Social Question

john65pennington's avatar

What incident or occurence just "knocked your socks off"?

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) November 15th, 2011

I think the death of President Kennedy did this for me. I was working at a radio station, when all the bells began to ring on our Associated Press news monitor. Question: what knocked your socks off? Was it when your girlfriend called off your wedding or she announced to you that she was pregnant? Or, was it a tragic message delivered to you about the death of a loved one?

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5 Answers

Paradox25's avatar

I was installing sodium lighting fixtures outside over a group of trailer doors, high up in my boom lift when a shipping supervisor yelled up to me and signaled for me to come down. It was 9/11. I thought he was joking at first but I never forgot that day and what I was doing on it when I first heard.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

The first shuttle explosion. I was in school; the whole school district had gone to great lengths to make sure all of the kids in every class could watch live when Christa McAulife went up. The teaching staff was so excited a teacher would be an astronaut. Most of the kids in our school had been brought into the larger assembly halls to watch live.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

9/11, when Benazir Bhutto was killed.

Sunny2's avatar

I was in St Peter’s Square when they were electing a pope. Waiting and waiting. . . nuns were writing post cards, people were praying . . .the smoke came out and it was black. We went on to Florence. At 5:25, I think it was, church bells started ringing. Looking out the window, I could see bells literally ringing out of their steeples and back. It seemed all the churches in town were ringing. They had a new pope, Pope John (was it II?) He had a very short reign, unfortunately. Still, it was extremely exciting.

downtide's avatar

The news, 12 years ago, that one of my closest friends had committed suicide.

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