What do you recommend for someone with my medical conditions?
Alright, as you may already know that I am not a big fan when It becomes to doctors. I’m 15 and not so healthy at the moment. Unfortunately, I was diagnosed with very severe allergies, no other family members have it (except for asthma).
Considering that I’m “special”, the severe allergies has cause me to have a benign tumor (Some doctors call it a giant polyp) in my sinus area. Basically, pushing against my skull. Which has caused to have very little focus, unbelievable headaches, toothaches, Bleeding gums, withdrawn personality, oxygen deficiency, etc…
They took out the giant polyp and the smaller ones at about… 4 months ago. Surprised that they said “That was the biggest I have ever seen”. Certainly, I got very frightened. I did a bit of blood work (taking blood out for observation) at a office, and my immune system seems to be dangerously low. I thought that my immune was pretty normal and I usually don’t get sick until every few months with a flu.
Now that I had taken the shot that will increase the cells to fight off viruses, bacteria, etc. I’m prone to getting sick at least once a week. Constantly on and off with the symptoms of acid re flux disease, stomach cramps, head colds, chills, flu. The sickness has been going on since October 20, which is unforgivably my birthday. No matter what the doctors have given me, my body seems to be very drug tolerant and not taking any affect. Except, the horrible side effects; included Hallucinations, constipation, strange dreams, etc.
The sickness would last up to 3–7 days and come back less than a week later, unable to focus on school
. It seems that I am a “Health nut” and this is happening to me; I take vitamins every day, nice 3 organic meals a day, allergy free room, full sleep. Other than that, the sickness is keeping me from working out. What do you think is the best decision for my body and mind? Any natural remedies? Also, I’m wondering if poor memory has to do with the giant polyp? (If, this paragraph does not make any sense. Please correct my mistakes)
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27 Answers
You can either suck it up and see the doctor(s) to treat you, or you can look forward to suffering the rest of your life, which will be dramatically shortened without medical care.
We are all dealt a hand, you can play the hand your dealt, or you can fold, it’s your choice.
I take all the help I can possibly get my hands on.
What shot did you take to increase cells to fight off infection? And, are you taking medications to treat your allergies? Those many times reduce your immunity.
Being sick with flu like symptoms, chills, etc, sound like a bacterial infection or a rheumatic prolem to me. Have you seen a rheumatologist and an Infectious Disease doctor?
Also, where do you live?
Pantothenic acid (vitamin B-5) helps with allergies. It doesn’t work with everyone, but it helps most folks deal with allergies. I know you said you take supplements, but you might want to take a mega dose of the stuff. It’s hard to overdose on it. You could try letting it melt in your mouth and soak through your gums, that might help too. http://www.healthy.net/scr/article.aspx?id=2127
It sounds like you’ve got some pretty severe medical issues. Sometimes in these cases modern medicine isn’t perfect, and doctors do the best they can with the tools and medicines they have at their disposal. It’s not a perfect world, but the treatments they’re using are based on rigorous scientific study and testing that prove they are safe and effective (even if they come with undesirable side-effects).
Unfortunately, natural remedies aren’t required to actually work in order to be promoted. So they can promise the world without actually delivering; a telltale sign is the fine print that states “this product is not intended to treat or cure a disease” which means it’s not evaluated for safety or efficacy. I could sell tap water and call it “super cleanse” that “supports a healthy immune system” and it would be perfectly legal in the US.
If you’re not happy with the current treatments of your MD’s, you might want to get a second or even third opinion from other doctors in the same specialties. Doctors will often appreciate getting the opinions of their peers on complicated cases such as yours. Best wishes, and I hope your situation improves.
@snowberry I am not sure what shot is called. Currently not taking any medicines to help with my allergies. Though, I’m going to have to get 38 allergen shots (I assume it’s called allergen) almost every week for a year very soon. To help my immune system “learn” how not to react to things badly. @gorillapaws I will currently get third opinions tomorrow, get another stack of blood vials out my veins and hopefully things aren’t as bad.
For everyone, I have forgotten to add that my allergist have tested on me, seems that I was allergic to every single thing pretty badly, except for the most common one…. ragweed.
Nope, it’s a vitamin. You can buy it in a health food store. Here’s a link. If you can get it in capsules it’s better than tablets. It won’t solve your problems, but may help relieve some of it.
It can’t hurt, and might help. I know quite a lot of people who find it helpful. Please, let’s not turn this into a debate folks.
@snowberry I will certainly try to use this, thank you for the link.
@JLeslie Sorry, I forgot to answer your question. I live in America, also that I have already tried those medicines for rheumatic and bacterial infection. None of which has no effect.
@ConfusionIsFear What medicines for rheumatic and bacterial infection? What was your diagnosis.
I just did a scholar search on Google for pantothenic acid for allergies, and found a number of references for it, but nothing for its exclusive use.
@JLeslie Darn, I actually forgotten the names. They were prescription for sure. But the doctors have no idea whats going on with me.
@ConfusionIsFear Your sounding a little all over the map. I don’t question that you have multiple things wrong with you, but I don’t think allergies is your main problem. Did you travel right before this all started? To have a sudden severe multiple allergy problem doesn’t sound right.
Have they checked your thyroid?
Did you see a rheumotologist or an infectious disease doctor? A pediatrician, allergist, ENT, or GP is not good enough.
Oh, wait, October 20th? That is only 3 weeks.
@JLeslie I’m going to get all that checked tomorrow by those specific doctors. I did not travel. And out of those 3 weeks, I pretty much still unable to go to school. Safety precaution.
@JLeslie Well, recommended by my other doctors.
I would suggest experimenting with your diet for a month. Try a vegan diet; cut out all animal proteins and all dairy products. See whether you feel better or not. This will be easier on your digestive tract, if nothing else.
Additionally, you will no longer be ingesting hormones, mercury, strontium and other things that are added to most domestic animals’ diets in this country.
It can’t hurt. You will need some vitamin B12 daily.
@JLeslie Meaning that I will be check soon, sorry for confusion.
A lot of remedies for the type of issues you are describing are often patient specific, and only trial and error will result in discovering what works and what doesn’t. Keep up a constant dialog with your primary care doctor and check back with him frequently to find out what he recommends next.
3 weeks is not long enough to write off drugs, assign sickness etc. Take a deep breath. If you sleep well as you said you are not very sick.
@faye the doctors hypothesis is that in order for the polyp to grow huge in a short amount of time, great chance that I was born with it. My allergies weren’t showing externally, but rather internally. 3 weeks is about being sick after I took the shot, its rather a record then a diagnostic.
I was thinking about this Q, and I think I overreacted considering you have only had the “sick” symptoms since October 20. I think you have very separate things gong on here. One is the polyp. Another is the allergies. And, the last is feeling feverish and sick. I really think you have a bacterial infection, do you have a cough? If so then I really really think bacterial infection. Did you feel better while taking the antibiotic, but then after stopping you got sick again? If so that is an indictation you need a different antibiotic or did not take a high enough dose, or did not take it long enough, or did not take it well.
Also, is there any chance there is mold in your house?
I am not a doctor, so the following advice is strictly my opinion….....................
“Your brain controls your body”. I use to not believe this, until one day I decided to give it a try. After 16 surgeries, I was determined to bring myself back to a better life, that I have had in the past. I kept telling myself to ignore the arthritis, ignore the leftover pains and grab your life and carry on. Amazingly, this has worked for me for many years.
What it boils down to is mind over matter.
You can do the same for yourself. Just tell youself to dismiss the problems you are having now and look at yourself 5 years back and go back to that time period. It will work, if you let your mind control your body.
@JLeslie The antibiotic that I was given never actually worked.
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