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Is it bad to like someone a bit more for their looks?
Here’s an example for me. I think my boyfriend has a good personality overall. I like the way he moves, sounds, and he makes me laugh a lot. We mesh pretty well together. He is active and adventurous which I like a lot because he pushes me off my lazy butt to do more things I’ve always wanted to do. He’s also so considerate and unselfish. Also very sweet and affectionate.
Even though I like who he is, I hate to admit I think I like his looks more than his personality. I find him very good looking. He has flaws like crooked teeth, not the smoothest skin with some acne scars, he’s only 5’9, he’s pretty thin with some muscular build, he doesn’t have a big **** but I think I find him handsome. He has a nice square jaw, nice smile, cute little nose, and I love his dark eyebrows LOL they’re like really thick but neat and frame his soft brown eyes very nicely. When he doesn’t gel his hair and grows out his facial hair I find him “kinda cute” in a hobo way hahaha but when he shaves and does his hair he’s like a perfect 10 to me.
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