Social Question

Leads on Farm Work Trade/House Sitting gigs On Big Island?
I just finished a work trade gig in North Kohala, at a permaculture institute called HIP Agriculture, and am looking for a new adventure.
I can do nearly anything needed ({farm}building gardens, planting, weeding, etc… building composting toilets, caring for live stock, so on and so forth…{home} general maintenance, for example sweeping, dishes, moping, painting, minor repair, pet care, etc), and will work for minimal accommodations (camp space, and access to a kitchen (propane stove and running water, nothing more needed).
What places would you recommend I check out?
Are there options for accommodations I am over looking? etc etc etc
Thanks in advance for all the help. On top of that, I would love to network more in Hawaii so if you live on Big I, shoot me a PM.