You think your friend would enjoy and benefit from Fluther. What's the best way to introduce him/her?
Asked by
Blueroses (
November 16th, 2011
Would you start with a chat room and invite a few people? Would you link to a few questions? Would you send messages to some of your jelly friends like a letter of introduction?
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23 Answers
I would send links to a few questions, but that’s just me.
Have him join and ask a question (or two.)
Have another jellie randomly send them a gleaming invitation.
I’ve sent questions to people’s emails and I’ve also “liked” fluther on facebook so the question of the day shows up on my wall page every now and then. I’m sure a few of my friends have checked the site out but I don’t ask them directly so they can keep their profiles to themselves for as long as they like :)
I’ve tried a couple of times to get my college suitemates to become Flutherites to no avail.
One of them took one look at the site and wrote it off as “stupid,” sadly, so I punched him in the throat for insulting my internet home. The other one said he would get distracted too easily and his grades would suffer. The third one grunted and went back to playing Battlefield. Other than that, I haven’t really tried. It’s probably a good thing that my suitemates haven’t signed up. All of them are professional internet trolls and it would be a shame if I had to ban them, especially since we share an ip address.
@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard: It might be the truly introverted versus the truly extroverted. I say truly because alone with your computer, you can let your inner freak flag wave!
My husband is amused to overlook me on fluther but is more happy to go outside, put his feet in the pool and play Angry Byrds for hours and hours and hours…
@Neizvestnaya interesting point. I seem to recall that I was one of maybe two Flutherites who scored as an Extrovert on the Meyers-Brigg back when that thread was still active, so maybe you are making a truthful observation.
I’d take him to a strip club, get him drunk, soften him up with a hooker, and then type the URL into his computer.
I mean, what the fuck? It’s just a website. Most people old enough to sign up without breaching the terms and conditions can handle a new website. If I had a friend I wanted to introduce to the place, I’d email him the URL and be done with it.
I would send along a “letter of caution”. . .and a book of the most commonly misused words and phrases in Grammlish. Yeps.
I think I would just tell them about what I get out of Fluther and why I like it. Then if I see a question that would interest them I would link it to them. I would keep sending them questions they might be interested in until I pulled them in. I am curious as to why you say “benefit” rather than like. What benefit do you think he/she would get?
@wundayatta wat. Oh wait, I thought you were specifically saying that I should liquor up my roommates or Neiz’s hubby, get them a hooker, and get them on Fluther, as opposed to just making a general statement.
@Earthgirl You are way too nice. If I’m ever a noob somewhere, I hope you’re the one that introduces me around.
@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard Ah. That explains it. Now that you mention it, though, liquoring up your roommates sounds like a great idea…. so long as I can watch from a distance.
I have never introduced a friend here, because I don’t want my identity in real life to leak out.
@wundayatta only if you tip well, byob, and promise not to touch the performers. ;D
Well, my friend is very smart and very funny and maybe doesn’t realize how amazing he is because of his environment. I think he’ll fit in very well on Fluther, but it’s hard to jump into an established community.
How would you introduce your good friend to your fluther friends?
I’ve thought my girlfriend would enjoy it, at least looking through the discussions, but she has resisted my attempts to get her to look at it.
But I must admit I like the fact that no one from my real life is here (at least as far as I know!).
I would suggest allowing them to look at the activity on the site first. Personally (offline) I don’t know anybody that enjoys blogging or question/answer sites like this. I had quite a few liberal friends on Sodahead that I did try to get on here but even this type of site is not every left leaning person’s cup of tea. I would suggest doing what I said to make sure they would like it first off.
I’ve invited quite a few people here, in various ways. For most of them, they just weren’t interested. I invited @JLeslie through Facebook. I just told her that, based on her activity on FB, I thought she’d enjoy the site. When I first joined, I told a bunch of my friends and relatives about it, but the only ones who signed up (to my knowledge) are my kids. Sometimes, I’ll send a link to a Q I think someone I know might be able to answer (an ex-boyfriend joined in that way). After meeting someone new and talking with them for a while, if I think they might enjoy it, I pass it on.
I’ve mentioned it to a friend or two, but as far as I know, no one took the bait. That’s fine with me. I’d just as soon they didn’t recognize me here.
Not going to happen, most of them are facebook/twitter mad or completely computer illiterate, that’s right…..neanderthals!
They’re good sorts, but the one time I happened to mention this place we call fluther, they just laughed in my face, bless :¬)
Why not just be direct about it?
You could try lines like this:
“How do you feel about Q&A websites?”
“Would you ever use a Q&A website?”
“I’m a member on Fluther and I really value your opinions. It would be cool if you would join so that other people could benefit from your opinions as well.”
“There’s this site called Fluther and the people there are really nice. You might like it.”
“I found this site called Fluther. What do you think about it?”
“Have you ever checked out Fluther? If so, what do you think about it?”
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