Social Question

XOIIO's avatar

Can anyone interpret this situation?

Asked by XOIIO (18360points) November 10th, 2011

Alright, so this one girl suddenly started talking to me this year, we’re friends and stuff, and hang out and talk, so after a while I asked her if she “likes me”, and she responded saying that “It’s awkward but I do like you a bit”.

I later asked her why/how long and all her answers were “I don’t know” and “No specific reason”, and I also asked if she had any sort of interest in a relationship, and she said “I don’t know”, however she has said she thinks of me like the brother she has always wanted (even though she has one).

Basically It seems like she does like me, but I can’t really tell, since her answers keep changing.

So, wtf is this female brain thinking?

damn I can’t type today.

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25 Answers

Blackberry's avatar

You’re in the friend zone. You’re screwed…..

Ayesha's avatar

Confused. Just give her space, she’ll talk about it when she wants to. Don’t try to take stuff out of her, she’ll come to you.

bongo's avatar

She maybe likes you and and could see you being a great couple but doesn’t fancy you. Or maybe vice versa. One part of her is saying yes go for it but there’s probably a second side which is saying no. You need both for a relationship and only one for a friendship and the other for a one night stand….
I would say from the sound of it she just doesn’t find you sexually attractive but loves you to pieces and that can blur relationships. I would say stay mates for the time being and let the whole thing drop for now. If you like her and keep pressuring her all it will do is to push her away and you risk losing the friendship you had in the first place.

XOIIO's avatar

@bongo I’m not really pressuring her, I’m jst asking, and she knows that if it was the case it’s jsut to know why, because she’s like, the 5th or 6th person to randomly start liking me in less than two years, and I don’t get wtf is going on.

She’s also followed the same pattern a couple other people ahve, especially the randomly talking to me out of nowhere. Before this year she never even really said hi.

It would just be usefull to know because once again I am at the point where I am losing the cold, heartless person I normally am, so I need to get rid of my emotions so I can go back to being that, but if someone has interest in me and tells me there won’t be anyhting there for them after this, and staying in the way I am is definitely not an option.

If only I could read minds.

bongo's avatar

Sorry I didn’t mean you were pressuring her, I should have said that differently, its more questioning her about the situation not pressuring. Its just that I have been on the receiving end where I have started to like a friend a bit, got a bit confused and then the friend just started asking me all those questions you stated above and I found it difficult to do anything because I didn’t know. The guy kept asking me and I kept saying I don’t know and in the end I knew it was a definite no because he was driving me nuts not letting us be ‘normal’.
And isn’t that how love or at least liking works sometimes? you just start liking that person, you cant explain why…
I think it sounds like you really like her but the best way to keep her from the sound of it is to try not to think about it unless she says something….

XOIIO's avatar

@syz lol

@bongo Well, I’ll just see how long I can manage but soon I’ll have to bottle it all up, it’s already started. If there was a way I could live with emotions that people normally have I would, but it’s a sickness, I can’t stand it. That’s jsut me though.

marinelife's avatar

Your direct questions without any declaration of liking on your part first embarrassed her and put her on the spot.

If you are interested, you need to say that you like her and would like to take her out.

If you are not interested, what’s with the inquisition? Leave her alone.

wundayatta's avatar

Let it go. She doesn’t really like you that way, but doesn’t want to say it to your face. Be friends. What else do you need?

CWOTUS's avatar

I’m in complete agreement with @marinelife here. You’re asking her to make a declaration without having made one of your own.

Be the man. Tell her that you like her, if that’s what works for you, or make it obvious in other ways (but gently! softly!) that your intentions are more than brotherly, if that’s what they are. Let her accept or refuse your advances (boys have to learn to live with rejection; old men the same), and if she refuses, then it’s up to you whether to conform to her request for a particular type of relationship, or break it off altogether if that’s what you need.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I’m sorry, she’s a person, not a ‘female brain thinking’.

XOIIO's avatar

@marinelife I was planning to once I made some money, however the situation with my not being able to live with emotions has to be dealt with. It’s literally torture. I guess I’ll just wait and see.

@CWOTUS The problem is that I’m not that type of person. If anyone female hadn’t started talking to me I wouldn’t even talk to them, let alone ask them out.

Ela's avatar

My first impression is that she wants something from you. What, I have no idea. Wishy washy answers show evasiveness and are sneaky to me.

Judi's avatar

I haven’t read the other answers yet, but it appers to me that she was honest and the jury is still out. She is waiting to see if and how you are going to court her. If you are interested in persuing a relationship, you need to step up to the plate. Ask her on a real date. Bring her a flower. Treat her like she is special if you think she is.

XOIIO's avatar

@EnchantingEla Exactly, If she wanted something, I can’t possibly see waht either. I’m always broke as hell, and everyone knows that, so it cant be money or things.

@Judi thats the plan, possibly, if I get some cash at some point.

Judi's avatar

@XOIIO , No cash needed. A fun day in a park, a hike, a picnic, trip to a museum or a local festival. There are lots of sweet romantic things you can do for no money.

XOIIO's avatar

@Judi True, I still haven’t done enough psycho-analysis on her to see what sort of thing she would like though. She seems to like watching movies and such from a little bit Ive picked up on, but not much so far.

CWOTUS's avatar

For god’s sake, don’t psychoanalyze her. Talk to the girl. Just talk to her.

XOIIO's avatar

@CWOTUS It’s all the same thing, I analyze everyone as I talk to them, it’s just what I do, generally casually, but with her I’ll definitely steer the conversation in a way that she can’t tell I’m guiding it to find out more about her.

Joker94's avatar

I think you may have been friend-zoned, dude…you have my deepest sympathies. If you can play your cards right, you can dig yourself out. I have confidence in you.

XOIIO's avatar

@Joker94 Either way it really makes no difference to me, because once I remove these emotions I have no need for a relationship or companionship. Sure it will suck at first, but they always get removed.

I won’t lie and say that I would hope more for the idea situation than getting rid of these emotions, but either way something has to happen.

Joker94's avatar

@XOIIO It’s good to be able to handle situations, lord knows I can’t like that, but don’t always deny yourself these emotions. You’ll miss out on a lotta good times too, trust me.

XOIIO's avatar

@Joker94 It’s still the best option. Embracing the fact that I will be alone the rest of my life is the only way to live, otherwise I cannot stand life.

Joker94's avatar

@XOIIO Hey now, don’t think like that. I’ve got sucker’s luck with people too, but you gotta remain hopeful, even in moments like these.

XOIIO's avatar

@Joker94 I’ve tried being hopefull, but it has always proven an empty wish. I’ve only been able to be modrately happy is when I realise how alone I am and always will be, and supress all my emotions. Even though there is always a deep, empty depression lurkin inside me I can accept it easier that losing my mind in depression.

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