How many bitter Jellies do you suppose Fluther has?
I hope it is just something I notice, but not really. It seem to me that some Jellies seem bitter, and unhappy, not many, but some. No matter what thread I see them in, they do not have much good to say, either about the issue, or an answer some other Jelly made on the issue. I wonder if this caustic attitude is the catalyst on certain threads where spats erupt; to the point, the mods redacted many comments once I return. If the thread is one of iron and not fluff, spats seem to break out anyhow, but someone who goes in bitter, to me, has more of a chance of causing one. I use the construct that whomever I am engaging is the banker I need to get the loan from to save the family farm, so even if I disagree, I will shoot for being as respectful, and civil as possible; even if I am having a crap day. Do some people have a crap day all of the time that they appear to be bitter, and caustic, or is it them and they are not aware?
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34 Answers
Maybe a couple. I don’t know. Let’s take a vote.
Raise your hand if you are a bitter jelly!
I say we take some nibbles to find out ; )
If I am one, I’m not aware of it : (
Sometimes I just can’t let an ignorant/uninformed/misinformed/rude comment go unchallenged, and I don’t blame others for doing the same to me. I’m pretty happy in person; it doesn’t mean I’m bitter because I want to confront someone. Life is full of conflict, so why would the internet be different?
I never feel either bitter or caustic; however, if I read a question that I have real difficulty in understanding, I will mention it. It seems a reasonable stance.
I don’t think many people (anywhere) are actually bitter. I’ve met very few in my lifetime. If someone always disagrees with you, that doesn’t mean they’re bitter… it means they disagree with you.
Just add some sugar to them… :-p
Oh there’s a few alright, walking grievances just looking for causes.
Fortunetley they are outnumbered by a vast majority of bright and positive types IMO.
No bitterness here, I am a life lover, get off on simple pleasures and have little tolerance for Eeyores.
So cry me a river. lol
Someone baked a really high quality batch of brownies this morning. :)
@FutureMemory LOL…nah, brownies just enhance what already is. :-D
We are legion. Stop fucking with us or else!
@HungryGuy Of course lol.
I’m not bitter, just pissed off lol.
I denno if there are that many bitter people, but then who knows. Although I would suppose that if some people here are, Fluther and how it works is far from being the source of their bitterness.
It would depend on what you mean by “bitter”. If you just mean “disagreeable” (which I don’t think you do), then quite a few, but I don’t see this as a bad thing. Many of us are here to debate, which can be enjoyable if you approach it right and don’t perceive a disagreement as an attack. To echo @Blackberry, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with debating, discussing the issues, pointing out flaws in arguments, expressing a contrary viewpoint. But I expect that’s not what you’re talking about here. It’s different when everything you say has a negative or inflammatory spin. I don’t think we have many jellies like that, though.
I don’t know if “bitterness” is the right word.
Bitterness denotes cynicism and a projecting of ones own negative life experiences.
I’d say that in my observations it is more about egos the size of Texas, a need to win, be right, taking an instant dislike to anyone that threatens their fragile self esteem and an easy willingness to dismiss others opinions as crap in the quest to be king of the hill.
All i’ll say is this, when a thread becomes negative, hostile & tedious, I can predict with unerring accuracy the faces that’ll show up.
It’s not a gift of mine, just powers of observation.
@Symbeline – Yeah! While I’m not one of the bitter ones, when I’m provoked by one of them, I don’t hold back. Every now and again, I’ll try being nice back to a snotty remark to me or make a joke about it (i.e. add sugar), but that often doesn’t work :-p
How many bitter Jellies do you suppose Fluther has?
This could have just as easily been phrased “I wonder how many people don’t like me”.
In addition to bitter jellies, Fluther also has popcorn and many of the other fine condiments that can be found at internet theaters. ;-p
Heh..well, I’m reading a book right now on bear attacks of the century, suffice it to say I’d rather go head to head with a freakin’ grizzily bear than a few of the mad hatters I’ve had the misfortune of being pounced on by here on one or three occasions. lololol
I think there might be a few.
@Mariah It would depend on what you mean by “bitter”. If you just mean “disagreeable” (which I don’t think you do), then quite a few, but I don’t see this as a bad thing. No, I don’t, it seem that is what many other people want to believe it means. I am speaking to people who just seem all anal whatever thread they are in, or 70% of them anyhow. I am sure it can lead to them not agreeing with people, but that is not the reason they appear bitter to me.
@FutureMemory ¬*This could have just as easily been phrased “I wonder how many people don’t like me”.* What, wha—-? (big eye roll) Do the math, if I am OBSERVING, a thread I read but passed on answering, just how does that have anything to do with me? Oh….right….it DON’T. I don’t lose sleep over if I have a major fan club or not. They will have to put up with me until I get bored and move on. They can [redacted], and the [redacted], that is how much I think of it. ;-P
I am speaking to people who just seem all anal whatever thread they are in, or 70% of them anyhow.
How does bitterness equate with “all anal”? And while we’re at it, what does “all anal” mean?
Your figure of 70% of all the anal people on fluther who disagree with you or take issue with what you ask or how you ask it is derived by what statistical methodology?
Is bitter another word for snarky?
I still want a pet snark.
@gailcalled Your figure of 70% of all the anal people on fluther who disagree with you or take issue with what you ask or how you ask it is derived by what statistical methodology? <Ahem> Let me say again, in case you have not heard me clearly enough, it has nothing to do with me, or people who disagree. Too many are one dimensional, as this question proves, for me to believe we would agree. Many of the instances happened in threads I WAS NOT EVEN APART OF. So, how could I be making it about someone who disagreed with me? Do people even read the details, or just make the facts up on their own?
And while we’re at it, what does “all anal” mean? I guess it was not in one of your many lexicons, to many, at least around here, if one is anal, they are just caustic and pensive, like they have some battleship-sized chip on their shoulder. If they were vegan and you dare say anything that even sounds like you are saying a meat free diet is unhealthy they get nasty about it. Or if they don’t believe in corporal punishment, they just wade in vilifying any parent who would use it; they will not entertain any reason to use it, and insult the parent that does. They are like grumpy people who are not happy with anything. That unhappiness could make them not agree with much, but the disagreeing is not the launch pad.
@Dog Is bitter another word for snarky? There is a difference than being snarky or cheeky on a particular question, but when you are that way outside the three subjects or issues that is their baby, is another thing.
Anal means caustic?
Anal means pensive?
Anal implies having a chip on one’s shoulder?
Anal means grumpy?
Disagreeing is not the launchpad?
@Hypocrisy_Central: You are right. I am clearly using the wrong lexicon. The field is yours.
I thought anal meant uptight, retentive, of constipated expression and deed.
Perfectionism, wry and puckered and unable to find relief in release.
I don’t think the chips on the shoulder. lol
LOL, I’m not sure if I would say bitter but there are several Jellies that have an oversized head on their shoulders it seems. Yes there are those few that always have to pick fights, perhaps to boost their own egos I don’t know. This site is very mellow when compared to other sites I’ve been on though.
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