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zensky's avatar

Have you come across an example of The Emperor's New Clothes?

Asked by zensky (13426points) November 17th, 2011

Watching Kimmel, the last act was some band I can’t be bothered to remember nor look up. Normally, I either like or dislike an act, sometimes even unsure and need to hear them again in the future.

This time I thought to myself what the f? The woman lead was barely comprehensible, and played a poor guitar. The song was a slow, painfully slow, almost ridiculously, needlessly slow Reggae beat – and her voice was terribly unsuited for it.

She had three back-up singers and a 10 piece band, including wind section.

Even if she’d written the piece of crap herself, and had the most amazing A. Talented family who played back-up for her B. inherited enough money to finance something like this or C. is the leader of a musical cult – she still should not have been on any kind of Prime Time TV. She sucked.

I just thought to mself: The Emperor’s fucking new clothes.

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15 Answers

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

What a great question. A niece recently planned a trip to ‘the big city’ in order to purchase a $400 name brand fashion hand bag. It was a huge production. It’s her choice, so nothing was said, but gracious…

Pandora's avatar

Yeah, sometimes I think Kimmels casting people forget to book someone and roll out to the nearest park and find someone singing for change. I don’t think I ever bothered to really listen to any of his bands play. Its usually pretty bad or just plain boring.
As for an example I can’t think of any specificly but there are a lot of government mandates that sometimes feel they can certainly qualify.

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cazzie's avatar

A woman I know had a chemical peel on her face. She smokes like a chimney and sun bathes at every chance, so she’s just turned 50, but looks 70. The peel did NOTHING to improve her look, but it made her look like a monster for a while. Meanwhile all her ‘friends’ were telling her how wonderfully improved her face was. I had to look away so that no one saw my face.

Pandora's avatar

@cazzie LMAO. I have found myself in situations like that in the past. I’m glad to see I’m not the only one who has a problem with keeping a straight face. My husband is great at times like that. He would’ve probably told her to sue her doctor for lying to her and find one who can fix the botched up job.

wundayatta's avatar

Oh gosh! This idea comes to me several times a year, often in response to a question on fluther—or, more likely, something a jelly says—but I can’t think of an example right now. Maybe later.

marinelife's avatar

Almost whenever I listen to a Republican candidate for President.

Judi's avatar

Hermes clothing for sure.
I also recall, the time I was driving and heard the funniest stupidest lyrics I could imagine. I thought, this is so stupid that people will probably like it. I was right.
“You are a magnet, and I am steel.” Stupids love song lyrics I had heard up to that time. I know there are a lot worse now. I think that’s another question.

blueiiznh's avatar

Outrageous Heavy Metal Bands who care about their look more than their music.

dappled_leaves's avatar

I was curious enough to go looking – I think you’re referring to Feist, and I couldn’t agree more that she’s an example of the phenomenon. I seem to remember she has some sort of musical pedigree (so A?), although it doesn’t show up in a quick Wikipedia search. I remember being appalled when she appeared on one of Wilco’s recent albums.

zensky's avatar

@dappled_leaves Indeed it is well done. Now the jellies can see for themselves what inspired this question.

Again to each his own. I just think she sucks, I don’t understand a single word, she can’t play for shit, and why, oh why does she get such an awesome back-up band complete with singers???!!!!

CWOTUS's avatar

I met a woman on a dating site recently. We communicated via emails for awhile and seemed to be hitting it off okay. (My profile on the website was a goofy poem, which she liked because it was so awful, but also funny. She pointed out both of those things to me, and I acknowledged her and thanked her on both counts.)

We had an arrangement to meet in person in a few days’ time.

Then she sent me a poem of her own, which was not goofy and funny, but which expressed some bitterness over a failed relationship, and a strong determination to press on with her own life. (I should mention that she told me that English is her second language, though she seems to be quite fluent – from her emails I would not have known except she told me.) She said that she wanted an honest opinion, and that “the date doesn’t depend on your review of the poem.” I believed her.

I read the thing a couple of times, and then I told her: “As poetry”, it’s not very good. It’s not really “a poem”; it’s clear, expressive, sad and strong, but “it’s just prose chopped up into short lines to make it resemble the appearance of poetry”. I told her all of that, because she had apparently asked for a frank review, but I also expressed admiration that she had even attempted something so heartfelt in a second language. I made sure to tell her that I admired the sentiment and feeling, but “as a poem, it’s not working”.

She wrote me back to break the date, saying that we obviously communicate on different wavelengths.

So maybe I dodged a bullet.

Kardamom's avatar

Yes! There’s a lot of people out there calling themselves “artists” and a lot of art critics agreeing that they’re artists and falling all over themselves to meet them and write about their juxtoposition of the compelling idioms of the modern paradigm and how that conjectures a literal meaning of the coallition of benign idealizations vs cohesive generalisms within the social consciousness of the me as opposed to the be intwined with the twentieth century effete

“Artists” like Vito Acconci come to mind when I think of the Emperor’s New Clothes Syndrome.

zensky's avatar

@Kardamom You made a funny. I literally laughed out loud! Extra GA’s!!

wundayatta's avatar

I was just writing about how the Republicans are anti-foreign aid and anti-immigrant, and yet they advocate policies that do more to support the economies of foreign countries than any other party. This is because they support economic policies that put more and more money in the hands of the rich. The rich will invest that money whereever it generates the biggest return—and right now, that is in foreign countries like Brazil and China. The US economy is moribund. Why? Because there is no money in the hands of people who will spend (the middle class).

The Republican policies all look pretty because of the way they market them, but they are a sham and they are lies. They say they are doing one thing, and then do the exact opposite. They are the party with no clothes. And of course, this is far from the only issue where their policies do the opposite of what they say they will do. So-called “common sense.”

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