Things I have given in the past:
$10 gift certificate for Starbucks tucked into a tiny Xmas stocking
Bottles of hot sauce (for a guy I knew who loved hot sauce)
A single serving tea pot with a lid that served as a cup and some loose tea and tea bags (for a co-worker I knew loved tea, who I knew hated drinking burnt coffee out of styrofoam cups)
Loaves of pumpkin bread
Cookbooks (inexpensive ones, but still with good recipes) maybe with a wooden spoon tied onto the package.
Jams and jellies and honey from one of our local farms.
Giant chocolate bars from Trader Joe’s.
Most of the boxed and tinned holiday candy selections from Trader Joe’s.
A book called Worst Case Scenario Survival Handbook for a co-worker who was interested in survival stuff.
A hot food thermos and a spork, for a fellow who was always eating his lunch out of the vending machines (got a few nice ones at Cost Plus Imports last year for $7, they’re usually about $20).
One of those ceramic coffee cups that looks like the paper Starbucks cups with the ring around them. Like This
For one older co-worker who told wonderful stories about his life (and I kept encouraging him to write the down) I got this book called The Book of Myself that helps the story teller get started by asking 201 questions.
A selection of dry spice rubs for a co-worker who liked to barbecue.
A calendar with horses on it, for a woman who loved horses.
Single bottles of exotic beer, like a chocolate stout, for one guy who was a beer enthusiast.
An insulated water carafe for one of my co-workers who liked to keep hydrated but was relegated to his office most of the time and his office was far away from the water cooler. He was tickled pink when he saw it.
A homemade CD of Christmas music for one of the few co-workers who actually enjoyed Christmas music. I have a rather large collection of Xmas music, so this guy was thrilled with my choices. I also designed the cover.
And last, but not least, a rare book of poetry by Hunter S. Thompson that I found at a thrift store, for a co-worker who was a huge fan of the writer.