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Isn't is ignoramic to be exclusively liberal or conservative?
First, let’s define our terms. Both words have been stretched far from their dictionary definitions by political spin-masters. Words actually do have meanings. They don’t mean whatever some partisan PR hack decides to define them as. For instance, social welfare programs do NOT equal socialism. Socialism is an economic system in which the government owns the means of production and distribution of wealth. Everyone works for the government. There are no taxes. And everyone gets paid with checks drawn on and cashed by the government bank.
Here’s what the Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary says conservative means and here’s their definition of liberal. Both words have very positive meanings and both are needed to make sane decisions. Neither one is a single track to perfection in every policy. So please, at least for the duration of answering this question and debating responses, let’s stick to the dictionary definitions as relates to the question, and if current conservative or liberal policies differ from the definition, let’s point up that there is nothing wrong with the word, but plenty wrong with the policy.
The fact is that the current crop that call themselves conservatives in America may bellow constantly about socialism, and claim that all liberals are socialists, but the right’s actual policies are more socialistic than those of current liberals. They favor deregulating Wall Street completely and then are forced to bail out Wall Street when Casino Capitalism goes awry, as it always eventually will. This is privatizing all profits while socializing risks for those allowed to get to big to fail. They favor farm subsidies and subsidizing the oil industry and corporate jets. This is a form of socialism adopted by the Fascists in the 1930s. Mussolini defined it thus: “Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power.”
The current liberals are widely for sale to corporate lobbyist as well. On issue after issue, they have stood in the way of a true progressive agenda that would apply liberal principles to solving serious problems the USA faces. Obamacare is widely unpopular because it failed to address most of the endemic problems in a healthcare system with costs gone out of control.
Isn’t the best governance achieved with a healthy blend of conservatism where practical with liberalism where change is needed? In other words, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” But if it is broke, by all means don’t keep supporting it.
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