Social Question

john65pennington's avatar

It was a written request for a service on a bathroom wall. You read it and remember it. What did the message say?

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) November 10th, 2011

We have all read these messages at one time or another. It may have been the very first form of a text message known to man. Question: it was written on a bathroom wall. You read it and remember it. What did the message say?

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27 Answers

CWOTUS's avatar

Flush twice; it’s a long way to the cafeteria.

Blueroses's avatar

If you sprinkle when you tinkle
Be a sweetie, wipe the seatie

XOIIO's avatar

Call this number for a good time.


rebbel's avatar

What are you looking up on the wall for, the joke is in your hands.

Brian1946's avatar

‘twas a poem by Elizabutt BareAss BrownNosing:

Here I sit, brokenhearted,
Tried to shit, but only farted. ;-(

EmptyNest's avatar

“Here I sit all broken hearted
tried to shit but only farted.”

EmptyNest's avatar

Oh, shoot… @Brian1946 beat me to the punch… now I need a new one

STRANDED….stranded on the toilet bowl
what do you do when you’re stranded…
and you don’t have a roll?
To prove you’re a man, you must wipe it with your hand…

rojo's avatar

This was written on the wall at Texas A&M University, a bastion of conservativism if there ever was one: “Those who concern themselves most with others apparent queerness are most likely to have latent homosexual tendencies themselves. The Gospel according to Ms. Walker”.

ETpro's avatar

It was in a restaurant, posted directly above the urinal, “We aim to please. You aim too, please.”

EmptyNest's avatar

Really good one, @ETpro, I’d never seen that one!

Ela's avatar

I am standing right behind you….

Dutchess_III's avatar

“I love grils.”

janbb's avatar

“My mother made me a homosexual.”

“If I send her the wool, would she make me one too?”

Berserker's avatar

@Blueroses Haha, my mom had one of those cloth toilet cover…coverers…that said that on it, plus a bunch of other funny shit. Like, don’t drop butts in the toilet, it makes them soggy and hard to light! And a picture of some guy plunging himself into the bowl going, goodbye, cruel world! I always thought that toilet ornament was awesome as a kid.

Anyways…I haven’t ever really seen anything memorable graffitied in bathrooms, besides people who presumably knew each other, and slagging one another off. In one instance in school, these two girls appeared to have been insulting one another on one stall wall, by naming the other and insulting them. I knew who they both were, and made a note to bring a marker with me next time I had to use the can…and under all their stuff I wrote ’‘you guys are fucking retards’’. They didn’t know who it was, and quickly covered my insult, but it was worth it. :D Then the janitor laid down the law and everything was cleaned up in less than a week.

He was the real hero.

That was back when MyBook and FaceSpace didn’t exist. We had to do it on school bathroom WALLS man! And when I had to read video game magazines to get game news, instead of looking it up online for free.

ProTip; Press X to jump. Stephen King wrote a cool story about a guy who spent years collecting unique bathroom graffiti.

lillycoyote's avatar

This is a classic from the bathrooms of my college days:

My mother made me a lesbian, and if you ask her nicely, she will make one for you, too.

fizzbanger's avatar

At a skydiving place:
Holly peed here instead of while jumping out of a plane.

At a bingo hall:
FUCK (name of the place) BINGO (I guess they lost).

Also, I like when people write “push button, receive bacon” on old hand dryers.

CWOTUS's avatar

Some come here to sit and think;
Others come to shit and stink.
I come here to scratch my balls
And read the writing on the walls.

Those who write upon these walls
Roll their shit in little balls.
Those who read these words of wit
Eat those little balls of shit.

Coloma's avatar

Jenny I’ve got your number!

Male's avatar

Off the top of my head…

“Free education.”

“Call ####### for a good time.”

“Call ####### for free blowjobs!”

I’ve also seen various symbols, insignias, and bible verses. Some bathrooms are littered with writing on the stall walls so there’s always something interesting to read…

These are all from college stalls.

ETpro's avatar

@EmptyNest Ha! If that’s you in the avatar, I should hope you haven’t seen that one.

rojo's avatar

This was on a comdom machine in a “loo” in Liverpool:
“Conforms to all applicable government standards”
underneath someone had scratched:
“So did the Titanic”
Loved it.

janbb's avatar

Gotta love that Liverpool wit.

Dutchess_III's avatar

That’s great @rojo!

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Gas station bathroom for a pit stop in Illinois, while we were on our way to Wisconsin:

“Your mom’s a slut!”

“You would know!”

EmptyNest's avatar

@ETpro, that is me in the photo…about 13 years ago. Yeah, I did see it in the girls room. NYC is bathroom graffiti city. They’ll write any stupid thing on the wall. (For a good time, call ( so and so) at (### ####). But only girls see it, so it was weird.

ETpro's avatar

@EmptyNest Ha! Interesting.

HungryGuy's avatar

“Pee high and bury your poo.”

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