Social Question

Nullo's avatar

Has anyone made anything quite like Back to the Future in recent years?

Asked by Nullo (22033points) November 18th, 2011

After watching 1 and 2 the other day, I realized that none of the movies that have come out recently have quite the same feel to them.

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8 Answers

XOIIO's avatar

Unfortunately no.

pageiv's avatar

Hot Tub Time Machine is the best recent time traveling movie. Then again that’s my opinion.

cockswain's avatar

Sort of. Source Code was kind of like that, but not funny.

RareDenver's avatar

@pageiv Hot Tub Time Machine was surprisingly awesome, it had all the ingredients of a lame movie but somehow pulled it off.

Oh and lets not forget the wonderfully bizarre Frequently Asked Questions About Time Travel

Nullo's avatar

Just to clarify, it needn’t necessarily be about time travel.

cockswain's avatar

Can you explain what you mean by “feel” like Back to the Future then? Movies where a dude’s mom hits on him? Movies with guys called Biff?

XOIIO's avatar

@RareDenver That FAQ movie wasn’t bad actually, i wish there was a sequel though.

Nullo's avatar

@cockswain In short, a movie that is well-written, fun without being cheesy, deep without being serious, novel without being weird. And preferably starring actors that work as well together as Fox and Lloyd.
So, basically, another shrubbery! Then, when you have found the shrubbery, you must place it here, beside this shrubbery, only slightly higher so you get a two layer effect with a little path running down the middle.

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