(NSFW?) Can too much kissing be the cause of feeling sick in the stomach?
An interesting thing happened yesterday, me and my girlfriend spent the afternoon making out, and at the end of it, we both had a sick feeling in our stomachs.
This is somthing that has never happened to me before, but then again, I had never kissed someone for as long as I did yesterday.
There are two possibilities I can think of:
1— She was raised in Asia, I was raised in Spain, she is Asian, I am white, and maybe we are not used to each others germs, as maybe she is immune to all the germs she was exposed to and I am immune to the germs I have been exposed to, but we are not immune to each others germs.
2— Making out for 7 hours makes you feel sick for some reason.
Do any of you have experience with this? what do you think is the cause.
(the sickly feeling is not enough to stop us, it’s not even a minor problem, it’s just something we are both curious about)
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20 Answers
Seven hours? May be you both just got hungry.
@Jellie I had not thought of that, however I have gone much longer without food and without getting a sick feeling. I’ll keep it in mind, thanks.
Where were you? Was it some place you don’t ordinarily go? What was the feeling like? A pain? Nausea? Butterflies? Excitement? Something else?
Were you upright or prone? Seated? Or moving around from one position to another? Was there anything else besides kissing going on?
What kind of clothes were you wearing?
Too many unknowns here.
@wundayatta I just moved to London, the place is different, but I have been here before. The feeling was nausea.
All we did was kiss and cuddle, we were moving around from time to time, we would start in one position until it got uncomfortable, then change to another position.
I really can’t think of any other variables but the kissing.
Ah haaa…..............
Its the kissing bandits syndrome. Too much lippy smacky. Cupid has shot both of you in the stomach, This is to remind you that seven hours is too long for anything, except a computer game.
Next time, take two Tums for your tummy before you liplock and see what happens.
Could be due to reduced blood-flow to your digestive organs as the blood is going ‘elsewhere’.
Oxygen deprivation? Nausea and euphoria are symptoms of hypoxia. Not only was your normal respiration all screwed up for hours, but you were also breathing each others’ oxygen-poor exhalations when you did actually manage to inhale.
Thank God you survived!
@thorninmud Has it pretty much covered. Great answer!!
Okay, I want to try this.
The real question is, how did you have enough self control to not go any further? Teach me your ways.
@Jellie We are trying to take things nice and slow, not rushing the sex thing, but honesty, the kissing was good enough on it’s own, a couple of times I got a little excited, but I think I’ll be happy with just making out for a good time to come.
Aslo, while I’m 99.9999% sure that I’m clean and healthy, I still want to get my self tested for STD’s before I do anything that could maybe put her health at risk.
@thorninmud That does sound like the most likely possibility. Thanks.
Did you feel better after you drank and ate something? I think you were probably dehydrated more than anything, and probably hungry too.
Poison, way to go thinking of her first. You get an atta boy from jp.
The only thing I can suggest is to take a scientific approach.
Do it again many times and chart the results.
Post it back here for us to live vicariously through you.
Ha! Seven hours? I was thinking that 7 seconds could do it if you made out with someone truly disgusting.
But seriously, I read an erotic tale of a couple who claimed they made out and kept their lips locked together, breathing into and out of each other, and not taking in any fresh air until they vomited, and they got off on the idea of this exchange of bodily fluids being the ultimate in intimate sharing. I never had any urge to test, but I wondered at the time if it would work. Based on your question, perhaps it does. Maybe you get your internal C02 content so high it’s like runaway global warming making the planet’s environment feel a bit sick.
@JLeslie Make out with me for a few hours, and I would definitely get down to eating something. ;-)
@JLeslie I have not tried that, but I recover after resting a few minutes.
@john65pennington Thanks, acting like this actually makes me proud of my self. She is a really great person, all I want is for her to be happy. She has already made me so happy, hehe… I’m quite sure I am falling in love with her.
@blueiiznh Ok, scientific approach.
We have now made out 4 times, and 3 times we have “both” felt sick.
First time, 7 hours… we both feel sick
Second time, 1 hour… we both feel fine
Third time, 5 hours… we both feel sick
Fourth time, 3.5 hours… Only I feel sick (I’m an ex-smoker, she never smoked)
With the 4th time in mind, It’s looking like oxygen is the problem. Last night I walked her home whie feeling sick, on the way back I actually vomited. After 15–20 minutes I felt ok again, so… the next thing to try is making out with a 15 miute rest/cuddle every hour or so.
@poisonedantidote practice practice practice. Happy for you two also.
Sounds like coming up for air every now and then is key. Shy of having gills, this may be the best approach.
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