Best way to describe how you feel right now ____?
For me, I really am tapped out. It is not something that I have to think about. My body can’t put out anymore, if you know what I mean. I want to surround myself with positive stuff. It’s like I’ve been drained of blood.
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50 Answers
Rushed! Too much to do, too few hours in the day…
impatient. waiting for my kitty to get back from the vet
I feel pretty good. I could probably offer hugs to anyone that needs it, and if you’re really down I suggest a snuggle with a warm puppy or kitty.
Pleased to be here (in the existential sense) for another day.
Rather tired, allergies not so hot, but, driven to shop til I drop for all the supplies and gifts and groceries and bakery stuff I need for a Birthday bash for my daughter here on Tues.
I gotta check off some stuff on my list today or I’ll be at warp speed by the end of the weekend. lol
Hungry but that is being taken care of as we speak.
On hold. Expecting a phone call and can’t really go on with my day till I get that sorted out.
All Fine Now. Kitty is unhappy, but home ;)
I was just reading the news, which always seems to make me angry. Other than that, I feel great! : ))
Stressed out, frustrated, want to bang my head against a wall.
Anxious, hopeful!
Welcome to my life.. Always up and down
Grinning from ear to ear.
A bit sick but not enough to be worried that I am coming down with something.
It’s Friday night, so I guess my answer must be yippeee, whoo hoo, whey hey!!
Bloody cold though, anyone would think it was winter.
Like I’m slogging through a mucky marsh, I’ll never get to the end of it, and I’m running out of steam..
Absolutely wonderful – had a highly effective work week!
A bit of mixed feelings right now, apprehension, boredom, guilt (I should be getting some work done right now) peaceful.
Don’t should on yourself. lol from she who is STILL trying to get out of the house to do a bunch of stuff.
2 totally conflicting emotions-totally discouraged and bummed out about work and totally psyched that it’s the weekend. Ha, funny on my ipod Lightnin’ Hopkins is singing Ball of Twine… it goes like this “Oh she’s all wound up, just like a ball of twine” yeah, that’s about the feeling. Great song. Hopefully that ball of twine will be unwound bit by bit as the night progresses. I’m sure it will be.
After feeling worried and rushed all week, I now feel relieved and peaceful.
Tired, just got through shampooing rugs.
Getting ready for Thanksgiving visitors.
5:42 pm on the west current mood is elated emotion. I just saw the most magnificent Whitetail buck in rut, huge rack, herding his little harem of girls down my tiny mountain road. OMG! Brought a tear to my eye. I hope they finish their romance on my property and no evil deer hunters kill this guy. He was STUNNING!
and to top it off, I have a zit on my earlobe. sigh…...
tired. Wanting to sleep for about 12 hrs.
Not so hot this morning, a wee bit too much fun at the cocktail hour last night and then woke up with a tweaked shoulder/back thing from sleeping in some wacky possistion. It’s okay, 10:07 a.m., cool, cloudy and lounging in my giant Kozy Sak beanbag love seat reading a book waiting for the Advil to kick in. lol
Sick. Sick. Sick. Cough. Cough.
Alone and angry towards the one person that is closest to me, and greatly depressed. I hate my life right now
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