Meta Question

mazingerz88's avatar

Can you come up with a question that no one on Fluther could answer?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29376points) November 15th, 2011

An inquiry just for fun, jelly folks! : )

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30 Answers

AshLeigh's avatar

I probably couldn’t. But other people could.

bongo's avatar

yeah i asked one a few weeks ago and it turned into an orphan. :( poor little question, its ok though, I have sorted my computer now. I have other friends who helped me.

filmfann's avatar

I asked one a few months back that was an orphan for a couple weeks, but had 10 GQ’s!
It is no longer an orphan, but never got a legit response.

erichw1504's avatar

Can you please not answer this question?

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Perhaps, if it was a nonsense question like: “Is it green or banana on Wednesday afternoons when it morphs?” Any sort of normal question? Nah, most jellies are intelligent and I’m sure someone would have an answer to anything I asked.

Coloma's avatar

Hasn’t it already been done about a thousand times over in all the ” Do you believe in a God” questions?

That’s the usual $64,000 Q that has no proof positive answer. lol

Paradox25's avatar

Relating to my career field it would be a safe bet for me to say yes.

Keep_on_running's avatar

Well…if you look at the ‘orphans’ section pretty much all obscure technology questions are unanswerable.

blueiiznh's avatar

Of course I can, but You can’t handle the non answer!!!

downtide's avatar

Yes. “Where did I lose my favourite pen?”

You can guess but you’ll never know for sure. Neither will I.

bongo's avatar

@downtide I borrowed it, but the dog has now eaten it, not my fault blame the dog. Mystery of the missing pen = solved!

Ela's avatar

Who played harp on Noah’s ark?

Will scientist every touch the glass that incases this universe?

Ela's avatar

Now I just need to figure out the scientist one ; )

MilkyWay's avatar

Does God exist?

mazingerz88's avatar

@MilkyWay Yeah right. : )


erichw1504's avatar

Has the cheese been separated into descending order?

harple's avatar

@erichw1504 I really don’t think Baby Obama’s first words would have been about cheese… ~

erichw1504's avatar

@harple I was stating my own question. Not responding to @mazingerz88‘s question.

harple's avatar

@erichw1504 I know, dorry, was just being humorous :-)

deni's avatar

No one knew that answer to that one poor dudes question who got a horrific pain in his chode every time he sneezed :( poor fellow. Hope he got that sorted out.

erichw1504's avatar

@harple Well, it wasn’t very funny. ~

harple's avatar

@erichw1504 lol, I know… must. try. harder. ;-)

DrBill's avatar

Yes, if it were not possible, there would be no reason to have an “orphan questions” catagory

saint's avatar

Did Jesus ever shave his beard?

sahID's avatar

What does one hand clapping sound like?

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