Meta Question

Brian1946's avatar

What will be your next palindromic lurve total?

Asked by Brian1946 (32775points) November 10th, 2011

For example, my next one will be 13031.

What was your last one?

I think mine was 12921.

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66 Answers

XOIIO's avatar

14411, not sure of the last one.

Coloma's avatar

Okay all you smarty pants dudes, I let you figure out mine for me. I am clueless

Brian1946's avatar


Your next p’drome will be 11411, or was that a typo?

wundayatta's avatar


or rather, that’s what it could be

Brian1946's avatar


Your next one might be 26262.

Blackberry's avatar

I don’t know, but this is relevant: Demitri Martin makes a palindrome poem.

wundayatta's avatar

@Blackberry yours would be 22722

XOIIO's avatar

ahh damnit another typo. 11411

Lightlyseared's avatar

22022 tomorrow assuming I log on (and don’t get any more lurve today).

XOIIO's avatar

@Lightlyseared Sorry, Had to XD

bongo's avatar

1661 assuming I hit it…

Brian1946's avatar


“Sorry, Had to XD”

That was mean- now you owe @Lightlyseared 96 lurve! ;-)

LuckyGuy's avatar

It will happen any day now. I’m tingling with anticipation

picante's avatar

6116 ere I saw Elba.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

21512.. close! :)

Incoherency_'s avatar

434. All I have to do now is log off before midnight, hope for a GA from who-in-hell knows where, and I’ll have p’dromed! ;-P


Happy p’drome for now. ;-)

Incoherency_'s avatar


If you don’t answer or ask anymore questions and stay logged in for two more days, you might have a shot at it.

Good luck! ;-D

Incoherency_'s avatar


Donkey shame, or whatever the German word for thank you is. ;-)

rebbel's avatar

Danke is German, bedankt is Dutch.
You are welcome (niets te danken)!

ucme's avatar

I don’t care, care don’t I ;¬}

YARNLADY's avatar

Oh, I just missed it 32723

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

woot, thanks guys!

DominicX's avatar


23932 passed without me noticing it :(

Lightlyseared's avatar

@Anef well done!!

XOIIO's avatar

Aww :( Missed mine.well, now to wait until 14441

Brian1946's avatar


No need to fret: your next shot is at 11511.

XOIIO's avatar

Ahh, true.

Well? what’s everyone waiting for?


muppetish's avatar

8558, but if someone lurves one of my posts then I’ll miss it.

Brian1946's avatar


I got this real bitchin’ trick I learned from what happened to @ANef_is_Enuf. ;-)

muppetish's avatar

@Brian1946 Aww, thanks :) Officially a palindrome.

tedibear's avatar

11611. Not too far off.

Judi's avatar

I was never good at math. I’m with @Coloma . After you figure it out for me, tell me what it means.

Brian1946's avatar


Your next possible palindromic lurve total will 28382.
That means the number of your lurve total will read the same backwards and forwards.

Berserker's avatar

666. I mean…crap.

dappled_leaves's avatar

4444. Coooool.

dappled_leaves's avatar

@Brian1946 Your answer is already out of date. :)

zensky's avatar

Mine would have been 11 if I had started over again, but I am going for a 10k party this time hosted by Rebel. I guess it will be 5885 as I just missed the 5775.

Brian1946's avatar


“Your answer is already out of date. :)”

Yeah, that happened faster than I expected. ;-o
Now my next opportunity is 13131.

lillycoyote's avatar

It’s hard to say exactly since I can’t predict what combination of GAs and GQs I will get or remember my last palindromic total. You get 5 for GAs and 3 for GQs. Taking that into account, I’m just going to guess and say 21712 would be my next, and my last one would have been 21512? Right? I’m not that good at math.

Brian1946's avatar


”...I’m just going to guess and say 21712 would be my next….”

That’s right.

” last one would have been 21512?”

If you wrote that when your lurve total was less than 21612, then that is also correct.

“I’m not that good at math.”

Given your quick grasp of palindromic progression, I respectfully disagree. ;-)

EmptyNest's avatar

1000? Any minute now…

EmptyNest's avatar

Can someone tell me where all these odd numbers are coming from? I guess I don’t understand how the lurve are counted…

Brian1946's avatar


“Can someone tell me where all these odd numbers are coming from?”

Your next potential palindromic lurve total will be 2002.
That means the number of your lurve total will read the same backwards and forwards.

EmptyNest's avatar

Thanks, @Brian1946. How embarrassing. I guess I just missed it. Skipped right over 1001. But what about 1111 or 1221?

Brian1946's avatar


I overlooked the 9 palindromic numbers between 1001 and 2002, so you’re right- your next opportunity will be 1111, then 1221, and from that series I bet you know what the pattern is until you get to 2002. ;-o

LuckyGuy's avatar

31613 I’m only 45 away!

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Umm…come to think of it, I will never see another one.

ucme's avatar

<<<< There we are.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Holy smokes Bullwinkle, one snuck up on me, i guess 24442 would count as one; thought I would have exited by the time one came again…...oh well, bygones.

Brian1946's avatar

Now I have 20802, and my next one will be 21812.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

This question came to me today, 5 March 2023, as a question for you!

@Brian1946 today, your lurve is 31613! The computer knew you had a palindrome again, and it wanted others to see it!

Brian1946's avatar


“31613 I’m only 45 away!”

That’s nice, but I’m already there!* ;p
*Numerically that is. Chronologically though, it only took me 8 years, 4 months. ;)

LuckyGuy's avatar

My next will be 42924.

@Brian1946 I’m glad the Flutherbots woke this one up.

Brian1946's avatar

My current lurve total (32223) is palindromic.

My next one will be 32323.

LuckyGuy's avatar

My current lurve is 43674 so my next palendromic lurve will be 44644.
Nice to see you!

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