Now our Mountain Man (Adironackwannabe) has hit 20K! and how fabulous is that?
Let’s have a toast to one of our favorite Jellies, lives in the woods, always has a kind word and an often racy comment… Enjoy the bigger house, Buddy!
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144 Answers
May I be the first to Mazel Tov you @Adirondackwannabe? You are a true sweetie and a good friend to many a fellow and gal Flutherite. I have always been impressed by your modesty and your willingness to learn from those shorter than you.
I am bringing over a ladder and giving you a big hug! You deserve it you crazy New York stater, you!
ConGoRats to you dear Jelly!
The hills are alive with the sound of . . . party! Congratulations, @Adirondackwannabe!
This is so wonderful!
To one of my favorite Jellies who comforts me when I’m blue, laughs with me when I’m happy and who makes sure a good time is had by all. You are definitely an anchor Jelly for me and I could not imagine this site without you. :)
Wow. That was quick. Good for you. Congrats.
Félicitations, my fellow New York native! Keep dreaming of the peaks!
It has been lurvely seeing your odometer roll over! P.S. I can feel your humility through cyberspace.
* * * Y * A * Y * * * CONGRATULATIONS ! ! ! GOOD WORK ! ! ! * * * Y * A * Y * * *
Gefeliciteerd @Adirondack, a truly deserved highpoint!
Gefeliciteerd @Adirondack, a truly deserved highpoint!
Congrats to an excellent jelly living in a great part of a great state!
I know I’m just being a sentimental old fool by posting this clip, but here it is anyway.
Oh, yay! Congrats, man. You’re a fabulous jelly! :)
Yippie skippy! Much grats drack!!!
Many hearty congratulations!!!!
Thanks guys. I’m honored beyond belief. I’m also home with my S/O. She get’s primary call on my attention at night, so I’ll respond to you as you deserve tommorrow.
Congratulations on reaching 20K, my dear friend!
Congratulations to one of my favorite jellies! @Adirondackwannabe is always there for a friend, is intelligent, witty, and always wanting to learn all sides of an issue. Fluther is lucky to have such a wonderful man in its collective.
Knowing I get another bite at this apple (due to the guest of honor’s attentions being directed elsewhere), I will say again—Whooooop, whoooooop, excellent news, well deserved! Hope you stick around a whole lot longer!
Congratulations, @Adirondackwannabe! You are really deserving of the honor. You are balanced, smart, and kind. All great qualities for a jelly. I am very fond of you. Keep on Flutherin’.
Congratulations! Well deserved.
Congratulations to one of the sweetest people here. You never fail to make me laugh, even when I’m having a crappy day! <throws confetti>
Now where the hell did you hide my depends and teeth?
Congratulations, peaceful mountain man. :D
You are so deserving of this party! You’re a wonderful, pleasant, thoughtful jelly. CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Wow! That just seemed so fast! Welcome to the mansion! I’ll show you the secret handshake later :-)
Oh hell yeah! Congratulations man. You sure got up there fast, that’s what happens when you’re awesome. Cheers!
Hey @Adirondackwannabe Congrats on the 20k! I ‘wanna be’ there when you pop the cork on that bottle of champagne!
Dang, I always miss one when there are multiple parties on the same day! Congratulations, @Adirondackwannabe – your avatar always makes me want to return to those mountains!
Oh my goodness. I nearly missed this. Fly by hugs @Adirondackwannabe!!! Where are they? I haven’t been getting any lately (fly by hugs that is :D). You are a wonderful, funny jelly. So glad you are here.
OK – I’m awake now – CONGRATULATIONS!
Someone has to show me how to make those cute “picture” words.
Congratulations and felicitations on your achievement my friend!! I got you this boathouse on Loon Lake as a token of your achievement. Don’t worry, it may look like it’s still for sale but I’ve closed on the property. They just haven’t removed the listing from their website.
Woohoo! Congrats on your achievement!
@JilltheTooth How’s 7:52?
It’s going to take me bit to work up my responses. Wow.
Congratulations to one of my favorite farm boys!
He helped me figure out why cows have 4 teats.
@JilltheTooth I an honored that you hosted my party. I know if I need a little wisdom in my life, I can turn to you. And if I need a litle humor and fun, I can turn to you. That’s a pretty nice combo. Keep your chin always up so you feel the sun on your face. Thanks.
@janbb I would be honored to Mazel with you.You’re one of the sharpest jellies I have been privileged to fluther with. And you cut me a lot of slack when I get out of line.:)
@SpatzieLover Thank you.I know I can always count on you for a wise word and a well turned phrase. Thank you.
@mangeons Thank you. Keep up the good work. You make your mom very proud and you’ll find over time family life, done well is pretty special.
@picante Thank you. I was thinking exactly the same thing about you. You always make me smile. And there is nothing in life more important than that ability. Bring on the hot sauce!
@KatawaGrey Thank you.You were one of the first new jellies I stumbled upon and I remember thinking what a wise woman this is. It took your mom to show me why that was. Congrats on your 20K.
@Lightlyseared Thank you If I need a kind word or a pick me up you always deliver.
Congratulations to an amazing, amazing person! Well deserved! Enjoy the partyyyy!!!
@Buttonstc Thank you. Always appreciate what you have to say. I just have wondered what the stc means?
Such a sweet guy. Congrats!!!
How wonderful!!!!! I always enjoy your responses…
@SavoirFaire Thank you I wonder why we stay here, then NY does something redeeming and I’m glad to be here. Plus there’s always the peaks.:)
@smilingheart1 Thank you. Wow, you’ve only been here a short time and you’ve almost hit 5K. A lot of wisdom in a little time.
@laineybug Thank you. You carry on the theme. A lot of wisdom in a short time. I’m always impressed with the maturity in your answers. Keep it up. :)
@YARNLADY Thank you.You don’t amaze me with your wise answers, but that’s because I always expect them.
@rebbel I love your perspective on things. Plus anyone that is willing to try to understand politics in the US is showing some true cahones. (I’ll have to check the spelling on that)
Holy cow, Fella, are you going for 30 on your 20K thread? I’ll get the next party ready to go! ;-D
@JilltheTooth Hey these guys have been good to me. It’s my way of paying it back. Plus they’re all maxxed out on me.
Just wanted to see if you were still paying attention! ;-P
I had a rather nice distraction, but I’m back now.
@Brian1946 Thank you. I can always count on you for a chuckle, more likely a LMAO moment.
@augustlan Thank you For the direction of the site, which is so much better than anything else out there, but also for your wisdom and advice.
@EnchantingEla Thank you. Also continuing the theme of a lot of wisdom in a short time. You haven’t been here for long but you’ve impressed me!
Oh man. I can’t think of anything that brings polishing to my mind faster.
@syz Thank you. Our resident animal expert and sage.
WOW OH WOW, can’t believe I came late to this party of parties! Darn it, the world is so cruel when you’re a drunks, err a drunk! I hate you Jim Beam! I curse the day when you got distilled! I haaate youuu! < Hic >
Well…better late than never! CONGRATS on your 20K!, oh one whose name is so freakin hard to say! LOL. I mean there was this cop who pulled me over and tested my alcohol level by asking me to repeat “Adirondackwannabe” ten times while hopping on one leg. What the f*#@K?
Ok, I’m outta here. I need to get some polishing.
@Kayak8 Thank you. Another in the long line of voices of reason and wisdom. Plus I love German Shepards. Magnificent dogs.
@harple Thank you. Hope everything turns out for the best for you. You deserve it.
@ANef_is_Enuf Thank you. You are one of the kindest, gentlest souls I have ever met. It’ll work out for you guys, hang in there.
Oh, and quit the cigs. :)
@chyna Thank you My favorite product of West Virginia. I don’t like that our schedules don’t work out so well, but I hope the paychecks keep coming. Pulling for you lady.
@Kayak8 No double dipping! But thanks :)
@marinelife Thank you. You always can be counted on for wise and wonderful counsel. And I look at the lurve and think Holy Crap.:)
@Simone_De_Beauvoir Thank you. I’ve learned so much from you and you have made me take a look at my perspectives.
@bkcunningham Thank you. I always appreciate your view on things.
@WillWorkForChocolate Thank you. I love twisting your tail, almost as much as I like it when you pay me back. :)
@Blackberry Thank you. My favorite military man. I would like nothing better than to share a few beers with you around a nice fire some evening and shoot the shit with you.
@FutureMemory Thank you. Your comments always have a little bite to them.:)
@tedibear Thank you. I appreciate your views a lot. And I still have the picture. Just can’t figure out how to send it without it getting mangled.
@Judi Thank you. You’re a pleasant voice of reason every time.
@Symbeline Thank you. You still fascinate me and scare the hell out of me at the same time. If I had the chance I’d like to lay outside at night on a moonlit evening and share ghost stories with you.
@worriedguy Thank you. You have forever changed the way I look at brie.
@filmfann Thank you You’re a true man of reason and integrity.
@Bellatrix Thank you. Another of my favs from Down Under. I have been shirking my hug duty. I’ll try to do better.
@tinyfaery Thank you. You are a true original, and I admire how true you are to yourself, if that makes any sense.
@EmptyNest Thank you, from one Empire Stater to another. Only some one that’s spent time here can understand the place.
And I enjoy paying you back for twisting my tail. It makes it more fun that you play along! (((HUGS))) and >>>KISSES<<< and lurve, lurve, lurve to you honey!!!
@WillWorkForChocolate Zensky was next but he’ll have to wait. Thanks you make my day every time. Your hubby hit the jackpot big time.:)
D’awwwwwww, you say the sweetest things! <3
@zensky Thank you. You’re our source of wisdom from the Middle East, and I always value your view.
@lillycoyote Thank you. The boathouse was amazing. I love Loon Lake. Those pictures made my day.
@MissAnthrope Thank you. Your one of the most real people I know. And I like how you’ll call my ass out if you feel I’m out of line. Keeps me grounded. :)
@wilma Thank you. You always provide me with a sense of calmness and serenity. I don’t know why, but you do. Thanks
@Ayesha Thank you.You constantly amaze me as well. Your pretty special.
@Mama_Cakes Thank you. I hope this year gets better for you and the future treats you as well as you deserve it to. I always love your sense of style.
@blueiiznh Thank you. I appreciated your kind words and I will always remember a certain piece about a dog.
@mazingerz88 Thank you. Yup, always going to be thinking about polish because of you.
@harple Your welcome. Smiles are infectious.:)
@Adirondackwannabe “Plus anyone that is willing to try to understand politics in the US is showing some true cahones.”
Try being the key word there :-)
@rebbel I started trying to answer that question and got nowhere. I live here and I can’t explain it.
@Adirondackwannabe Same here (for the Dutch situation), but I was taken care of by some other Jellies and they did a good job.
@Adirondackwannabe: Milo here: In honor of this day, I have been appointed your official guide for the hikes up all of the 46 Adirondack HIgh Peaks. Redeemable any time (just strap the skins on your skis if you want to start soon.)
If this seems too formidable, I will also happily escort you and a companion of your choice up Mt. Jo with a picnic at the top. (Free parking at Adirondak Loj.)
@gailcalled Thanks Milo. I’d be honored to have you and Gail take me anywhere in the Park. Just don’t suggest a swim this time of the year.Thank you.
@Adirondackwannabe Sharing ghost stories is something I really like doing. That was in my late teens mostly, now I can’t find anyone to do it with. Everyone always just wants to play cards. I’d totally tell ghost stories with you. :)
Instead of going to the mansion, I’ve arranged to fly you and all of the other Jellies out to California to spend the weekend feasting in the dining room of the Ahwahnee Hotel at Yosemite
I am in charge of the menu, but if any of the other Jellies want to help and give me some suggestions I’m sure Addy would love it.
For appetizers I’m going to serve something like a salad with pepperoncinis and mixed Greek olives, but with the addition of Pickled Red Onions with Lime and Marinated Shiitake Mushrooms and Lemon Marinated Baby Mozzarella Balls
And since we are in California, I was able to find some fresh peas to make this yummy Fresh Pea Salad with Dates, Serrano Chile and Pumpkin Seeds
Of course we’ll want some soup, so how about this Wheatberry,Garlic, Kale, Shiitake Mushroom and Peas Soup?
I have to ask you one question, though How do you like your nuts? Hopefully you will approve of These Nuts
For one of the entrees I’ve chosen Vegetarian Spinach and Mushroom Enchiladas and Vegetarian Spanish Rice with a side of homemade Hopi Blue Corn Tortillas and Tomatillo Salsa
After the Sundried Tomatoes Demonstration I will be making a Sundried Tomato, Mushroom and Asparagus Tart
I thought I’d do a slightly different take on stir fried tofu, so I’m making Thai Marinated Tofu Skewers with Peanut Butter and Coconut Milk and serving that along side of Ginger Almond Rice Noodles with Pineapple
And just for the heck of it, we’re all going to wear lilac colored shirts with green plaid boxers!
Enjoy friend : )
I’ve never been so late to a party ….Sigh!
But moocho congratulations @Adirondackwannabe . So well deserved…I enjoy your posts.:-)
@Adirondackwannabe: MIlo here; Even I can barely get into the water in high summer. On a broiling hot day, when the water reaches 68˚, it is hard to actually move my legs and legs. Of course, I understand that by comparison, Mirror Lake is a tepid bath.
(Love that boathouse on Loon Lake…a steal at $995,000, I say.)
DUDE! I love you!
You’re one of the backbones of, well, never mind, Jellyfish don’t have are full of easy going good humor and always comport yourself with dignity and aplomb.
One great guy and jelly you are!! Congrats!!!!
@Symbeline Thank you, I now have a bucketlist. Ghost stories with you sounds like a great goal. Thanks
@Kardamom Thank you. Where do you get em all. Not that I’m complaining. You’re amazing.
@AmWiser Thank you. Don’t sweat it. I’m just very glad you made it! Always good to hear from you.
@jazmina88 Thank you. It’s always a pleasure to see you. Another fellow animal lover, can’t beat that.
@gailcalled You swam by the spring inlet. Brrrr. I can only do Mirror, I’m a wuss when it comes to cold water.
The water by my former camp was very deep (400 feet in places), very clean and very cold.
We ran a pipe and a pump out about 50 feel; that was our water source, including drinking (the town tested it every year).
But. yes, it was arctic even at high summer.
Oh goodness gracious I am late!
I’d like to congratulate you on 20k! I love to see your responses and you’re one of a kind. What an amazing man you are! :)
Oh this party is still going strong
@KateTheGreat You can be late anytime, it’s still great to see you and your responses. I just figured you were off asking Another Question Of The Day. :)
@MRSHINYSHOES Congrats are always enjoyed, regardless of the time.
@Adirondackwannabe When I saw this thread, I thought “Dang! How could I have missed this?!”
But yeah, I think we can still celebrate your achievement! Good show my friend.
@EnchantingEla Well I’m glad you finally showed up. What did you have, car trouble?
Maybeeee….. LOL
It was a little bit of this, little bit of that plus I needed to do some rebalancing in general. : )
@EnchantingEla I’m just glad you showed up. Anyone is welcome regardless of the time. :)
I was here up there lol ^
i iz so easily forgotted….... <sniffles>
@EnchantingEla Oh shit. That thought just went through my head too. I’m thinking oh crap, she showed up fairly early didn’t she. Well, the memory is the first thing to go before they put people in the home.
@Adirondackwannabe Don’t worry bubula, we’re not gonna put you in a home, you’re moving in with Ma and me in Boca!
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