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tan235's avatar

I'm pregnant and last night experienced white flashes in eyes, what can it be?

Asked by tan235 (877points) November 14th, 2011

So last night I saw white flashes in my eyes.
The only issue is is that I don’t know if it was in my eyes or outside.
My blood pressure has been good – last reading was a month ago – I’m 21 weeks pregnant. I’ve read it can be a sign of preeclampsia, however I have no other symptoms and believe to be generally healthy.
I will see tonight if my partner sees the white lights as he was not here last night.
Does anyone know if preeclampsia makes you see white flashes only at night?
Wouldn’t you see it all through the day as well if this were the case?
I am going to see my obyn next week but thought maybe someone here might know?


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19 Answers

EmptyNest's avatar

I would call your doctor and tell him over the phone what happened. He may want you to come in sooner.

geeky_mama's avatar

21 weeks is a bit early for pre-eclampsia..and absent any other signs or symptoms (e.g. you’d typically see extreme edema—swelling caused by water retention—at least in your ankles and hands) it’s HIGHLY unlikely that you’d start with vision disturbances.

If you want to put your mind at ease go to a neighborhood grocery or drugstore with a BP cuff and check your blood pressure.

If it’s elevated ( 140/90 or more ) then it’s a good idea to call your doctor.

Even if your BP is elevated this alone does not mean pre-eclampsia. You must also be passing proteins in your urine.. and again, it is highly unlikely at 21 weeks. If you were after 32 weeks and had other symptoms THEN and only then would I suggest a quick call sooner rather than later to your OB/GYN or midwife.

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tan235's avatar

Thanks @geeky_mama that helps heaps…

CaptainHarley's avatar

I second @geeky_mama… pre-eclampsia is highly unlikely at this point.

tan235's avatar

just got blood pressure done, first reading was 127/79 – then five minutes later second reading was 113/83 – is this normal – pharmacist was unfazed….

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@tan235 That depends on what your BP is usually. For me, those numbers would be high as I register 100/65 or so.

tan235's avatar

I’m normally 120/80

marmoset's avatar

The hormone changes of pregnancy can make you susceptible to migraines; could it have been a migraine aura without the pain? (I’ve had aura without pain and I have low to normal blood pressure.)

tan235's avatar

@marmoset what do you consider normal?

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@tan235 Then your BP is completely fine.

tan235's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir that’s such good blood pressure for you, I feel right on the border – but yeah i think it’s pretty normal for me… thanks for your help

abysmalbeauty's avatar

did they look like little lightening bolts going across your eyes?

tan235's avatar

@abysmalbeauty if this is a real question – then no…. it was like someone turned on a torch, the whole room lit up….only for a second, hence why I can’t figure out if it was something outside or my eyes, I have stupid white blinds that are broken so it’s pretty light in my room.

tan235's avatar

I do suffer from exploding head syndrome, so now I“m starting to think it could be that!?
Am seeing my obyn tomorrow will check everything out….

abysmalbeauty's avatar

@tan235 Sorry i don’t have much to offer then. I did often see little white lightening like flashes when I was pregnant but they turned out to be nothing.

tan235's avatar

Thanks though…. If i stop worrying I’m sure everything will be ok x

gailcalled's avatar

@tan235: You have asked a lot of questions about medical issues since you joined, many of them about odd and unusual conditions.

Do you perhaps worry too much? Have you tried to deal with the anxiety? Most medical concerns turn out to be horses rather than zebras.

Use the nurses at your Ob/gyn’s office. By now, you should have established a relationship with the staff and feel completely comfortable calling them. They have your records and your medical history.

We can be encouraging and cheer you on, but we shouldn’t be giving you advice about your pregnancy and related medical stuff.

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