engage freely in play, in joy. They waste no time on regret or worry about a future they can’t control. They live in the moment.
I have four of my own. And have raised them all from babies. Its amazing that a few people made reference to me not understanding why, if I even asked the question. Making assumptions is prompting a new question. I just wanted to see responses. My animals are my world.
What everyone else has said, all really great answers above me.
Favorite moment ever: getting home from a long and stressful day and seeing my doggy smiling and his tail wagging. :)
@ laudermale—Interesting point. I recognize that I’m a “crazed” pet owner. (My dog goes to day care at least once a week and my mom refers to my beasties as her grandchildren.) I know I can be defensive of your question because of the number of times I’ve listened to people say, “It’s just a dog.” Typically, I reply back, “It’s just a baby.” Most of the time people don’t get it. My pets are my children and I can’t imagine loving them any less. But then, I’ve never had a baby, so maybe my perspective would change if I did. I doubt it but stranger things have happened.
Also, animals never lie, cheat or deceive you.
They are part of your immediate family and daily life. Mine puts a smile on my face even when I do not think it is possible. How can you not love that?
OTOH, how do you get pills down them? I spent so much time trying to get the last (quartered) antibiotic tablet, sandwiched in cat food, down MIlo that it melted and disappeared in the spit-up mess. Today I bring in the marines (my guy friend) and we mean business.
It takes about an hour for the cat to forgive me.
You’re not alone, gail. Seems like the marines are the best solution for you for now. In the mean time, here’s some suggestions, so you will know you are not alone:
As I mentioned to you before, I think the gods in kitty heaven are rewarding me for all the patience with my former kitties residing there now, my new baby needs twice daily meds, the size of horse pills, and I merely place them in her mouth and she swallows them. They are cheap as well. I have, in the past, given injections to a diabetic cat, and laxatone to an aging cat that, no matter how weak, could fling the amber goo all the way to the ceiling. It’s been a year and I’m still finding it. Best wishes.
@Seesul that’s a pretty funny link!
More than pretty funny. Hilarious..it took my male friend and me three tries this AM to get 1/2 tab down. We then went out for two hours. On returning, we found that Milo had nosed a outside door open but was eventually found hiding in my bed, under one sheet, one woolen blanket and a heavy comforter. My daughter says that that is his “freak-out posture.”
So we shut all egress and entry possibilities, swaddled and straddled the cat so that only his nose and mouth showed. I finally decided that I would not strangle him if I plunged the plunger (w. remaining 1/2 tab) straight back into back of throat.
He is now sulking somewhere. So am I, awaft in the aroma of eau de saumon/thon.
Very good job Gail! You have now discovered the fool proof way of doing it! I find this method the easiest because it’s done without such a circus performance from the cat or the pill giver. Keep up the great work! Just don’t forget to stroke his throat to be sure he swallows it. In the future he will probably hide from you when he sees you coming with the towel, so make sure you have him properly corralled before you begin. The quicker you get this over with, the sooner he will stop sulking. It will get easier with practice, I promise!
@Four more days. Any of you close enough to Albany, NY to make house calls? Free lunch, of course, and a spectacular view.
I may have a T shirt made with the logo; I have only one topic.
I completely forgot about one other thing that has worked for me, Besides either a thick towel, blanket or filled throw, I have placed the cat in a large pillow case first, then wrapped the towel or blanket around that. Keeps at least the bottom feet from harm (you and the cat). Besides stroking the throat, some cats react when you gently close their mouths after inserting the pill and gently blowing on their nose. It usually causes them to swallow.
@Trance My cats have all talked back at me, it’s just that they forgive and forget quickly and don’t bring up the subject again unless they have need to.
Throat stroking…check
gently closing mouth..check.
nose blowing…check.
Ddon’t replace screens until Milo goes to Cat Nirvana…a long time from now, I hope. I can always buy new screens.
I can get to Albany in 3 hours Gail! We are buying a motorhome this Friday. what a great way to try it out. J/K
Unconditional love; they are individuals, like we all are. Getting to know another person’s ways, moods, sharing fun with them—they are friends!
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