Social Question

poisonedantidote's avatar

(NSFW?) Do you close your eyes when you kiss?

Asked by poisonedantidote (21685points) November 18th, 2011

I realized last night that my girlfriend does not close her eyes when we kiss. She does close them some times, but for 90% of the time her eyes are open.

Since discovering this I have stopped closing my eyes, and I have to say, I like it more. We lean our heads back and maintain eye contact while we kiss.

I know the majority of people close their eyes while kissing, but do you? and if you do, have you ever tried not closing them? if so, what did you think of it.

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27 Answers

Ayesha's avatar

I love it when there’s eye contact. But if it’s really intense, you’re really into it to make the other person breathless, my eyes are closed.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I like it both ways. Open for the connection with the eyes is nice. But when totally into the sensations eyes closed .

Jude's avatar


King_Pariah's avatar

Either or, doesn’t matter. Had a girlfriend who vehemently hated it when I kissed with my eyes open and pretty much threw a minor tantrum over it. That was funny

ucme's avatar

Yes I do.
I kept them open with my first girlfriend, but I ended up looking like this!!
She had a massive head you see, bless.

beccagolling's avatar

Its half and half fo me. Sometimes opened. Sometimes closed. Just depends on my mood.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Most of the time I do but sometimes no. I notice when I my eyes are open, my sweetie’s eyes are closed. I chalk it up to me being a weirdo and sometimes wanting to see the look of happiness on his face.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Always. I would feel very strange having my eyes open.

HungryGuy's avatar

Sometimes open, sometimes closed. I never really thought about it to state a percentage…

LuckyGuy's avatar

I’m far sighted. At kissing distance, open or closed, I can’t tell what my eyes are seeing. I usually keep them closed. That reduces the chance of getting an errant hair.

wundayatta's avatar

I think when you close your eyes, you can focus more of the feelings your lips and tongue feel. You increase your sensual experience.

Eyes are great, too, but mine tend to look down a bit—years of myopia or something, so I’m looking at her lips. Her eyes—not so much. Although they are very beautiful!

muppetish's avatar

It depends on what I feel like doing at the time. It’s the same for my Significant Other who enjoys keeping his eyes open a good deal.

cazzie's avatar

Eyes closed. Nobody looks good that close up.

Male's avatar

Yes. I think it partly has to do with strengthening the senses. When we lose our vision, our other senses go up…in this case touch and scent are important to make the kiss more intense. It also has to do with the close-up akwardness if two were to make out with eyes wide open.

Ponderer983's avatar

I close my eyes fro the most part, but I do occasionally open them, but fro what reason I don’t know. I will say that I do get a little freaked out of when I open them the other person’s eyes are open as well. I just tend to be averse to physical intimacy with eyes open. Cause i realize I also tend not to look at my S/O’s eyes when having sex and I can see their face (teehee). I think it’s because I like to turn off the optic sense and absorb it all through touch. I find it makes the touching more intense.

redfeather's avatar

Yes. It’s rude to stare.

thesparrow's avatar

I have them closed, but don’t mind if my boyfriends are open. It’s good to know one of us is the observant one.

Meego's avatar

My eyes are closed!

OpryLeigh's avatar

My eyes are usually closed but we sometimes maintain eye contact when we kiss too.

Keep_on_running's avatar

When the time comes for my first kiss, I’ll let you know.

Lol at my life…

King_Pariah's avatar

@Keep_on_running we’re rooting for ya girl!

Keep_on_running's avatar

Aw, thanks guys. :-)

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