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zensky's avatar

Sometimes the most spectacular things come in the strangest of packages, eh! Here's my example of a musical phenomenon - do you have a recent one?

Asked by zensky (13426points) November 10th, 2011

Check out this by Yo-Yo Ma.

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7 Answers

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

He’s amazing. Does he look old enough to have kids that are adults?

CWOTUS's avatar

Thanks for the link. And to answer your implied question: Yes.

To answer @Adirondackwannabe‘s question: No.

Haleth's avatar

Wow, that’s bluegrassy and elegant at the same time. It’s amazing how versatile he is. Thank you for sharing!

I’ve been endlessly listening to Zoe Keating recently. Her cello compositions are so… autumnal? They’re kind of sad-feeling and very different.

zensky's avatar

^ Oooh good one.

Haleth's avatar

@zensky You know how in Dances With Wolves or Avatar they have the white guy who comes in and he’s a better native than the natives, so they make him their leader? That’s like Yo-Yo Ma and bluegrass…

I think that trope sucks, but with Yo-Yo Ma, I am so willing to make an exception.

Blueroses's avatar

That’s wonderful @zensky. Turning that premise the other way ‘round, I love Bela Fleck using a folk instrument masterfully in a classical piece.

zensky's avatar

@Haleth @Blueroses Not to compare, I like the occasional mandolin or even ukele on a rock/pop song, e.g. on Losing my Religion.

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