Have you seen Bette Grande's (R-North Dakota) anti-EPA campaign ad? Is it a Halloween joke or is she serious and nuts?
Bette Grande is a North Dakota Republican running for Congress.
This is her anti-EPA campaign ad
Even for a Halloween theme, it’s seems really kind wacked to me.
Or does she just have sense of humor?
I can’t decide. When I first saw it I thought is was just crazy bizarre, now I’m thinking it’s kind of funny, how over the top it is.
What demographic is that kind of thing supposed to appeal to?
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8 Answers
I have watched it & I have absolutely no idea where her mind is on this subject. I know that almost all of the Republicans are against the EPA because they say that EPA Regulations are closing businesses (like coal mining & coal fired energy plants) ....... but this is the most extreme ad that I have seen. It seems that the Republicans have no concept of the damage that carbon is doing to our environment & increasing Global Warming.
Wow, that was… I don’t think I have words for what that was. None of the “scary” or just weird, but set to scary music images were even vaguely linked to the EPA. It made no sense at all. And yet, it’s supposed to make people want to send a message? I don’t even know what her message is.
This question has been posted twice..?
Something very odd is happening in Flutherland.
@FutureMemory Yes! I posted it twice by mistake. Sometimes I have too may windows in my browser open and I was revising the question and there was some kind of distortion or glitch in space-time and the revisions got separated into separate questions and now there are two different versions up. I flagged the other one for deletion but it’s still up and I’m having an interesting conversation over there too. I just pm’d Auggie about what to do. I suspect there is no way to consolidate the comments from both questions into one thread.
I think the humor of her ad fell flat on anyone who isn’t familiar with the EPA challenges taking place in North Dakota with their oil industry. It may have fell flat with people who are familiar with the contention in the one-size-fit-all EPA regs that she is objecting to for her state and elsewhere.
@bkcunningham That’s kind of why I was asking. How funny is it, or would it be to those likely to support her? I know it’s got to be about the oil industry and fracking probably, it was “produced” by “FRACFILMS”, after all. :-) And if you go to her website, in her position piece the EPA states:
The progressive liberals in Washington would love to shut down the Bakken and stop the advancement of horizontal drilling. My answer? FRAC baby FRAC!
It’s still pretty frackin’ wacked, though. :-)
[mod says] I removed the other question, but if you want to see the answers, you should be able to see them here.
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