Can you provided definition and example of this mindset please?
What in your opinion, does small minded or narrow minded mean? If you answer this question, could you please give me a real life example of a situation where you thought this mindset was present? Can you also suggest how you feel a person who was not narrow minded or small minded would have responded in the situation you refer to.
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7 Answers
I don’t use either of these terms because I find them to be meaningless. It seems to me that these terms are used most often by people who are attempting to defend a position for which there is no evidence or their is tons of evidence to the contrary (homeopathy, for example).
Narrow-minded means that a person subscribes to a narrow world view and is not open to new things. Perhaps they believe only in things that they have experienced for themselves.
Rush Limbaugh is an example of a narrow-minded person. His rant about classical studies, for example.
“Tell me, any of you at random listening all across the fruited plain, what the hell is Classical Studies? What classics are studied? Or, is it learning how to study in a classical way? Or is it learning how to study in a classy as opposed to unclassy way? And what about unClassical Studies? Why does nobody care about the unclassics? What are the classics? And how are the classics studied? Oh, cause you’re gonna become an expert in Dickens? You’re assuming it’s literature. See, you’re assuming we’re talking classical literature here. What if it’s classical women’s studies? What if it’s classical feminism? Who the hell knows what it is? One thing I do know is that she, the brain-dead student, doesn’t know what it is, after she’s got a major in it. Because all she knows to do with it is go down to Occupy Wall Street and complain and write a note for the cameras.” Source
A person who was not narrow-minded, if he did not know what classical studies was defined as would have looked it up before ranting about it.
I like to use the hatred or aversion to homosexuals as an example. These types of people usually only use the reasoning of them thinking it’s gross or unnatural. They call it unnatural, but shoved processed foods down their throat all day.
They even go so far as enacting legislation against them. I would at least call them more tolerant if they kept their beliefs to themselves, but I feel it is close-minded when you make an effort to control others because of your fears and inability to understand something.
I live with this crap everytime I get together with my family. I love them but they drive me insane. The most recent real life example was my mother complaining about a woman having a colored boyfriend. She’s also said a kid with ADDH (not sure if I got the letters right) wasn’t right in the head. And, recently, they were in Lake George for a weekend and they had to go out to eat. They went to Olive Garden. All kinds of world class cuisine(sp) and you pick a chain? I want to scream sometimes
Definition: Unwillingness to question one’s views and consider other possibilities.
Examples: “Marriage is between a man and a woman”, “The American healthcare system is the best in the world”
To me it means one who is not open to allowing any new info. penetrate their rigidly held belief systems that might result in a new and improved understanding of something, or, a refuting of outdated and archaic reason.
Example: Ex friend that refused to consider the facts of the truth of pet over population and rejected all ethical and factual input in order to go ahead with her plans to breed and make money off her dogs.
Good question! I have to go back to the small-minded person’s upbringing. If he/she was brought up in a strict environment full of predjudices and never allowed the freedom of expression, I can see where that person would be narrow-minded. Many do it in the name of religion and this is not fair. My children are bi-racial. When I was in the hospital having my second child, there was a man working on the ceiling just outside my door. He used to smile and talk to me everyday—until my husband and son came to visist. After that, he turned his back to me and wouldn’t speak. Had I changed? How sad. This was in 1980 and in NY. My husband and I divorced in 1986 after a 10-year marriage, so I finished raising my children alone. I’m happy to say that they are all very well adjusted, happy, successful adults. Now that I’m older, I stay within the walls of my own race. I just want peace and harmony.
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