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mazingerz88's avatar

NSFW - Skimpy clothes on or off, which is more exciting?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29342points) November 12th, 2011

What do you think about a guy who finds it really arousing when during the act, he does not totally take his woman’s bra, t-shirt or tank top off?

He just pulls at it exposing one or both her breasts and then covers it back again only to pull at it later during the act. Finding her tank top drenched in sweat is a major turn on for him. And he does the same with her underwear.

Male jellies, have you ever done this before? Female jellies, if you’ve encountered a guy like this, how was that experience for you?

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16 Answers

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

I am always more aroused during sex if a woman leaves a little bit of clothing on. Skirt on sex, shoes on sex, bra on sex; just some item on the lady that acknowledges we are doing something in the heat of the moment.

Male's avatar

Hell yeah, it’s hot.

ETpro's avatar

A tee shirt or tank top is OK. Boxer shorts don’t do a thing for me. If she wanted to swap, and wear my boxers while I wore her panties that might be interesting.

augustlan's avatar

As a female, I’m all for it.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I vote yes.

Ayesha's avatar

F**king hot.

Scooby's avatar

Yep, leave some on….. I like to, tease her stockings off, with my teeth ;-)....

HungryGuy's avatar

If the clothes are edible, leave them on…

ucme's avatar

She can leave her hat on!

Kardamom's avatar

All I know is that when I see Alan Rickman buttoned up from head to toe, as Severus Snape, it makes me craaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzy hot!

wundayatta's avatar

I like playing with her clothes—her playing peekaboo and hard to get. I also like her raunchy and wild, tearing her clothes off and coming after me with that glint in her eyes that says she will not be denied. And the other way around, of course.

mazingerz88's avatar

@Kardamom I have a feeling when JK Rowling wrote Severus’ character, arousing women’s desires had anything to do with it? Lol.

On that glint on Ms. Black’s eyes, YIKES! ( or was it her teeth that were glinting? )

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I think it’s hot every once in awhile. That kind of ‘let the clothes be there, i’ll tear at them and pull them apart…just to thrust into you immediately…’ it’s an urgency kind of thing…it can be very arousing.

Earthgirl's avatar

I love the whole act of undressing and being undresssed so anything that prolongs it excites me. Staying partially dressed is something that makes me feel more sexy than being completely naked. So yes, I love the idea. I am all for it…the way you describe it sounds like you are undressing her over and over again,lol…nice. Only when it gets to the point where we are both all hot and sweaty you know that every stitch is coming off!!

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